093This display was built mainly of cheese boxes.
rq��11 Spruced
UU1 7, pFor
By CIi9RLES S. BUCK Again at Thames and Charles streets, the
DURING THE-Saaiu& year as the Marquis carriage atopped beneath the Irthnlcipal arch
of Lorne assumed the office of governor-gen. of cedar and hunting.
clot of Canada, he and his wife,Princess - FURTHER ON,at King street, the driver
Louise, made a journey through' the province paused once more, to let his passengers view �.
of Ontario. i - the cheese -buyers' arch formed wholly of
Such cities as Toronto and Kingston gave cheese -boxes, for Ingersoll In those days was ,.
elaborate viceregalreceptions, but none of the centre of the cheese industry of Canada.
them were more notable than the town of The Millers' arch next came in eight; It was
Ingersoll's:.'It had. been honored by a similar described by the Ingersoll Chronicle as "a
visit of Lord.. and Lady Dufferin in 1872, stupendous and noble structure."' It must
Then, big arches had decorated Its streets. have been imposing for the .elements of its
On this visit of the marquis, Oct. 181879 fabric consisted of. 3000'flour barrels, erected
the preparations to welcome the governor to form two arches, one at right angles to
Were just as lavish. - the other. Well-might-thelocal newspaper
TRESE' VICEROIAL' .entries followed a say, "To' be brief, it was a monster."
familiar pattern' in all the towns. A special Then, massing through the. Ladies' Arch
train steamed Into the station everywhere aur- at the' entrance ' to the school grounds, the
rounded by: milling crowds straining to see. procession was received by the voices of 600
There was the guard of honor,). made up at children' singing a song of .welcome. From
Ingersoll of the Lakeside;' Tillsonburg-and a dais on the campus Mayor Chadwlek greeted I
Ingersoll companies of. the 22nd Regiment. the visitors with an' address and presented l
The, mayor' and a Sew officials were pre. to them- a few leading cltizena Among them f
sented. One after another carriages drawn was Mrs Cogswell, "the pioneer of the export k.
by four horses drove up and bore the notables cheese trade In Canada." f
away. THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL. placed an
At the head of this procession F. G. Carroll order with the dealer at once, asking him to y
drove the chief visitors in his four-in-hand send the finesit cheese lie could get to Rideau
over the bridge :and up Thanks street until : Hall at Ottawa. With baskets of flowers and i
they came to Noxon's arch. There a halt was .choice fl it of -the district put Into their car -
called to view the bower of evergreen branches riages, the Marquis and his lady were driven !
topped with a Hoosier seed _drill and tc back to .the station, and saluted with many ,
mZers—samples of farm machinery made. at goodbyes, the vice -regal train pulled out for;
Noxon's works in the town. the west. -
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