094, a f - Featured Products of the Area ilears Ago tlabQroate Arches Hit the Skyline �r "Described in Old Letter To Marls Vice- Regal Tour I n 1`872;� g r � 1 I The following is a latter writ ,. ta+ i I By.C.S.P, sol,>on August 26_ Y87A. ten to go from C Ingersoll '6'>t•r' -` s .` � - cos ago an'In ersoll c1U •'�� � g 1t is � points out the fact 11naL doter of the Dominion.' Y g g late nolh"Was 'liiil9 _, -. _. ____.� zen of that date describing the Lord Dufferin, the third. roporLed that the town. was I Ingersoll was the centre own- A"orahe celebration in Huron y cod where I awkrs' ,7cwellery — i,i 1 or. village as it was found qure is, and was occupied by,Mr, goveniorlgeneral of Lhe Domin. alive with -people and the !. tario�checse Industry at this was over, the governor-general in IS28: Mt Marigle.,-anti._-J. UnderwdfR*, ion of Canada,. made a'visit to streets, Thames street especial- dinc..,Casswell celebrating lug- went down the lake to Sarnia pit our arrival here we found a J. 75ot_ y's plank house stood near the western portion of On- b:, were grandly tricked out in crsoll's dairy ,interest;. was re- where 'a gay escort of steam• small. clearing in they woods on 1Tre J. Boles' tailor shop tario in 1872 and returned to gala. dress." zponsible for creating this fca- 'ees met his boat end accom- the bank of the ' river Thames, stand,' I .. f __ s-- School stood np + ++ then known as Oxford village in the round» occa "ed by our res- it two pears later. Duringrthe tore of the was catiotr. panied the vice -regal steamer g Fl P The citizens were very proud the I3rodc >district,, province of cut central-�oo'.�L'the next build- . ! latter tour. he visited London . 'Pie arch was corstrn ted of to .the dock." Here the governor Upper Canada. We were met by -of three arches which had been tweat ing west of Test afore. was the and a member of smaller towns. y-eight hundred cheese viewed abundant decorations Charles Ingersoll, the found- . Among them, .Ingersoll, :Sarnia erected on. the streets. As F, providing its main bulk Put up by the Count of Lamb- g q' Ingersoll homestead, the �'dthat boxes, Y or of Lhe place, who received us west, ot it was the, house, that M. BeII-Smftli, noted the lath and Lorin. Lr addition its build- tan and.the Townof Sarnia, kindly and entertained us at his now stands on the corner of Kln;. and Goderich. . �� home for a (lay or two while our Century for Iris magazine and. or had used flitclies of bacon,; '.Tile arch,. pictured by Bell- y sand Wonham streets, and was tin• Every placegot into dull newspaper illustrations, acoom- hams; cuts of cheese, flowers, Smith, was described as "a ho usq was being repaired. `The! residence of the late Chas Park - village the village. then contained about.-20.�Iturst. About 20 rods west of this .dress uniform Lo. receive the P party and made a flags and portrail's of members beautiful Gothic triplet built to families, The houses were all l tine residence of Lylnan Sea. guest, of honor. Reevps and 'pictorial record of the tour, of the royal faintly, the emblems of LambLon built of logs, with two or there wr: Two. other loghouses steer mayors wrote up and engrossed we knot». ]row elaborately they Lord Dufferin and his party County, of barrels' of oil and exceptions, which we�'e franne, two file. ` of which are now standing, viz., near I ,tng's :mill one east and for speeches al'. welcome. The were planned.