092 (2)W�+ _ The Golden Ago Club for senior. citig 1968 and mootinge wero held in t)le eons of Ingorfeoll. wits orgtinized in The organization is interdenomintitiochool- coon of the Flrat Bl::ptlet Church, nal. _111i 0- meCiln4S (held in G,renw- dd the Ingersoll Credit Union began in 1 )bW. T�r RSh was the seerosry.. The Thntt+lrls Polley Authority coMpl otefI the Ingersoll channel in 1949 tit q cost of 800,000.0'). Ovor Poo Covr:rn qa>nt crfricintls and bus'ineas raen pl qd� hn i n hi�i,� t ,n oil Aec.1 , l >4:1. .•�- - Inaw.aintena ea CIC ocal Option Took Ef -� � T c atia,_f96y . � 1 'y y� q� Al Q ��. ��er ! Alter Jancagy 1Vi3f,,Vote INGERSOLL — A common- or 25 per cent of the total with f _ 8 cation from the Upper Thames each of the three quarries pay- " By GEORGE JANE5 a degree of success, that River Conservation Authority ing $1 000 lus each quarry and Man mein nos an: Interest- mahked the. operation of the hotel -n—P q y Y j outlined the need of mainten-'thetown paymg�o into the { in nature are held b older resi- under'the temperance maoiage- g Y once of the Thames River Chan- future maintenance fund. dents of the fawn of the old to,n however was never atrssd nel in this locality .and the es- Other costs not predictable at Dal House renamed "The Ing- bo a'ny' exbe�nt• timated cost of such upkeep. this time will be, paid through ors Inn" when it came mi er 'The si�buation pertaining to ho- i Beachville, Ingersoll, North Ox- the UTRCA. k the. management of a committee teas in the town is .regarded 'I' ;ford West Oxford and the three representing the local option for somewhat paradoxical. At the g p local limestone .quarries in the re- tim i t ces of the town. a option became effect-!i .'Municipal records shone bylaw ive, the :majority of citizens! � "ion will share-2._5-_Per'. cent of No. 754'with the following pre-' were just as anxious to close tbell j this cost` estimaleflfl at $23500 ambler "To prohibit the sale by bars as they have been during a. immediate plus $200 eac • for dq q , r.. ! tN'• retail spirituous, fermented or the past two or three years fa gets: future maintenance. e a new one established here. The flood control rechannel.`s- otlre¢�. manufactured liquors m _ , .. the -Town of Ingersoll" was giv"• °i mg of the Thames River in 1950 f , en first and second readings by was completed at a cost of over" council on November 4, 1912,, �oas mihion'dollars. This cost and finally passed on January I was shared by -ills -dominion. and 1$, 1913. provincial governments who Golcleu Ao-e -- -= Group Now. Number Over 100 A -great need was felt for some time for a place for older peopled Ito meat to talk to people of their own age and have some entertain- ment. In .the winter. of 1959, four ladies met andmade. and sent out fnvitations;to as many older folks as they could thinkof, with reply envelopes, so they _ would know how. manywere interested. For the first meeting, which was held , on May 7th, 1959, in the Baptist Sunday School Hall, those who had replied to the invitation were. called for and brought to the meeting in the neighborhood of 20.: They were welcomed and given decorated name tags, and enjoyed themselves with a devo• tional, sing -song, program and' lunch. For some time the meetings II were in the Baptist Hall with all denominations attended. The organization which was given the name of the Golden Age Club• has grown and expanded, meet- , ing at the different churches and the ministers from the different I' churches, ;taking he devotional Msr .err n _ Rxx r was the first! president and 'now Mrs. Frank „. Grinnell is in her second year as: The vote on the question of loe-'. gave 7_ 75 per. cent,' the Gypsum � -: n This has been a wonder - al: option. was taken on January,' -. Lime and Alabashhe (now Dam- l .year '<, ' •v`d3 fully :worthwhile :.year. as all the 1913. Following the vote which clos-�1 iLimtar) with per cent o of the i balance, N—orfh-American Cyan• meetings .have been well attend-f ed_alS the hotels in the_town—the�. amid with 3L,2erSent_of the ,� � ad and the members so enthusias,t," Daly House. was under temper-�. ibal�nce .-and Chemical Lime , ,i ,<p -e; ,- ,�• .;� t"c 9t" , „ '" ;{ tic, entering - into the progrann ante management. -if was at. (now Stelco) with 55 percent .• games and discussion. The Chais- t af{-t time that thc�,olH hostelry'!` - ;o1 ttt�balance. The town of •-tins Armour Chapter of the was renamed the "Ingersoll Inn" Ingersoll contributed five per __ ' I.O.D.E• have: looked after the given much promi�aence in?