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o �- "©"H. t3 This is Your Invitation to Inspect l e�, ®M l.� �� 11 THE II�iaEItSOITITUTE DISTRICT COLLEGIAL Revised information pertaining 1 " &e n'�^� p� hh lTez, f Ito the proposed high school said to � 'dk Q1A o� y y`� .tin the following dates: be based on the .increase inthe 'z �Attcndance at the pub hc schools, tin the district was given wnsidera-(,For, ngerS011 . . ■ /z i F IDAY,� DECEMBER 3: THE OFFICIAL OPENING �tion by. the Collegiate Board:: of: ',Iltgersoll'. District at a 'regulacj This is how the architects,, Shore Full information was given by I"meeting last night, although there',and Moffat, arrived at their esti- the architects as to the type Of Speaker' Mr. L. S. Beattie, Superintendent of Secondary Education; , (was no general discussion. *>ra , s ,mate of $885,000 as the cost of. the construction generally and #hey -- - - _ __. — , o e- v -kpi-5o _ r�r The letter under date of Nov S,:proposed new collegiate for Inger- said that from a contractor's view- ' F�'a unftaggmg a or 'm is cause was from Loy is S: Bgg1t� directonsoil district:' 53,346;.feet of earth point better Value could be obtain- e.old e � � j23 �' education I wish to pay tribute of secondary edtl$Htion, for-' theaC $13 per square foot, $G93,500; edfor abigjob than a small one.',.. °" 'fie,:, ` "^' w =the school boards of the provic province Of Ontario,. on behalf oficost of land $5,000; improvements i He continued "As I refer spec the Deputy Minister of Education,$20,The - architects added ' t can- j -cally to the work achieved by Y n fleets 0; furnishings $debenture dis- not guarantee you the cost g the �w rand was received with evident sleets fees, $42,000; debenture dis- � I v,( board, I want you to realize 1 (_satisfaction. - count (2 per cent. $17,000, cost Of school. We feel you will. ,get a I am also expressing my persc The letter - mentioned that a - 9 �, introduced - r: Shore of- the, frrfh appreciation of the generous P number of tenders and we think Issuing debentures $5,000; contin- from our past experience 13 per f7s4,.d "f ;.meeting had been, held in the De- r p p $ ' p - of Shore an4 „' architects; vice of.all boards, and apprecial F artment of Education with the gency fund,.$65,000, total $9a0,000. square foot will do it and will A memorable occasion, one that expressed as the result of my EP The architects were thanked by marked an epoch in "educational and Charles Olmste of the. Olm- 1 still have a contingency furid We .years of close association With Hollowing representatives of the sled aI ors uction'Com- Atgcrsoll Dis1x•ict. Board in' attend- R.•' W. Green for the plans submit- cannot see anything that is likely advancement, was the official . boards of his province." " d' and the information given. to chart a cost. o1. 'construction. opening last night of the new Col- party, Other introductions, by. Mr. Dr. Beattie also. emphasized t ance, John J McLeod secretary g legiate."Institute of Ingersoll.Dis- Herbert, of those making present' k John J. McLeod, secretary-trea- If there is. _a change it wouldwhat had been done by Inger rtreasurrerl'-R11V. Goren W .Surer of the board, said he felt g trial lions, included Mrs. McKinney, re-, districtl.board-to" serve , 'the ;yc Flennug, II P. Power G - 4 aisle sure that the total cost would probably be only about a two pe In such. numbers did the people gent of the -Lady: u ern ap- of the district, was in line v ,Pxrre, F. C.`Shollon, 'hall an, q cent. Increase. It looks to us a of Ingersoll, other urban centres ter,. IODE; The Norsworthy Chap- modern progress be under $950,000 before final plans p gr s. in secondary aid Principal J. C. Herbert. 'though conditionsarefavorable. and the rural areas turn out that ter, IODE, Regent Mrs: C. K. acaUon. were. -made -.to' proceed with con- "We will kee the' interests of thespaciousHoag; Blake Coyle The letter continued as follows: P pacious auditorium and the Y e on"6eTR�h of He described the outstanding ` struction of the building.