098reverser Bulk Talhp. Pick -Up Syzzigen_131 4.StarW d By Oxford °fig� ord Dairy. which, has enjoyed heated on the way Prom the farm ord of quality, service and to the dairy, '.all things -which car ess over its 11 years of busi- greatly. reduce the quality. Mr. in Ingersoll and four years, Wadsworth noted as an interestin¢ odstock has come to with' fact that the tank truck is. so web' ore firsts for its custorpers.� Insulated that it could sit in smi Tanuar 7 in Ingersoll andilight with a'heat of 700 degree: oc a xford Dairy offic- and the temperature of the mill: ially launched its "bulk tank pick- would not vary more than one up" system which means that milk degree within 24 hours. is which Supply the dairy, from stain. icked UP from the 17 sl The new system is an advantagr less -steel refrigerated storage 'lot Only to the consumers but tx tanks in the bulk. - the Producers as well. .Farmers Actually this .means that from will be sure that they are produo the time the milk leaves the ,cow ing a top quality product, one that 'until it is put: in the bottles to be�'Vill always 'find.a ready market, delivered to the customers' doors Another obvious advantage is that it is never in anything except it means a saving of labour for .stainless steel. The milk is Pumped j'he farmer and-tlm dairy. — into a from the refrigerated storage tanki 100 PER CENT CLARIFICATION and taken airless steel directlto tank trucki the dairyi furtherf first time in Oxford County where it then goes through the a '100 per cent clarification of regular processes. and is bottled. milk; a positide system of releas- Eric Wadsworth, sales manager!mg any foreign matter that may of the daily ere ointed out that exist in the milk. This mechanical there is practically is chance of 'contamination with this systprocess replaces the oldee method ilia liminate em and) of straining the milk, thus insur- t it es such things as mg. the consumer of a pure prod - dust from the road-contaminatingluct at -alltimes. the mil=or }he milk. be times. Wadsworth concluded.