044d"„ ' Ing@e'So�O Alexandra HQSC9'�'f'fi' _-_The expansion ailowed to add to the decor and fumrsh 1� `"9 "1'he first Hospital-admmis- or [wo delivery rooms and doctors,. a p r 'cis , ree n s ', yy - re trator, E. W. Roeder was two labour rooms, Prenatal g The addition provides clas hunlaboratory technf tans and one, by Margaret MafShQII ersonal Thamesford, appolnied —in October 1953 classes will begin on comple- rooms for nurses and up to dauTheae are fourteeStaffn members - by the Board of Directors ; He Lion of construction . laund[ facilities , Each floor --- The sixteen bed pediatric Y on the Board of directors head- - 7 1 �} . " � --- ---- - - continued until 1959 when has its own ice machine and Wednesday'A ri115th, 1970 , The first babv born in - win is like a dream comeed by Jack Hunsberg,�a'.,. The p p re 1 took over , g When kitchenette hos ital enjoys o In 1961 a thud floor was true said Mr: Hays}'. TheIDospital has on hand P°%occupancy Priorto1909 there was a �.. p —1 to serve the public, twelve t -.. added exhisting building com letedit;wfll tic ude a year around long felt want for a Hospital �; to increase the bed capacity play room for convalescing , I Ingersoll both by the medi- by sixteen making a total of ebildren cal faternicy and the citizens w A lar e bright Physiother- I seventy beds; g 9 . in general . '� c : �.. " In a report given in 1964 apy room will provide a vial j CtL,L '��,{� As aSfficiem funds were Va the Hospital Administrator � I{ reported the cost of $20. 95 per. Part m the rehabiuta[1on of not available for a building it .the patients . ,Z '7tErJ { xas.determined to find'a resi- r.� j patient a day , It is interest- _ `dence"which would suit itself ling to note in 1949 the cost was The new laboratory with -e"wwi - to this purpose. Hence the f $6, 57 and today is $40, 00 , P 0 p"W"I its up dated equipment will 0 home of Ja�mes.No x �n was I a _, _ " answer.a multitude of questions purchased., This Home was - ], H, Nunsbe er Chair- A blood bank makes it possible 4iW fY """•'7 (�l built on a wonderful park Sur- man of Alexan ra Hospital for the hospital to have blodd - ��,r/'-� av-d- `rounding area.,in 1874 . The board and several other com- on hand twenty four hours.0 Gam' jw, / home was the centre of Inger- munity minded citizens decid- - �„ _� •� w- z� e. o,. soll's social life fora quarter ed,that a new expansion was day X-pray departmentcan l yil,n�a. 1JI,tV✓�i1 of acentury. Among the visi- necessary, especially in the .produce a Lint for viewingin tors was Sir Wilfrid Lauri_@r in : areas of emergency, X-ray g0seconds , �Ii 1895� - and laboratory facilities in du9e�, This magnificent property Roy Brookfield' - - to medical records numer-' 1967 ,' .'ous shelves are observed with was later purchased and occu- —First Baby • In October of that year it . each shelf containing five tons pied as a home by. the late Dr. was announced a $1, 245, 000 of papers. An up todatetape AuggkaQ a:y� : Alexandra hospital was Roy addition would be constructed -- --' -- On January 28, 1909a -recording system will save Ath, 1911r et'ootcBroo Brookfield March on the hospital but the amount both time and money . group of citizens headed by - 'llth, 1911 : Mr. Brookfield is 'was Increased to $1, 817.307 The completely modern Dr. J. M. Rogers purchased still residing on 179-Pf Band , in September 1968 . Higher stainless steel kitchen is built � lr the home from Dc_ MacKay St, Ingersoll , ... -. .- _ costs were blamed for the rise. to serve a capacity of 150 Pa - at a cost of $6520 which in- 'The hospitalwas situated Although it would only - xienu. The food is kept wane chided all gas and electric fix- ,just beside the Old Alexandra II increase the bed capacity by with hot pellots. The com- . cures, two ranges; a 90.gallon hospital, (formally the Noxon ' five, the area expansion would plete hospital can be served hot water boiler, and a book' home). The sixty bed hospital � case for the librsry. 