� theto fill the cent. for the majority endeavor purpose 'Since the Thames diversion : ;transportation ofan hotel without the sale of there has been no valleyflood f i of the meetings. A noon dinner Liquor• ing and the maintenance cost of f was held at Trinity United Church Some important changes were) mde ato the interior of the build !. $7,M over the years has. been shared by the: three uarries. in the spring;. there were two. pic- I -" Miles held one in July in Memor- ing These included a new floor on The river channel was cleared` of silt deposits earlier tbiUeai � ial Park, with fun for all. Iu the east side of the main corri-. from Pemberton Street to the _ _ -. -.--: _ ;August the members travelled to wa down stairs where to office ownstafflocated west end, of town at a�cost of ,- _ _ k. meniberssco operate in the pro-,'. "Southside Par'k,.�Woodstock, by was and they previously.$18,218. cons bructiam of a large stone fire- `. ,.r-- 1Ym y grams, ors, man r y. providing musical bus, supplied by the Ingersoll , p lace, which still remains. : .Sand and gravel bars, eroded a mm�bers, : Recreation Commission. They had piano solos and read- .. The new floor was extended to banks and brush along the J 1m,s. They also wish to thank ,' the use the enclosed -e dance take •i was previously the banks east of the1960-clearing any who have helped a hall for their supper and meeting. forge reef to t panalldliau, •Oa -I bar ford street to the north-' Aga r91', still must le done $ the handle �is to be clear too -handle its or- its -capacity vx - with.. pro- i vfding the lunches in the different Both picnics were well attended. I i The. have had The appearance of the former. - ie R6Tpert - jliginal and. to ensure unrestricted flow of water cur- churches and all the ladies who group one meet- ing and their at Faith f office, w occu y _ McNiven Son, �l �. mg runoffs. The estimated cost have served; the I.O.D.E. Chapter program .and was . greaty improved, and other .changes { of this is $23, 0.0, using hourly for ears and drivers; the Recrea- IIaven .Nursing Home, where they were a4so'. made to the dining rented equipment. tion 'Commission for the bus tiff p visited with the patients. The room on the west ;a'de of theill Thus the `>commg cicanhig' and many more.' (group .also have a visiting com downstairs corridor; and in otherii ,parts of the.building which add- - will require the raising of s4,600 The. November meeting• will be Imittee who have visited all of the homes' ed-: to the comfort and conven- _ held in St. James' Anglican Parish l inursing and the hospital, 'many ' nonce of guests as we'll. as to the ,. �-= Hall and the December meeting besides making calls on those are shut in. Many cairls " interior appearance generally. The remained in old ,8y��.byr•.r kIS,S `lira - =_�' is expected to be a turkey dinner) who office its location butt the improvement 'l s , '� [. in Trinity United. Hall. llll are sent ,out each month to the . made it most attractive. r} "f ':'SThe executive for the year isi y ill. and bereaved and when one of It is also recalled that under) PresidentMrs. Frank Grinnell;' the members away a Cr ideou the now management, many m- ti "'' ` ' r ,.' secretary, Mrs. Frank. Roberts;_ Bible is givenin'loving memo teresting events were held in thel building. :The former Canadian ! assistant secretary, Mrs. Thomas Iniversaries Each month the birthdays and an 1 Club held meetings there, while r. .. Markham; treasurer, Mrs. Thos. .are remembered with frequently. there' were special ev-1 Markham, assistant treasurer, ,gifts eats when reservations were , _ ..Mrs. F. Roberts; roll. call eon- There is an enrollment of made for meads by families and, vener, Mrs. Jim Gibbs; luncheon` (nearly.. SO!0 and there have. been various organjzations. 'Par)icvlanl remembered vener, Mrs. Lorne Hvden; conven- 86 out at a meeting. Those in I i ,the elalratedance that was• y i - I 3 - or for cards and gifta,�Mrs.. Jerry charge are 6 Pi'ond of the way they held m the. i g its formal opening, and at which the ' _ Butcher; " press reporter, Mrs, r attendance was very large wiill; - 1 Bell; assistant,. Mrs. Allan John- {, - all in the social whirl having al zx 4 8 -._ "1 stoni program convener, Mrs.. C. Beynon; devotional pianist, Mrs. G. Making; sing -song pianist, Mrs. H. Mahar; song leader, Mrs. G. Malting. i