043Cornerstone Laid for Ingersoll Hospital
Omer 'on is Leg
At New Hospital With
+' ' .ppr®priateCeremonies
In typical March .weather, re-
plete with a cold wind and snow
squalls, the corner stone of the.
new Alexandra Hospital, now un-
der construction in front of the
old hospital. was 'well nod truly
laid" yesterday afternoon with fit-
ting. ceremony.
In spite bf the wintry weather,
a crowd of several hundred braved
the elements and attended the
ceremony which commenced at 3
o'clock,. with A R Horton, vice-
president of the Board of Trustees
and chairman of the building com-
mittee; in charge, in the absence
of R. G..Sta;t, K.C., the presid ,
Braving a snowstorm, more than 50 people gathered at R. Daniel, M.P. for Oxford, and A. R. Horton, chairman
i'the,.site of the new Alexandra.. Hospital in Ingersoll yes -
of the building committee. In the 'lower left photo, R.
terday afternoon to watch the laying of the cornerstone.
Some of those who took part in -the ceremony are seen WWeen, secretary -treasurer of the board of trustees,
in the upper photo, From left 'toright they are: Mayor mays the stone. Before the stone was laid, T:N.Dunn
J. Ca iYluf ay, Rev G. W. lNurdach,_Mrs. P. M, Dewon deposited a box in„ be..cornerstone„ lower right,-p4-Qto,
"rc,; J.nnt of the Women's Auxiliary of the hosptto I: contoining documents and newspapers
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his is indeed a historic occa-'
Ann," stated Mr. Horton„ "and aI 1"
realization of .all our dreams.` ,
It. was a big "Step, he said, when I
theboard decided to go ahead'' mOx SA.
with the erection of the'new build 8'G o u
ing and when completed, Inger-I
soil will have hospital facilities'
second to none on the North Am-� Iv Qj°NiOa a.q� u I
erican continent, 'pro au,"
The chairman's remarks were l �o 4 v 0 ,
followed by the invocation offered: v
by Rev. Gee a W. Murdoch B.A., j 'as o > > o Wo
pastor' of St. au s . re terian 1 0 f~ d eon v o 0
Church, Ingersoll and president of ro.� y x
the Ministerial Association. v o c G m `°•a
K. R: fel, M.P. for Ox rest 0L v'g,aa, W✓d °
in -His —address, said it was a g EM_a-
ea o y w d
pleasurefor him to see a dream ofyro $Fyearsicome to fulfillment at lastand he paid tribute to all 'thel o-°,vocgroups which had worked so on-tiringly on the project.. e on the p A . c
board fora umber' of years, i he 0 �. r� Y ,; °0 �, 0 „ �� o f
said and trie matter of more and.,. o ,n? m 3 � ro
better accommodation had alwaYs a� b'-' °
been,P'rmost in the minds of'y m'd
the tr a , es. The at hospital . had' JS > c o :4 a Z o w
long been overtaxed, he said and 0 o4H c y 3 0
he paid tribute to the staff and v [ "
the doctors who had carried on w w I~
in the -face of great difficulties, m m i? a,o m a^���''."'
Mr. Daniel referred to the form- ° F a'tl m
er days?en there were no hospi-"' >,r m o',A Sly `0 G
tals and sickness had to be. treated t F p, $ "� o v o o V a
in the home,
"Developments 1n recent years p
in medical science," he said, "has x H W m„ e v p
ha t .o Yy5
meant:much pP - uch to the health, , '�, 0,� m0a
mess. and longevity of all, By.T�
building this new hospital, Inger-,,,
soil has shown that she does not ° o 0 v F w m,� iu a 3 m ,
intendito be behind the times and ca a m ❑ c° y „ ✓
this new institution will play a big w v 00 c m x 4
t in the .life. of this commun ^„ « ro m '--
0o yob o r
Daniel - d, Mart , Dormgs c � '� a �,n a m.0 a
from i-fott-Paul Martin, Domin
ion Mini�and from m t0 Wr 0:4 v -0.0«,0 v:
Hon, Russell T. Kelley, Provincial 6 u.zZ ero 0 � o,r, I
Minister of kiealtri,oth of whom hda �.y°ama vrox7';t1
expressed to the hospital and staff
their best wishes for the future c 'v 3.oc s m t °o w ro t
success; of Ingersoll's new hospi- - 3 « 0 ti c a ° 0 n b.
tal. - 1sC resident of N
T. N. Dunn.a.p, 1' by m m i:b'w1
the hospital board, placed the w Y a m .c o m i0
customary documents in the
corner stone which included: A
copy of the first annual report of r
1910, cppy of 1949 report, a copy
of the Ingersoll Tribune, copy of
the Sentinel -Review (Ingersoll
section), list of patrons of the _
new hospital, program of the days 1-7v � o C9 0� o S o a
ceremony, photograph of the hos
pital hoard,' doctors and superin-
i.endent (Mrs. R. L. Smith), latest
issue of CanadimrTestu9i stamps,
Canadian and Newfoundland coins,
old Canadian coins, signatures of
Prime Minister and Mrs. St. La�lr-
en as onorary patrons.'
R;-W. !Crap„ secretary of the
board, officiated at the -"laying"
ceremony, with a silver trowel
specially procured for the oceasloil
s declar
and with a few deft tap , d
the stone to be "well and truly
laid.",;. ,
Mr. Green, paid tribute to the
assistance given by the wumelis
auxiliary to the hospital, who had
come to the help of the board on
different occasions. He also paid
tribute to l.he inv"rsnll !.ions 0
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