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I+'iVE' EAR'S work by the the Wolst nhoI ie banquat hall , eh- ram. oaf ,��� president of the coo-,. and R. I. Harris, president of {
Ingersoll Land Company on the In til photo, San,. Wadswor R
bd' 's' n was orWoodstock a director o t e Pant'; W.AG.-Lawrnnge, Central R: I. Harris Real EstaLeCom- F
new Westfield su rvi.ro - -
;explained to approximately 60 Ingersoll Land Company; May-: Mortgage and:. Housing, Lon• pang of London, inspect a;
Ircaple at a dinner meeting'at or Winmfred. Williams; E. T. don, who was guest speaker, model house. (Staff photo).
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1 were nests street, and holding that land for
r Close to 60 people g
M the Ingersoll Land Company future industrial expansion in the
' and the R I Harris Real Estate town. Council, he said promised ���t�� f--��` r- -
ind Insurance Company of Lon- to look into the mabter and. in IF AE Y�^� �^� N {., -
' don. The banQuet, held at Mrs. December, a deputation approac. , -� U � 1 i e I n l
i,lidon; E. J. Ghisholrpl Presia- were noc aaraaa ana was were
ent of Ingersoll Land Company; broad-minded enough to take "a
lr: Deann, Joe Sehlesmg - ales great big look into the future. s�Y
>ti4anage`—r'odR I. arrtq May- The 13 me mbcrs of the Ingersoll k 5 = 3 tE.
- or, Wnnifred Williams, Frank Band Company were inbroduc- r 'f ° `� °'J i '-' �? - ;
EWitty, vice-president Ingersoll eras: E. -J C1�isholm, Frank
A4 Company,. and Flab r'�r. W�,Sam Wadsw.arth, Glen
president Rebail Merchants' As nn, J W. B. W.
elation. Other' guests Present War R. E McNiveB, E. J.,T,;3-
�,.sncluded representatives of. town arz Iiairold Ja'ek IJou as,
` Council, the unions, banks, legal ? 'I'.�1+ch.Rz, Glen s
and 5 Fos
i sntat ves press, builders, reuse- t�T
�entatives from all mapar Indust Referring to maps and sketch -
ties in the area, the Retail Mar es. Mr: Dean explained that the t rF, •>
chants' Association, Public School first phase of the subd'vision had
f f.
Board, Unron'Gas Company -and been accepted'Central Mori -
5I and Housing,
g, and abated that
the Ingersoll planning board.
Outlining the formation of the the other three phases would not
Y t Ingersoll Land Company, Mr be touched until the first was
1 complete, Three residents or the
1 Dean stated that in August, 1956�,
t 7'n:gersoll -industrial Board, In new subdivision were also laLra-
1 looking over the possibilities for duced.'IIe explained norther
r additional sites,: approached coun- that the sub -division consisted of
cii with the idea of purchasing = lots and indicated on the map
114 acres of land on Whiting the land set aside for a; publie '., � ff
school' and for. a Park. 1. ..�
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"One -two -three, one -two -three." And so the chant partment equipment more than 75 years als" 1
rang out when London's early fire-fighters manned this ers will get a rook at the pumper in the"ll
ncient beam' pumper. It was the latest word in de- parade. _re .-