098�xcavafie Site For New Industry d In Council Holds Inaugura
T nm-
' Ingersoll's newest industry, Canada Silo Company Ltd., which broke ,.round
two weeks ago, will go into production today of concrete staves used in silo
Istruction. A two -storey building has been erected and later two silos will be
;P beside it. (Photo by Watmough.)
INCrPRSOLL, August 6—
Canada Silo Company, a new '
industry here, plans to havp
its Mutual street plant in
production in about two
weeks. - QA
Products //,u ��
The company will manufacture II
complete cement silos, water
tanks, coal pockets hnd commer- i
chef grain storage units.
Canada. Silo, affiliated by C
and B Silos, of Grand Rapids,
± 'Mich., looked for a site in -sev- -
eralpa.rts of the country, but
decided upon Ingel soil as the
��--t suitable. _
Excavation Started
The A. Ha%LrU Construe.
.ion Coldpariy, Ltd., of. Ingersoll,
ras started excavation work' on
:he site for the plaid, on the east
ude of Mutual street between tha
Chames River and the CPR
'.racks 'The site comprises three
Acres, bordering on the railroad
'.o the south with a 33-foot clear-
mce on the north to allow tral'-
ice to pass along the river side
:a industrial sites behind.
About 12 men will be employed
nitially at the plant.
It is planned toproduce two
;Iles a. day to start
Machinery and equipment for
he plant is due to arrive frmn
he United States early next
Pictured above are members of the 19551
sessionyesterday. Left to right, seoted:
The old gymn at Ingersoll and' District High School is
prepared here for moving. to make way for the new- col-
I council which held, its oper
strangers when they come here",
he said. ,
Mr. Wadsworth came here from
Toronto where he was sales manag-
erfor one of the larger dairy con-
cerns for 6 years. His
who received his educa ion a e
Ingersoll Collegiate and later took
a short course at OAC, is sales
manager here and president of
Oxford Dairy Woodstock Limited.
The Oxford Dairy Woodstock Ltd
formerly the Central Dairy, was
purchased in September 1652 and
many changes have beenrseen there -
during the past three years. A fleet
of 'seven, trucks has replaced the
horse-drawn wagers and new ma-
legiate. The building will be moved to Kensington I
where it will be made into apartments.