- One of the were so much impressed by. this ' of salt, and a ,collection of g Vest of the creek, occupies tile 'Ingersoll homestead and the' other municipal councils had plat- Ingersoll a c = v composed unique edifice that the gov- agricultural Implements upon old frame- house standingon the - � _-- i: forms' constructed for recep- of xeriet.dtural' implements'— error -general called a halt to the top. There, also, perched ;oY r�7rs Bl'addas11 and Jas--;G corner of Bing and! - Wonham ^� + Ling, James Swaruand Mr - Limns and galleries to. hold reaper's, plougas rakes and the'. processimr until he had span its summit men were Sir'eets.' It had one store, a tan- iekliCed still fttCLherg }'l0's t. choruses to sing anthems. Local threshhi maoh'nes'wliiic an- taken notice of all its varlet] busily al work performing ticld -- -. r nery", two sawmills, a grist mill Thy saw mill belonging to Mi merchants and manufacturers other consisted of McIntyre and products. ; operations of digging, raking'x> ersho dis- built magnificent arches which posed in a sweep acres_ the + - + + and harvesting an Asher y a ecP p a Ingersoll stood where Jame tille'y, a blacksmith shop, a card- Solidi grist mill now stands, am depicted the products of their street; chairs, ,curds andl From Ingersoll Dufferin went+ + legions :what -mots �showcd on the sk -I lug sand fulling mill, and a log , la 's saw mill where Stuart' y- to London, and then 'to Godc- Thus, hr Ingersoll, in Gode- line. Its exhibitors not only .schoolhouse. ',nullis. Of nee at whit .towns the , rich. The Huron County town rich and 1n Sarnia, [lie gov- SS,pllowfng is a list of the male Ills cording and fulling mil first one. at which the vice• sold furniture but .made it at had chosen to build an arch crnor- general was f o r c i b 1 y g their 'she residents Samuel living in the an- owned, by the late Charles Park I regal train of the G>;pst, �Vegt- p^ - of salt to emphasise its � helped to remember the prod- rage: Samuel Canfield, Joel -,Can- Jnutst Blood near the bridge cross :urn Railway stopped n,ger- The Ingot loll arcll„il,lgetrated claim to be the chief salt pro- acts of Western Ontario. :field, David Canfield, 'Abram Can- rnl, Lhe creek on Charles Stree. { _ Charles all, Da Daniel t g milt S -� field, I 'Rl "m 's a p IIall 1, CI sII 1 nie r <� ' roll, -Reuben Cal loll, Samuel' Smith Henry. Smith Clark Il.iI tr•, ..,�'" a"•; y a .� ' y v, t��a3 x` s :f ��' fact c, J. Shennm William Shri man George Bronsbp, Dam,] i Bronson W Bronson, Seymou Bron on Mr:_ WigLiwire, Wilhani i Maynard, Lenvs Maynard, William lion .J Kennedy, Mosli cc ennedY, A. ✓f .rhar, �r.L ,. nedy, Gcorgt,; derwood Johu. Underwood Joe!' Underwood C 1 k lob Burclicle; 'Jacob Dot' Peter t .+ i j c 4 Ryan C. J. Briggs Mr, Chambcis 8 Mr. ICI ride, Charles Ingersoll.[ r, — - ll scnjQr, Samui 11 R '' - , , -- t ` `- f Ingersoll, J Ingersoll, , Charles � le ,inner. - 1 f n rr >.+ F , ,r„r Thomas Lyman nllCharles Pail fie Lyman Scofield, I Charles Scofield, T. B. Scofield Cheilr VanLvery, Samuel VanDvela �..i sciwcw John Miller Samuel Titus Jamr r Boyce, Gamaliel Whiting semol i "r 3c Gamaliel Whilinglunfoc, Horse i z W:"-WhiLing, Mr Mertck, Jamr', , Swartz, C. P. Spmson, C . C Stinson, Nelson Doty, Abel 1 a <' `, IAustin Doty. I LTisha FJiI]'s residence was in the east end of the village. rho 7 �" "Messrs. Cat the Hall on the old 'farm cast of the Hall place. Uan - eel Carroll'sframe house stood on, th r pm�,� r• �e � �ia� '. � e r.�*<w ,n 3 � ,� e hill where Mr. Cook's' cottage now Ir z:'xh '^` S i $+ et Fp+[Cy Y,M a1. & \ �• / (. _5. stood -7 where Samuel ere osen�., 1._• rz, eS brick blodc_is on King street, , Samuel Ingersolls dwelling an<I -uf,+ Z,t , v +. Doiry products —with the emphasis on cheese —were featured at Ingersoll tannery near where Dr._Bow'ers'' new house stands. Mr. Bronson, Methodist local preacher, and J. ; 1 Sherman lived in a log house on „ An archway of salt barrels greeted Lord Dufferin at Godench: thel'we:st corner of the Ark block r.., - tick» coolest shop stood near the I house the grist mill stood, close {o thp'tc�am back of Scoffin's 6roceryti 1� " Yr" „ the asl}ery, stood on Llnc west side v , _ ` of the creek, back o{ Uno post t k .. f t c .a 1 ,../ . 4 ,.n w . a„ 1 Gee, the log distrlleiy stood who r , A soq's ork house now i ✓ ii chi ' Slaw rrl'.la.n s °$'1`ficks pith shop stood $k, ✓ h y �"' ct �' u- bete L. Noe keeps store ngersolls store stood h> stk'tst corner of I ini la ces,. where the lost officthe old house where Ititek - �P v