095x Q a iry In Old Oxfordt se By GEORGE JANES .........�--•••----- -'-' Prominent as .building contract- orsi in the early history of Inge �p g^ap� � �+ �\4 �'' soil was the firm of John Christ Old 6r'drO�dS Ff O Progress opher and Bros. Still s aiTng in substantial form 'in'the town .are 'p �°1 9 j� / some of the dwellings and other f j 'In Ingersoll Good 1 852-61 ! , •� � . x � � � •' �� buildings which this firm erected @�.9 WWW,,, 33,,::V// LI 11JKg i and especially following the big j - , h ti' e�;�.•' �€��'�v' .fire. in. 1872. v i The wanly history of the village "Ingersoll has now a handsome 1 x t+ x r £ of Ingersoll shows that during tine and cammoclipus 'Pawn Hall and A page advertisement for this Len -year p" 'l between "" and Markct House (surmounted by a k ''` ". •' firm in the County of, Oxfords 1862 marked progress was made, neiw belfr and s ire) sub $ " Gazetteer" for 1862-63 ,contained I In his convection. the following is Bally built of bri k. 'there are the following, principally set in s quoted from an early authentic also several fine large blocks of heavy black types record of 1862; "During the -last two and fhree story brick edits it Ingersoll Sash and Door Factory, ,decade the progressive advance- ces for business purposes on the North of he G. W. Railway Depot, [ meat in fire village has been re. principal streets which would be John Christopher and 8ros., est-� l re- ablished in 18,14, Building Material Ali .I1 opulatiomarkablen, commerciial ias mport- ten iords a ns, wi h large first-classt to places of reater piwconstantly on hand; man .extensive l ''ance .and extension of its m:cup• tela.,, - stock of rough 'lumber of every lied .area. description, thoroughly seasoned 7 - .Frain the foregoing it would ap- �•i ,hr and 'planed ready to fill .orders of l i "By the census returns for 1861 pear that some of the former u• every kind for building. purposes it is shown that it has actinium- large -hotel buildings which are it �� •� �,� at greatly ibered double its still standing were erected actor- �" , u������ g tLv reduced prices.. Sash, population m g .period mentioned, andt4 +E i,gi,z <•�e�s T. S"'=E". •`k' gYi• ^n.3A .Doors-, Blinds, Mogldings; Base .j 1851 by about two hundred, hav- rn' `the M ��. x „'� _ " 'ling increased from eleven tun- about which it has been diRficulil{ , Frames,. Cornice, Etc.; constantly 3 to obtain other inh'ormation. of al �G,Iz;,„�.U�'i.�`?�.�iti��{Y�i��•y"�la�,D`�� r� bn hand and made to order on the dred and ninety in the latter year definite t •,. to two thousand seven hundred na ore, IContrst nonce in newest designs, and. fifty six in the n tun red Many of•the older residents of}p MOVE TO SAVE FA31OUS OLD LNGERSOLL LANDMARK Contracts entered into forte er- y the town in conversation have fre-I eMion of Wood, Brick and Stone 1�i1' y® ,�I�dGERSOLL II��F Q s� J. i'11. y u Buildings in all the variouslde- "It's tel accommodation referred to the earl to- �► 9 4 general aspect has been tel a lendid eats at the town, ,irastmenNs including Masonry , 'greatly improved in the same the splendid meals that were pro- "-% (,� ,j yt\N- Ao"M j Painting,- Plastering,'; Etc, .Plans period by the erection of a very vided and thecrowds that were Mi4y�udAtAE and speloctioahions ds�ar>,nn to ord�er.j superior class of public and priv- served at he hotels especially on 66 r e.m 99 A71 ..work turned out by this estab•i ate buildings .and other improve• Saturdays when the ]oca'I marked i l»�*• ,t^s �'"wxv Great to is warranted. Planing meats which have been steachly was ova ]wage scale. It a<s a,'�a `w�J �i4 g �.. done to order".9a+ - going on ,within the municipal It also mentioned in. the re - In enumerating Ingersoll induct- boundary;- consequently its grow- cords pertaining to the era from; ries, reference is made in the th and ¢1 Gazetteer- to the extensive busi- prosperity in the various ness Co d indhat "the, staple buss � {59 6 branches of industry and cam nests and industrial trade of. the IL 2a r'N "I� ness conducted by the firm of John coerce has been considerably en villaka and neighborhood is in teen en in andthe Bros., "with four- t minced. wheal and sawn lamb r taus "BrrciialL Urc cite n(`.