042, t II. i �t I l I' I i.. A board member for 25 years nd president for several of them, N. Dunn placed in the corner - on cket of documents, snd opera to be sealed into the build- tg as historical mementoes of the iI cession. - Tribute To. Auxiliary officially laying the stone, Mr. 3reen Said the honor was not for me pperson or group. He said there tad been many publicly spirited nen on .the hospital board during :he last 40 years. Paying tribute to :he, women's auxiliary of the hos- Atal, Mr. Gree said it had taken in the task of furnishing the new mspital. There was a touch of sadness to Elie ceremony. The first president ofthehospital. board, George Sutherland, was buried Monday, two was the cornerstone laying. He was to have been Ares- ent. Mrs. P. M. Dewan, president of the auxiliary, saiU7�at seldom had a group of women been asked to shoulder such a burden, and sel- dom. had a group responded with such spirit and willingness. A bouquet of roses was present- ed to Mrs. Gr een� on behalf of the auxiliary by WE Freq Adams, an auxiliary representative to the hospital board. Being constructed in a design that will be part two and part _ three -storey, the hospital will con- tain a heating .system and kitchen adequate for a further 30 beds, If an addition Is-ne0ded in future. Of the cost,. $150,000 was voted by taxpayers. Further -amounts of $65,000 each have been promises by Provincial and Dominion Gov- ernments. The hospital board Is supplying another $20,000. Oxford County has voted $55,000, Indus- tries have given another $55,00% the local Lions Club has raised 1 $12,000 and the remainder is being I. raised through public subscrip- tions. About $50,000still is needed., Included -in papers enclosed m the cornerstone werethe first an- nual report of the hospital, 1910; the latest report, 1949; special edi- tions of newspapers containing at titles on the hospital; a. list of pat- rons; a copy of today's program; photographs of the board of trus- tees, the medical staff and Superin- tendent Mrs. R• Lee Smith; latest j issue of Canadian postage stamps and Canadian and Newfoundland coins; old Canadian coins; and sig- natures of Prime Minister and Nys.- S1 i rent.as honorary patrons. rr II\ as0r. 0'y