044c-- Ingersoll's Hospitals
-Several Homes Were Once
'Hospitals in Years Gone B_ y
From the Files of Mr. Jenvey's local history
Tltis house is located second house west from the corner of Earl Street o¢ Francis Street ,
I" fY
a _e {may i
P1x Y,1•FYu}.i k2 ,5 if.
This house is located half way on Oxford Avenue west towards North Town Line i
'tm�zwmt.r 5" 7 __
ytaf xt` r .z .
This is the site of Alexandra Hospital with expansion presently „i ri , ii ihi rear .
? a1 ent accorn try Tricot at the time. equipment. The Trust received `Patients and the north part for
I Modern equipnient was install-- much encouragement from < storage and administration
ed . Babies were born here Service club in the town and offices . Cost of these improve-
°"J, instead of in the homes t+tt ich many private individuals within menu was $116, 750 . T. N.
was a new venture,Seieral and without the town to build a Dunn a former president of the
serious operations were perform- new hospital . The town coon-. 'Iospital Trust placed a contain,
ed here, cil passed a bylaw to grant the er in the corner stone, which
.,, In .1909, the residence of Trust $150, 000 on approval of contained newspapers of the
Dr, Angus Slcl:a y on Noxon voters in the town. The vote was day, coins,' stamps and other
;. St. , wa ur ased for a hos- taken on Dec. 9th; 1946 . Re- articles of interest .
pital for 56520. 00, including suits in favor 1038, against 386 1n 1967 a proposed addition
a large area of surrounding The advisory committee to the was being considered .
'. land, It was named "Alexandra
Council was L. A. Wescott repre- r,7
Hospital. " A hospital Trust setting service blobs ;'Ffe'side¢t,
was appointed the same year, _ Robert Carr merchants, R.
to may the affairs of the°f G; A. E. Izzard
ospitaL George Sutherland Industry; Byron Jenve , card
,lan of Health; Herbert Fuller, labor, ; t1r'
Allan Herrnn an James S43ypq
was its firstrreaideTM. Is R
beautiful building was built - the council. Anew hospital
by James Noxon, -president of was constructed by the Schwet -
l —
et and A'�rnu is tirre.0 the Noxon Bros, farm imple" ' ,get Construction Co, The cost r , ipl,,,�•,"
This lious� is ]nc atcd on thr rower of h•IcKeand Sire
nient manufacturing Co. II was
this house being the second was erne 0 to . The laying of x '
iLdrmr's:�ac - 1�'itli the { 1n June 1889 a movement g, said to be the most beautiful the corner stone Took place on ' ^",,•;
1 latest editioh'to' Alexandra was started to establish a' get house west of Earl Sr, A family residence between Hamilton
Jf >
occupied the other Portion of March 16th, 1949, R. W. Green
Hospital almost completed , eral hospital in Ingersoll . A P P and Windsor at the time. It secretary of the Trust p-et'iMTfr ' s*y '3'
P P he }rouse, A nurse was in set -
it is interestingto look: back , petition was circulated but on was noted for its wide winding Y
vice in this hospital. Dr. n u, ed this honorable duty. The k } lad I $ }
at the hospital's of the past . a few signatures were secured, P ` „:,cherry staircase, I[ was built official opening took lace s F
P Times were hard, -money was McKay had a hospital in the in 1874 at a cost of $10, 000 , P g P k 4'1 :,
,The Tribune is privileged to 89TTM- ear in a house at the p• June Nth, 1950 . The Honor x ,� s h. i c
print tliiS. story on htgersoll's scarce and the project was Y :As a hospital in 1909 it had. able Ray Lawso Lieutenant R ` , 13 i f "
hospitals, from the files of dropped . comer of Victoria St, and Dlc -' 16 beds and Burin the year 120 }'.�, n '� R- r t� -E ; P, s'
Keand St, A nurse was in g• y Goverude o ntaria declared a
Ingersoll respected his
In 1898 Dr, J.M. a0gar's I patients , This biulding was t ! 3 + r E ` ` + i . x i s
g P P c tar e here, the hospital open. The building;
Byron G. Ie�' . opened a privatehos spiral g sold to wreckers in 1951 for contains 317, 000 bricks, 60 tons
"Pod" Ha ter administra, for his patients, in the front I In 1900, the doctors of the $1500 and demolished to make k
town joined in establishing a ',mom for. parking space for a - of structural steel and 9 1/2
for of Alexa I ra •Hospital•told rooms of the O'Nei hous�:or public host rtal in the h'illiam miles of wire. In 1959 an air +c
'fire Tribune he hopes the offic- the north side of Francis St. , !P P new hospital . + `
waterworth, house on the west It was in 1945 that the ties- conditioning system was install-
ial opening will take place in , • ,.�• t; side of Oxford Ave. This was ed at a cos[ of $15,.000 , In
early May .) + pital Trust decided than the
a two storey white brick house hos itaIwas too small to accom 1960 a third storey was compiet
' a - P ed and a new portion added at
about midway between Jura odate patients and modern
'' ''. Lane and the North -Town hne, P �,�.. the north end . The rooms in
"• t ", .''..+.i.`,}'„ f ri"w rm"'"1'" d�& •.bar.i) q,,. ,�} , th.._e third storey are for c�hromc 1
hospital n.al for suffici- ., _sy d.�y ar
'mra" , :1�1.'�.0".t.+k... _....., This h 1 P -- i:, s t