\sin. - teen men their employment and ''-- -- --.-- .-...,_. _i, (Contributed) the same r _ ,, year a)and trepl ml'� workingsaa 1a horse power the nger The old Dal House, n o w Town Hall, in 1857 and it repine-,. I SeBpI� Mg1l the si birthplace sell a appearing among the lager- soll advertisements in the Garet- _ _ a Frown as the Ingersoll Inn, is ad - a. log and rame. structure deer•is the somewhat unique ad- i. �' ShtUCc,.,�+. =��� i"•`'� Po-n"��`L" II.nuch in the news. at present be- bearing the same name. The on in I3ereTi tni-'Urwhsfiip; Oxford bertisement: 9 j "-" ,t cause. the possibility exists where- ginal owner was Absalom. Daly, county's first.Arist mill destroyed BLacrksmfh, Horne Shaer and y . � !uy •-'t-•�-.`e't"" G '� . '�' ` mat might be demolished to and Englishmandischarge in tools his by the. Airii'ricansin tthe.'war of �' � •�' make way for a'service station, military discharge in Canada at- 1812, in fact, the society's nun is Veterinary Surgeon; Noah Elliott, ' The Daly:House is y to bring before the younger gen- Ingersoll,: C.W. ' begs .respeet y (,wLyL` �.:rch ,r��i-c.rea��Cr•t ;. •i� turti.L probably one ter, the settlement of the eration of the county's. historical ;of the -most historical buildings kenzie Rebellion, in 1637. Mr. significance in the province o f to inform the public that he car- ! . '� y'.� rid jbetween the Niagara " and De- Daly was stationed in'London, iA ries on business in the above lines ` - .cc-�c�uL -<ira� ,a'+r-C �� Q Jltroit. rivers and its list of guests Ontario, and `came to Ingersol Ontario. 'Few other counties can in all "vts branches, all ordeal ex- A i .tau CyQue�� '`f �•- 1 includes'such famous names 'as :with John Galliford, Mark 011- boast of so much history of a. eouted with a curacy and despatch, -.c. d•ctG . <l f+-°�' / 0 • diversified nature. and surgical 'calls promptly attend' �? �,rr,« AIL„_ '�-,.',�aZ`=a-;..C's'i'"Old John'Ossawatomfe' Brown'' erenshaw, and. Joseph Browebt, µ SEEK INTERVENTION ed to at all hours. Shopon'Thames�' irZ """fu"0 o . S ;r )executed. at Charles Town, GWl all of whom' engaged m coin- a: y ,?,. ca:6ly,.-••*-�, Virginia, for participating in a �mercial'. pursuits and were poli-- It appears thatmUY Use inter - street, .close to the Railway Stat•I �/�� J, ,>ij�-.rr>w4e*^n`-. '�"�! famous raid at Harper's Ferry to tically minded in, provincial and vendiou of prime•m.inisler Leslie 'ion;' Ingersoll, C.W. Messrs.. John .cam -an e s' free slaves; the renowned P: T, municu al affairs. - Frost' can save the tali House ,,,£�•a-$ n it -L<z-+ 'rr- :j""''"""� Sri '`r'°✓. c""� .Barnum, famous showman; Mon Being exactly across the street for the historically minded. Off.- M d n forme , North or-L' / c ester, and Levi Loses, farmer, G!"cu„4 b-v-Y and Mrs. General Tom Thumb, from the Town Hall and tdie lot- cials of the historical society are Nissouri. for whom 1VLf': has thor- clo .,� x� f-"- �'t'°°` J vi rankinadmitting that the i - '- -d "'u^ king of the Thomas D'• ter building ]laving. the largest — oughly cured cases of serious bone / r.�+%wC` spavin, and ring boner where other t /� v1'iL• �� -/�•'*%•��. `"�""""'� t$Zt- �� , ";, Arcy �. McGee, .assassinated for auditorium. in the town it was liquor license ishe. prime -factor i r r s, ��� denunciation of the Fen.ians; quite natural for the travelling and `the' failure of granting` a Veterinary Surgeons have failed", I` ,� ✓u{ r roc-¢',o-�-i7^. Christine Nielson, Metro olltan troupes and' artists' using the license to the: ro river compels y�� ' p P g P P Pe COAL OIL, TOO :Ir Opera star- and. scores of other stage to stop The advertisement of Robert /'�I +emu.-l.Gv-a° e a`�d"�i-�. rx'z"`'� '`i"'J- noted personages which compos- STAGE LINE the Daly Housel him 2,o make other plans. The uncil are. in Kneeshaw,- a pioneer druggist, is"' / ed the famous Chautauqua sir- Mr. Daly also conducted a agreement entire __ municipal license should ��Cyr �wd•..Icuits which travelled extensively stage line. to Port Burwell and W. one at was characteristic of the �� -e, ` r. g granted, and ..chat body is time, withnstress being .placed mi / C'ua cv;• „z a.z; fz.e ,c:.