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mV,�prowb Left m Right miss Anmr Mnon, Mrs. Robt. Hutt, Mrs. P. L. Smitl:
ix Dom Hairison, Nlr,. 1 M Dewgp,, Mrs-W.-4 rYshman, pees P. Ridgy N
i plea AN(c Walker, Mrs. Jaines Baxter. _ _.....
Ali'. P. 'I'. Fleischer -
Justa small part of the large crowd who attended the hospital opening exercises yes-
terdoy can, be seen in this picture taken from the roof of the building. The School 1 M
children were massed in the shady areas of the valley at the extreme left of the�ycture.June 15 1950 ,.
Lawson'Signs Remembrance .Book- After Opening New Alexandra Hospital
The Lieutenant-Governor,I-Ion. Ray Lawson! is seen in the lobby of ehe hospital. , This photograph was taken
a ere with Mrs. Lawson, -signing ' a eau 1ful hand-painteL�d
n Laidlaw, of the. London Free Press, and The Tribune
�,+,'emembrance Book created by Miss Betty Crawford; librarteful te4the Free Press for algo engraving the picture
'an and well-known painter. Miss Gr^,vfma-is seen willushing it to,ingersollrin time.:to appear in this°iss,}Ie
discussing the booky h���n yjll remain in a glass ca e„ j?b,W w •'