044ffeacanra osptiliry
s Interesting Mist®ry, '
tip e
Pests May -Plans for Future
By Margaret,Ma®
art in seeing to the needs of
The Auxiliary to the Hos- P g April 2 m, The Penny Sale
pital Board plays an important the hospital. In the beginning which has been canted our "
role in making necestary equip- they took the responsibility of for the pastthir'ty Years, throug
ment available and the patients hospital linen, which included the co-operation of local busi
"stag in the hospital„as pleasant , hemming sheets, making tll .nesses and service clubs has
, �, as possible . ' ow cases etc, — pru' IIZ9IIi SlYver -prove to e a verysueeess u
E ,� t; r The purpose of the volun- dishes, rolling bandages and - fund raising event, During
teer Auxiliary group is to assist making jams and preserves for the past 60 years the Auxiliary
the hospital in every possible the kitchen. The Auxiliary also have given over $200, 00,0 to
way in the interest of the best supplied crutches and wheel the hospital through money
+ 'jri g,,y. patient care , .This purpose chairs for those who needed raising projects :
t,,, shall be accomplished under them outside the hospital , '1'07uay the Auxiliary has
direction of the hospital ad- One of the largest object- a total of 165 members includ-
4 s w =-� ministration, by interpretation rives ever launched by the in¢ volunteer hospital workers,
its the hospital to the public,- �. Auxiliary was the. furnishing P
P o the hospital and of new hospital, in 1950 . Foil-
., . • s ,. s of the hos t
}, 'and by fund raising owing much hard work and:
in a manner satisfactory to _.Promotion,. the necessary
administration and in It amount of $32,,051, 41 had '
been raised from all walks of
with theplanning.of the com- -
;munit � life ands contract for furnish-,
' r , y • ings was let to the Robert, a'
f On February 21st, 1909 a Simpson Co. Ltd, in Toronto. <F
^�.. }.. X1 large and representative meet -
Fund raisin projects have
in of ladies'of the town of g ec
P 1 ,.
g - been many and varied. One -
Fl i Ingersoll, interested in the
e'•° c n year "a mile of coppers",proposed
ing,. It was at this meeting a netted $452; 02 For many
rs decision was add to forma years the Hospital dance held k
`:Women's Auxiliary. Mrs. W.
during the Christmas week was
Y' - considered a social highlight t
r A. Sudworth was elected as in In ersoll. This was lat
,.t ? a ', President. Bach church in In- g
replaced with a Rose Tag Day ,
'gersoll had representatives on the Auxiliary Board and once which is still an annual event Mrs to hen Bangarlir
¢� & _tf 7o "' ' WELCOME TO ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL a month, until 1930 the Church- held the first week in June. `�' p
) The Florence Nightingale Tea-" —Auxiliary President
DR. J. W. ROWSOM, CHIEF OF STAFF MRS. DOROTHY CHRISTIE, es held a hospital Sunday and held in May during Hospital -
donated the collection to the with Mrs. Ste hen Bangar
week,,,;Tofs he hospir duetal
to the as president, Over the pas few,
DIRECTOR OF NURSESr G. L. HAYTER, ADMINISTRATOR hospital , opening of the hospital addit-
- -- - "-' 9' ,.mow The Women's Auxiliary has ion the tea will be held (Continued on page ""+3)
PEL°"p]c.>F3 always played an important "..,.
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\� Ready,. For Any Emergency [,! %o >rr•.,.,,..,i:�....
Alex$¢dra Hospital now is providing ambulance service which began April Isy In char .. t (L:
part of his duty staff Murray Wopch , Larry Foster and Williamllardman, These with othe is Ted Winter pictured on the right with
_t clock service in this area --"iembers of his staff will provide round the