�..,.,.F,G," Ithrou�ghout Ontario giving lectur- convected his stage line with - - variety. It Was as follows: III f�"✓ u.� "'�"` `" ' !.3es upon religion, scientific, and those using the Talbot Road, at. doing everything possible to have "Robert 'Kneeshaw, Chemist,c:<,od.iLea philosoph.ical.. discussions.- Tillsonbmg. In 1856, he advertis- p Druggist and Stationer; dealer in !�'�'�� ��`"����``� �� 9 � The .Daly House was erected ed that by using his stageline see tlae1 his Wnieal. landmearkthan d.p, Drugs, :-Chemicals, Paints, Oila, I i✓ cxc�-cL ,(I cxc<G w`'t'" that a traveller from New York - molished to have'a 'service. ata Colors, Dye -stuffs, Pai..li a- cow ✓ c��.c,✓c ,ev�!c�,k-e< vw C<:v*. �� tad °rti�"`�lor Buffalo could make better. tion erected in its stead, gent ivI o d. i o i n e s 6t�a tionery, , / i„1`.. _ �_ " - -- - - time than by using the railroad. School Books, Law Blonds,` -etc; Gvt`d. c�++e. -- _ _ r � ,�,F�.ar.�oa.A� iIIle advised would-be passengers will is expe bed thews the meTj English and French Perfumery, qn /7t� 0o+- " ,yyxr„�/'-�4l-cL� 'i-'. `u' '* to detrain at Ingersoll. if contem- ense board sitting to be held'. Soaps, Hair, Nall, Tooth end Paint „y„ C i - ,(ica .:-,- ,c� e�/- cc`a.r/ ?$ plating a trip to Vienna, Aylmer, ,„ 1 -�ry c%-'��O 5 St. Thomas and Port Stanle 'tendon, next Wednesday, ands Brushes; surgical Instruments etc; � ,�� i,,�Ucc.o--�cai r e r h{0'" Ili The Oxford _ count y nothing accrues Pi+om this me Physicians', PF2serlptions. careful. �- c<-- �^ 4""�"'y"^' society is internsiedyrn orical h 1.7 prepared. He 'trusts, a8tef' an '`.�„ cu•�- W--o - `c` � ,G,�, „�ecL %�''""/" rjint rids onto -have the Ontario &e- the made Hl be refer? e� wa V g a, „ do the Ontario Historical socir ex erience of uRx:arda of r; vhteenP r ,,p n That body very successfully years in a first•class -drug estab• E _,.�� �.E,�,/ �c:,R-�'. ��E'ir/�-`f �/ �,u c�gu._j ed .old Fort York, Toronto,ii lishment, and strict attention to 1 0 D - r � {,�,�,.;±,, cheamigical and Monument board ' ibis s ss and th quality of his P ' e.erz 6�,y.,z,vi U-:-v� vac �`'''"`�`'� - /o co ,C,,,�<-iJ� ticofili i'to have a suitable plague aM;ach- i derse city tom whicli reroute corn an' drugs 'etc.; to merit a share 'of Qi„�.w. hx,��-'a,c-t r led to the .three building`s all in a j`*"'^r-be"• w �'"-`"`- "row, namely, Prassway which was going/ public patronage. N.B.- A constant gr-wa "� en•..u.L•�- w./+'� Y, the D LY House r-�- '.e'z T o w n H a 11 and •the -o 1 d almost slice oft a portion a' ' supply of pure coal oil on hand, Vnni, 1l/ f`c. .; old fort There are also many otin th- j"TM-A` y`0"� °-`i /)y''p �� c+ �`L1° registry coif ice now, occupied by > 2`-� "'+�'�'Y""I"u' `", _ / Alec's xi. Other teresting 'advertisements in the p� �-,ptu..+.µ � ,�,,1,� ,ow• '�� Projects i n J----•a,�-s*•� � Gazetteer •` dealing with the bus; CCAv r.Gf. "� view by the society is to com T ness life of Ingersoll, 41rst as. a tr �`/!t, ,�a-nthy "� �i' ��� c �tfd " r(� %ter y>v aiemorate the arrival o[ the lA;, y p- village, and later when it attained M / z .� %?�� ,�.,,w G„<,u«. 'j Htghland Scots, iniiieembrro Nr +'*" the status of a town. The fullness 6 �,"<e:u`- . = G✓c. �r �`"��.. ` '. distnct;�Se- Quaker settlement : of expression in dealing with. the �¢� ��.,.ir„cisrirof Norwich; the• commencemrent.aµax�+•'- stocks of the.. various stores,: and t , {�cw '�' J` _ of -the -first iron founder in TTill- 3i the earnestness with which. appeals e i' / G)CG Lr_d%Ct m'u•' a'`^' "i e'er-�{''�'zi `• "'d`'e"`"O"`� ,,' sonburg. the-'n-known as bereham for patronage was made, as well rt4"U% `x'G""/ ; -- / - pi': Forge; .the site of the battle be- as the strangeness. -of .the typo- 'ar -a' e" �y-rz,�.-Gi-r-�,�"P�`"' `-� :✓ , tween Colo e 'A McNaU s-�uyal y{2 L A#t4y.�a J graphical.: displays, will no doubts n'�t1' ��.'� y stiFr..t,:.�..„:.<m. '"s'U +�!l forces am s ac cenzie reb- 7•,� ^+ S> ,. ,: add greatlyto the interest of Ora- , - r ®f .%i/ic� .zz"�^'✓ ti�'� `" " "� � " i Sj ell in test Oxford township; the ` ' ` • r'. siie'of the`fu t oil refiner in s-' `- sent day readers u'� Y Woodstock; the grave.: of 're - ,.a Benwell, murdered by the rotor-