'be from 41,000.sgtare'lee, to in twelve minutes, An ocher On April 29, 1909 it was was considered the Most very finest 28, 000 square feet; The cost - are .is the Central dispatch ' building of the most modem q area. Everything used on the ; decided at the suggestion of - construction, with the best of of the project was borne by floors with the exception of J Dr,-'MacKa at the name of: equipment. The hospital had j the Ontario Hospital Commiss food is fed though this area .F ' the osp t be "Alexandra" in a total of eight doctors on staff ion, the Town of Ingersoll; Ever wall in the hospital -'honour of Queen Al xandra, avid 12 graduate nurses with the county of Oxford, and pri- has been re -plastered , painted, wife of the reigning- overe[gn. g ; In June 1909 a Board of Direc- Mrs • R. L. Smith as superin- vaxe donors, ten ent, resigned I - J,' H, Huaker with the glass mixturee New ifibre glass .'tors consisting of seven men 1 helpof Mrs, S. Bapgar laS in Jul 1952�_. - - �. drapes were specially designed R -: with George Suthe and s Y - president was organized . On. is was a me'morab a oc- president of the-Womens Aux- I casion. Itwas noted in the press,, iliary and G. B Alen May September 22, 1909 the format, that community generosity ' ' or of Ingersoll preformed the - I opening of Alexandra hospital and co' -operation had never sod turning ceremonies on LOOK place. It was considered been so prominently associated l September 1968 , marking _ -a complete and modern hos- with any local emerprise as in I' the official start of a major I pital,,in- very sense;of the -.� the building_of the new hospitah�. addition to [haPios� term . `-The first patient to enter i • . G. L. H�yjeL P There were sixteen rooms. the hospital was Miss Annie ' ll. ition as administrator in 1967, 1 and accomodationfor twenty : Moon,. a long time. member I and became personally involy. five patients. There was a of the Auxiliary ; ed in Alexandra hospital and 1 medical staff of eight Doctors April 12, 1951, a "Walking its new additions . - 1 Miss -Ada C. liodgevpreformed Blood bank', was established On a recent tour of the , the duties as superintendent of n Ingersoll, Rather than blood nurses, who's term of. service " or plasma storage at [he hos- nearly. completed hospital I ^I j was 1909.to.1937 . ThehospitAL ,pital like other, centres, dis- -was most impressed with the i facilities available, Mr. I-la.}t� '�, offered nurses training from trict residents.wereihvited t r m guide, very capably 1909 to 1937 . Miss E[hel_M. to have their blood tested and outlined he function of eacI - typed. When certain blood was Siple and Miss. Lillian Hazard typed. people were invited .section and the importance it &j6yyed the distinction of plays in modem day medicine,!; When -certain blood For the comfort of the pa- '. being the first nurses to gradu- to have their blood tested and, R. Y ate from. Alexandra hospital typed, tiem there is piped in music was required People were'in- through out the hospital and in _on Q ober 16t �912 g _ A w wmg was built onto - vft" to co nti transfusion, oD,,ctrical labour room is , thehospitAl in,1916 through a This was continued until Octo-. television, The hospital,is bequest in the will of the late ,.ber 1960-when a blood bank •co completely conditioned by. - Dr, D W Carroll . rerngerator was purchased • way of computer -genre ve its Following the second world July 19, 1951,.The Lions Y _ I Club of Inge presented a - trols, Each floor will have its war" cheque to gthe Hospital ital Trust, own sun room and airing room. was the need -for a new, bigger,: P' Be g inning April 1st an am - modem hospital to serve Inger- thus making Iogersoll's Alex- bulance service. was organfzed' _ soll and surrounding territory an Hospital coinptetely , frightfrom the hospital twenty _ became apparent and following. paid for in just over one year •ifour hours a day add available several` years. of planning the. In 1952 a. total of 1744 first corner stone of the new patients were admitted to the to anyone in the area by call - Alexandra. hospital was laid os ital. Mrs, G. A. Boechner., ing The opera , P The•operating theatre is 1 March 19,: 1949 by Mr, R. W. took over t e ut es as super- equipped with up to'date equip - Green, an active member. of intenden;in this year . �- — ment, .Oxygen, is piped through I -- the Board w Directors . e grant of he 498 Atkinson re- out. the whole building from thei The new Alexandra, Hospital ; ceived from The Atkinson was officially o ened on June f town bulk storage tank located I Y P �i Charitable Foundation' , on just outside the hospital.. ,PI 16th, 1950 . The Lieutenant g S J- Governor of Ontario, Hon, tw 1 covered the cost of sterlizhi Feb. 21st, 1953. This rant. _ iriated. _... , equimnent.