044atY-ap 'J.iU ,fir,. JGl r�, , tli JJ rT'r4,t r�ti ai diP.S ry it • ���J� {�a � �i�tiMX L�/"�i19 ��D�"i����Q+t��ti.�`Ili �� C._ -. - � ' ,r' �irA" € s 4 C4E , �, l�4iqs"., a ,p"��'+ ,, t�^^ ryT I� ryl� 'r ^�g Construction will be done by v 1-10 ital '.�' .i!.it.l:d"1id� i rrato�r OuU don. Hayman and Sons, I,nn con. Archu let is Ludwig and I p 0 Grnndi Ilamillun. '1 Plan Foy pciu- , �'e Ad U0.n� h -1r<r: - a—Fi yeT c'om e ared� 1:hBLOOD DONORS 't ,ai t,`� vw 'x,.�, ,,�.• `,o'"�, �r�°'' By JESSIE 1jQJyJ�S hospital]t1LCtren to 'an old coal Speaking about the need for INGERSOLL. Pointing out and wood stove environment." blood, Mrs. Lee informed the R't°< r C� * that the high standard :of set- g Iie. praised the kitchen staff for group that in the past year i vicep maintained atAlexandra the out unde didfood adversetliconditions un is ofnblood efor iannincxea�e,,,. 1Hos ital was nothi short of y g �amazing considering the cramp- where storage often was in the' of ''tve per cent over 1966. r �" w,. `�k ed andoutdated quarters,.inhall and there was no walk-in More than 300,000 patients re•which many of the services op- freezer. ceived transfusions in hospitals crate, G. L. "Bud" Hayter; "Storage of anything, every- at no cost to them. The Red,? Hospital Administrator, o u t- where; is a problem," said the Cross vehicles travelled over x i` lined the new addition and reno- Administrator. "In our store. one million miles during the ' f vation plans. room you may find stationery year collecting and distributing Mr. Ham was speaking to on one shelf and cans of this blood. the-Womens Auxiliary to Alex- .peaches on the next." The Hospital Tea .will be audra Hospital trust at their q held on May 9 and will havera r r r One and one quarter million. regular meeting held in the. dollars is the proposed figure change of name. It willbe call- nurses' lounge.- ed The Florence Nightin,al3 sfor the new hospital addition a -' The speaker staled that with this summer. Mr. ULttei' stated , Breath of Spring Tea'-•i'hEire x a new era of health planning .that he could not quote any set will be the usual draws for coming into 'being, the hospital being thought of more and figure'. and only when the blue. door and cake prizes. The is as a 'health centre" Prints are completed and all Auxiliary decided to give a be - more arn' (rather than a sickness centre. (the rising costs taken into con- lated gift to the New Year iv.. sideration can a reasonably baby.r;- r However, Mr. Halter_ stated, g close estimate be given. �rys+v j fhe present hospital has long,- At the March meeting' a I k out the capacity demand- One of thgtplanned facilities speaker will discuss the opera- { ed from it. in the new bah ment, which will - tion of a large gift shop such be twice the size of the present I With today's pace of medical as will be the style of the Alex- ` )land technological advances,, the area, will be a central sunoly andra. Hospital shop .after speaker stated that with any room and central sterilization. renovations. This will centralize the present-:, '4 new. hos ital b the time the ly scattered facilities Hostess for tine loft was p r Y ... -stone in die building is - e ei Miss. Margaret Hill of the has - first, '`a- ."::: r«,.*• * ' Anew Boller room will be ing a laid the hospital is obsolete. pits) . ne. e c s a f as ',by All laid, can do is keep stalled and greater emergency members. . Members of the Alexandra Hospital Board in a step to improve the facilities at the hospital brc running and trying to catch up generating power facilities. A _-- -- ground for the new services wing to be erected to the last of the present building.. Cost of the pro. with the times. cafeteria will take the place of - . �t� _� will be $1, 817, 307. 