097Ingersoll School Facilities, Expanded School ' Addition the construction of school build-!ent. ins clinrtn the school term and He'. Complimented the mem-' hers of Sacred Heart School Board Plans Appro�od commended the principal, 5ist"In Sabine, members of the teaching I staff and the ce dents themselves forthe patiencethey had shown 'schools the completion of the building Father Morris said.. that Inger-. sail could he proud of all thel in the community and that f INGERSOLL. Feb. I — Archi- tact', plans for a two -classroom addition to Sacred Heart School were approve 8 at a short session of Ingersoll Separate School Board. 'The addition will include two Washrooms, a principal's room and %'storeroom. - -` -'Approval for the addition is be- ing sought: from the Ontario De-!� while the inconvenience of the con- ;struction .work was taking plane. $e drew the attention of. the ;people. to the beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart which was placed ',lin the corridor, a.. gift from ,idly : , Elizabeth iV g"[,erX,,�a' memper ! .of"' -Sacred -Heart. Parish. - "'Jb Mrs. McEaffery goes our e deepest appreciation for her gen. erosity in supplying the new ads ditign with this beautiful statue of I our school patron." he said. In his closing iemakrks he ex- tended his personal thanks to me�Uie the older-. citizens could feel they were doing their part for the 3'oung. people of the town. We cab only ask that in turn the young people will appreciate the sacrifice made by older cid. zens ,and try to be faithful in the years to come to the work that has beendonefor them." The stpdents of the senior grade formed a choir for. the, oening exercises. They sang 0'_ Canada, at the beginning of .the. program' . and "God Save The Queen", atl closing.. . partment of Education, -- -- being expanded and new schools are being built to take core Ingersoll schools are Here an addition to the Sacred Heart School_' of the using school -age population is nearing completion.Ingersoll School i �♦♦ y�,�,6 ' 5p'^ o rooms The boards I ilau is Lo tea when funds �'V�f Em . [ down the,old structure vailable for a bomPlete new'' �ir //'1� r Contract Given Contract g/•'""'��� �. At tlngerso, school il' I /9J-44-.. Prepare BY-LAW%. INGEP,SOLL Feb. 2&-Appioval� St1r't. Tenders for the two -roam addi- o. the sketch plans for the two The board meC Solicitor Rov - asked him to prepare a.bY- tion to Sacred Heart School were at a meeting of p and. t,core addition to Sacred T3eurt law covering the issue oL deben opened last night the school board, which was at. f School here has been given by the ties. Present were Angelo Gar.- tended by Architect Charles Gillin, Ontario Department of Education. zola secretary-treasu of Landon. London Architect Charles_ GiL-, Bulper, Separate Scliool inspector _ Mr. re - The lowest of eight tenders re- and N ather Wilham .Morris,. ceived was from the Elgin Con- , �^ Idr has been instructed to prepare I `,v,,rderi was'chairman. I 1 structicm Company, of St. Thomas, `final plans and submit, them to presort enrolment in the school ! and was -unanimously accepted. he School; Board, says Chairman) goes over thei 150 mark. According ' e,tender figure has to be con- A J. 'f �parlJ,en, The department will ` �to estimates this figure will jump firmed' by the', Ontario Department to approve of the friral to 167_ this fall and in five years I of . Education, and is temporarily ' also have Will then be w111 reach 232. .� not being made'publie. -' plans and tenders � J. T. Warden, chairman of the u'Icd for the modern i.dditimr. ; school board, said this morning l he classrooms willbe built on that construction will commence in It" pi went building now rou�l. the course of two weeks. and is to a half class - be completed by September 4. ni thrr, and _ ..._.. ,..... .... ... _......-. _ WON SCHOOL HOCKEY TITLE —BACK IN 1907 This .interesting hockey picture shows ,the 1907 en- trance class team which won the local hockey title. front I row left to right: John Boles, Reg Ki WIX, Harland Laird; centre,. llaxry.Richalslson., Frank Kihorn, FrarT un a,s, (manager) ; Ginger Noe and Tom Hey; hack row, George Puritan, Ray IIegler and Aubrey Dlwdas. ' I , �/fw p-yyLpm/haim0•,Y U,¢ ✓hPvrJo� •�s� ���a..•e