044gDOCTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ALEXANDRA front row, left to right, Dr. G. H. Wry Dr. J. W. ]mow
HOSPITAL —This photograph shows the Ingersoll do c- sorb and Dr. C. A. Osb�orn�e, back row, left to right, Dr.
tors who are actively using the Alexandra hospital and Ff. . Fw•lnn Dr. C. UigM:Is and Dr. J. W. Counter.
glooking forward to the opening of the new building: 1. 191d, ,fir Rum 11.4 0,Y St y o
Friday, March 31, 1950
fI a'f Ghawje 'Juay 1157
0 Cycle h'wer to ngersoll
The new 60 cycle sub -station in crating station at Des Joachims
Ingersoll went Into service yes- on the ., Ottawa River. Left to
terday afternoon when the right alre A. Love, chairman
P u b 11 c Utilities Commission of the PUC as He threw the
ichairman threw the switch to switch; -Joe Ha er, fireman,
feed direct 60 cycle power to of Hydro..cons rucetio oug
the William Stone Sons fertiliz M. . &alh, manager of In-
er plant. This is the first di- gersoll. Public Utilltles;/ Rqn
rdet 60 cycle power to be fed Whitford hydro technician,and
into Ingersoll. This power or. Hazee`ISagley,-engineer::: `
],,mated at -the new HEPC gen. (Staff_.Rbg14lM
r�If. G. Bttrlona, Ingersw; ::�..we. .. ;` C:t';F• 3':�„✓�
z Y was appnintea K:O.II of the town IiIiVANIS"EASTER SEAL COMMITTEE — At last
11 +t succeeduig the late nr. J. n anght's"kiwanis Club meeting, the guest speaker was Dr,
z - MrTJonalrl anwnea m die 13eactr s� I. Koerbel,'prmcipal of Variety Village in Toronto,
;ne nooa ]ql7 Sci of for handicapped children Shown with Di
/✓f/!�/tea o,5r.vp�ts,cstr�,l� IGIt.x.� ,t,>v E,�✓scrcLr-(e
Ctu w✓t-sEo
>C ..0 i✓.tH Rw Y t. ik� i :U,c. XI,uA.L.'1`' �S•L[4�mF ...o-/ G., c, �� R :., :8
or the same
=0-or who is holding the Easter Seal poster are mem-
s of the Kiwanis Crippled, Children's committee, Les
itrzo.tt, Lloyd Brow , Rev., Charles lie]Art It1,
rtlett, et $,Qy,_,IQ.IIn War P.{�
„lAUf:ILSOf.L - „ P/.T�
We would only suggest one sign,
of importance to be posted in In-! `
gersoll, namely, 6nthe, corner of
v�lia (King and Thames street. It wouldl r
read: "This intersection is the old-,�
est cross-roads between Lake On-
tario and Lake St. Clair, and also
e,. between fake Erie and Lake Hur-
on. Two ancient Indian trails met!
cF.* at. this point. One hundred yards.k !�]
to the west Is the Old Oxford II
County registry office. One hund
red yards to the north is the. site
of the old Tom Ingersoll home -II
(E . Two hundred yards;
east was the site of the .r
Oxford Inn the first hotel be _
tween the Niagara and Michigan ,.I.
5`> frontiers. One hundred yards south'.+, y
is the Salvation Army Citade] it ,
a .\rwq .. 1 ::
a y .� z ..:,�, v,, . --r�
�w': 'i.M'x. >
;a �,
•y l
a y
recervea net reugious cram,ng
wbich culminated in the formation
l .r
four square gospel
ski eet of today was the qld sftge
i•oIt ealso
could bementionedI'i,,i
about 300 yards from this famou,
' •`_ ;.�� ;K
corner ,was the only distillery op-
i ,
w r •
;;[ a
,? %'
erating at that time, in Upper Can-
ads (1825).•It changed hands man
times the last
and operator was�l
Mr. G. T. Jarvis He distilled a.
1 n.y },ia5 Y�L4"f-Y
Yi '�3f
]1��•� F,.4 i-IcDT'9.
rye whtSR. m aY the name Light
of Oxford but the donlnn ,n-
j I;i;v nmk named it "OxOnd l.l.g,ihi,.