64 including the equipment • .From the left R, G. Start, Robert McFarlan, Jacl the resent kitchen which will HQS ital 'S'T."' 1 p ad g cha rman. P. M. DewanrMrs Stephen.Ba th Ma Many years ago, Mr. Her Hunsber r Board said, when the fine old Noxon Spread its wins elsewhere. on. K� n0a[ Mayor G B Henri, G. [. Ha the lower floor. administrater Rev. John Pace and Mrs. Boyd Ga., d"d ,ir,QeP IgLe home became a hospital it was as a boon to thecommunityand A feature of the new hospital r'en()!(['(ti()n -+^ �*.s.��he�retr^�.»�• .r.�-+-t-�� useful for that era, just as the area will be a dining room for - ambulatory' patients who will costs OKd resent hospital also was an �\ p P emne to this room for their I improvement. "We have grown meals. "They may join me for 1 I, up with the faults of these .two dinner," quipped Mr. Ha ter„ INGERSOLL — A bylaw au- buildings until one day we 'like dining at the cap am s' lliorizing an expenditure.' of , aroakened to find we were run- table." ' $250,000 as Ingersoll's share of '.ning out of space — now that ' This lower floor will see ade- renovations to Alexandra Hos- 'space has run out completely quate locker space to replace pits) was approved b•V town to the point of dire necessity." .the one locker room now used cowiell Monday m ht. Ontario "We .gum into the question of - by 130 employees. Washroom. Municipal oar apProval is can't you got by with what facilities will be expanded. still required. $�ctg3�i4v8 you have? said the speaker. , ,There will be a morgue and gotal cost of the building ' "There . is a great difference autos - _ . between "getting by" and try autopsy room. project is $1,817,307. The prov- in, to operate in outdated quay - The first floor of the new hos ince will pay two-thirds. The - j - pital plan and renovated pres hospital will pay $150,000 out ters." ent 'hos ital will see the sere P ' of budget and the remaining .e. For example, five years ago � ._ vices' now at basement level cost will be divided between the laboratoryfacilities were o - .moved for - the most part to 'i Ingersoll and Oxford County. arlcquate but in the past year, _ ,articular) the stress has first floor. This will take m-;*-- } Y, emergency receiving, x-rays (q b .. m i £ been so great on this and other lab and therapy as. well as ad �Clta .qw li "gbutpatient and inpatient facili- - -patient care rooms and'.chromc ' �r ✓" l 1 tres that there was an increase i� S�1ww�ct Cva� � 7� patient care. of 5,000 completed lab testa last 1 b p One renovation which wlllxb a _/I , ,�g,po0. i E.'rr alone. ts c 1pl there were ai�uf IryN / j - .Soo tests completed in this of great interest to the shop Lmy cramped room and in 00 nary will be the "tuck shop' which will occupy what is now, i, the number jumped tand enter- the main office. There will be X-ray, laboratory and mstaff Parking in an area sep-' vtv 7'i ii.lEu gency,facilities are severely. arate from the visitors' park �_y taxed by -outpatients which ing; the latter to accommodate) v .CL showed an increase of 1,400 in ass-�9� eti�r - 1966 and went up to a 2;600 in- 125 cars. crease last year. Having taken his listeners oni - > a verbal tour of the new plan _FORMER BOARD ROOM ned wing and tobe-renovatedCramped quarters in the for- present hospital, Mr. Hayterltt•— l�mer board room of the hospital stated that he would review provides the physiotherapy cen-charges on the other two floors tre where 2,600 treatments were of the hospital at the next Aux 1,�� /I F1.VeJ Urri given in 1966 and in 1967 this Mary meeting..----- i Increased to 4,800. ' In general business, the Aux I Storage facilities w hi c h iliary meeting was chaired by might have been adequate 25 Mrs. A. A. Lee. It was an q3/ rkJ-a C.zca. years. ago cannot. cope with to- non a on March• it al �cw?6, daysdisposable items which 1.30 P.m. members would meet L' should be stored' on a three at the hospital to prepare tele- �I.� month basis of perpetual inven- phone lids for the Blood Clinic - <_ p rage room stands at scheduled for April l0. 1 „tea, ��,. aa?uuL. e- th e hospital sisal now, the daily basis°'`" `Z } the has halm must be used. c � .tor As storage 4 � r