050The following article is a con- densation of a : booklet, "The River of Milk", published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Borden Company, Limited. Because the history of this com- pany .for the past 50'years has been so entwined with the history of Ingersoll and area, the. Tribune felt the story would be read with interest by all, INGERS0LL, IV e�"I 4 � x r , s Borde r,.,={ ,'`<'v`s r 'vr na*.iLs,r,{ a C7.2Jc` „t G.cl` w jj�Lu ,�•J Lr..J N ae_.,l uz L_G>u`�"r ,�ez,L✓ursPa , �, o''. neighbors - say c. Fue-7 he You amanvith the h bout _I whiskered' dignity of Gail ` Burden, i_ +,-��`,,' - I even if he did do things that were �. �. - 9qt� . a «, a well ... a little unusual, to say the ,.. least - a „�. a+c `J� e • r � goes oes the ' chronicle of the man v'r ' 'whose meat 'biscuits saved the lives of ` �.�",' , "4``"y* " • ' �" t Arctic explorers and sparked the devel- opment of condensed milk out of which �Th . born a Borden Company, Limited. ' y. 1 Gail Hgiid. n.'s neighbors thought he acted strangle y when he toodc them fog• a rids in a strange cpntraption. It had - ia�.' ' 'wheels,. Yet. it wasn't a •wagon; it had a . ' N j ° a r 4 '� usr a3 sail, but it wasn't a boat, �- " u,~ Kg. u, `s ,' .. d It was a long schooner, applying- oil a x., ,a c°• ;,, ° 1 `• ' land .the principles used by sailors on the sea. It harnessed the wind and did it so effectively that the first and only trip „ plied the passengers and driver Borden i; ',r 3 rt�� , , r a' 6 ,> x•., into the.sea. Gail was the first to admit the ",�,'`�'1, " ,�' �� .P •i schooner was a failure. But, the man who, throughout' his lifetime, was to run the i •, ,�fi 4> vA,�_ ,� - ;is,'r � s ,. gamut from farmer through survey r� `"e§"' , r" . _ : or, settler, teacher, soldier, publisher and inventor, turned his inventiveness into other.. channels. During the gold - rush in California s„ t,, �,,. ll[;, some friends asked Borden to help them prepare for the journey. He promised to ,make them a meat extract they could =c <' ,�. •�.;.< use along, the trail �`' " `'` ` " '�"• sc"k�3 ,'^ . " - ''.' Borden's goal was an adaption of In- ,. s .�` �ae 1-1-IYLS dean pemmican, which .kept fairly well .,1v • ,,;,g t , =,r but had a 'bad flavor. Gail wanted a ! je,kE �.un✓.f. tasty meat extract He boiled 120 pounds y p,,w O,gAbItYRON JENVEY, JAMES MI c au arA 5'0 of beef rote ten pounds of extract thick Sph.N — Tribune Photos by Jimmy Smithpf - Two Ingersoll nneu are going 'Borden' Company, Limited, in of � as molasses and smelling like. glue. on the au•. in a big way this Canada. Mr. 1V_�y'11aa�� is being ON BROADCAST �,1�' �,r( nJ '<C ! Failure turned into success when Gail coming Tuesday, Feb. 1. .94`l featured because' flee. Ingersoll _ ;mixed Hour with some of .the extract.' The menu are James G. "Jim-' slant was Borden's first inn -Can- will be attended by 900 Borden I'Kneaded'..into a 'biscuit, baked and left my" 1VIi ..-- superintendent of ads; and "Jimmy" has been with emiployees and theist families. �, l overnight to cool, it became a meat his t the :Borden's plant here,. and Mr. ` the company 45 years.' Mr. Jenvey Will introduce. Dln. , ((( cunt rich in flavor and food value. Byron Jenvey, Aun St., and.they PIn away theN_IJI L:—Bbth mien will meet one 'o3'-EYie most glamorous of the 7 �' i7"''•+i are to sta�on that week's cdi- be a farewell fors broadcast will "Jimmy" as. )is °Metropolitan opera stars, HelEn Ingersoll E� Birth 1aL',� tion of Borden's "Canadian Cav- is scheduled to retire :this year. Jenson. ' alcade," ' broadcast from To- Mr. Jeryley.' is being featured =Tss the second time within ! ° Dr. Ellsha Kent Kane, an Arctic ex. ronto over a coast -to -coast net because a —years ago, at the age mouth that .Ingersoll men haver,"- 'Plorer, used-:Bordden's"pFduct,.-;.j{alye. and wort: of 32 stations in the Uni- of 17, in his dad's old democrat, been featured "on this saunq , � his expedition. were forced to abandon ted States and. Canada.: he drove. the first load of milk popular coast -to -coast broadcast i ship and it was their chief food on a It's a very. 'special 'Canadian Little more than two weeks 1 o ,, 10-week. trek across northern -wastes. Cavalcade", .too, for: it will marls to the brand new Borden's g n Milk entered the Borden picture in ilauU. On'the 'broadcast, which •, Harold ,W'so vvas, interviewed 14 „, , ,��a. - the 50th anniversary of The ''v 1 on the forthcoming Harmswonth 1851 beause of a tragedy on the ship. --- ! - races at Detroit, { ' carrying ._Borden back, from a trip to 'Pile broadcast is at 8.30 r. nn. ,z, * England. Two cows - carried on board 1'i'. > became sick. Babies fed milk from. these, • t .., ---- ^ -- :,,,.. , .»'_'C... cows grew ill. .Some of them died. - r A h ) 1 ryik _ _ 'The picture of "the -. heart broken _. mothers holding their dying infants in Famed Canadian Artist their arms kept returning to Gail. He - - - , , bad preserved meat by condensing it; Th e i , hrile- e illustrations. for tile why wouldn't tine same process keep milk hooklet, "The River of Milk", j from souring? !- Five- years later, after 'fighting to some of which are reproduced establlish his claim of 'originality, Bor- here, were drawn by the well- den was granted patents covering the tt' known CaIladian free-lance : ` evaporation of milk in a vacuum pan. ��ao-(YbJ -?!i+/r�Y,olt-�Ordan Co•5' s�-Fi P.h2-f✓+'�'"'-tor,nwit m: r'F �. 'artist. J. Patrick O'Lee, of 7J �'4� Port Credit, who is now in ziorJ. ws ,the United States,' /4%M. Y, JAN. 27, 1949 Im mm