- the board at heart in seem That cafeteria:, were filled to overflow- "lt was agreedthat ltre accom-' g "Yngersoll`LTons `C2iY'6; Christina Ar- dances that had been made. miidation'required in the proposed i the money is expended economi-ing.' It was estimated that more l�mour McNaughton Chapter IODE, secondary education. These High School is as follows: 10 class- ally as possible." _ than.1,000 of the visitors had seat -,'Mrs. John Mitchell; Thomas Jack- lowed the first and coed wo ing accommodation and more than son; vxce chairman of 011 ar£• xo-rd- roonis, 700 sq. it. each, 30U _pupils; a y� iIf also was mentioned that the wars and were of an outstandi 'tine library cl ssroom, 900 s ft.,� ��� CBI Adopts" 500 :were said to have roamed the 11' e1 aTonal Association, Bible; paint- Y $ q, grant "to the board) (nature, particularly what had be ^0. pupils; one art room 900" sq. - 11 be on -the basis of 75 pe corridors. 'mg of old school by Mrs. C. The program was heard throu G Mr. Herbert also was. re -accomplished through vocatioi 30 pupils; one music room 900 �'"� 9'¢® /� nt. on $720,000. - gh Ames- schools.' He also outlined the i science looms 800 s ft. eacheTGO �AY �tld:i4 �'0,9 Yschool over a public ad crpient ff p hale s .L ci students out the q. pupils; two portance bf the enlarged scoot dress system. i� d'staff, while Mist Iier¢ert re q. ��� z S --- - wry school i districts, embrad pupils; one physics room, 800 sq. � tn! 9 � A Returning to his native heath, ceived a bouquet o ros red; towns and neighboring townshi 3 ''file bylaw authorizing the issu- . ���pp��,,� ��� ��� Dr. L. S:. B.___ eat. tie• superhitenda t of with ribbons in the school colors. As a result of these larger h: ft., 0 pupils; one commerical p d d g Qum 900 s ft., 30 WOW debentures en the sum. w i NN�� ,secon wry a ucation, and a gradu- from the staff and students: ' school districts with their impr q.. pupils; one $$00,000 for the erection of a new ate of the old school, was t h e `-Presentation of a lectern' was ed. facilities he considered it s, Shop.JA00 sq. it., 20 pupils; one TO1 •a", )shop 12U0 sq. ft., 20 pupils; one collegiate institute for Ingersoll I ..,. guest speaker, and at the close of made on behalfofthe architects to say that "this province off �homc economics 1100111 1200 sq. ft., district, was given the third read• �.t �p - ,�'�i�®� his. address, on behalf of the min- by Mr. Shore.. _-,- _ i a degree of educational opport� ink by council at a regular. meet- 11 71 aster of education, he declaredthe �n--be beginning his address, it which is unsurpassed d 120 pupils; one sowing room 9UC . .a g g Y : tr�q. ft., 20 pupils; one. double gym- ing last night. and numbered 2142, I school to be officially opened:;' )'3eatt(e said in part "It is a great where."' Masi um assembly one double 4800 T ere was no discussion and the . INGERSOLL, June 1 - .Town Dr. Beattie was introduced by Pleasure for me to bring' to the Continuing, Dr. "Beattie sa 's Ft.; one cafeteria -Yx s It. by was unanimously adopted In,l cogncil tonighb accepted the tend- high school inspector for Oxford staff and students, the school "It is interesting to note that wt 4• 4• accordance with the recent approNo County; E. R. McLellan. board; an(i the ratepayers of the I attended Ingersoll Cf 0 otal 590 pupils. all,by the Ontario Munis-ins oard.. er of Bankers Bond: Corporation - e opening -few ores o to pro Iagers011 Collegiate Institute dish ago, the school. served pupils r In addition to these. areas, i`- j Work,and J. L. Graham Company LtH. gram consisted of'the '"National ' ?'icC, the best wishes of the min- a district greater than the prey ;will, of course, be necessary tc\"' ^ p Anthem"' by the School choir and ister and the officials of the de- one, for pupils attended fr �includo. .administrative ' offices, , \��®g pl } for an Sean" '0' .debentures u t¢ jteachers" rooms, - guidance office, School - $950,000 at $c8.70 ter $100 to another selection. " D ' happy o t of education on this very Mount Elgin Dorchester, s far payll'ELCOME EXTENDED happy occasion. For meths feeling Mount Elgin and been as far (washrooms, corridors, dressing , for ercct!on of the.'. new Ingersoll Fred' C. Shelton,. chairman of the of pleasure is greatly enhanced by Port Burwell." .`roorits, nurse's room, etc.. ����� ��j r'�C011�I, district ingh school. 'district board, presided and ex. f:•-e knowledge that yru have given The speaker hoped all.taxpay .STIDIATED COST- Approval y � - � tended a welcome to all In file me the honor of opening this fine would he fair enough ,to come The estimated cost of the com-I li"""1� The Interest rats would .tic five g paid tribute: to gtheir taxes i 10r�, � 1 gatherin He new school because I am a tad- they pay for othecaessentiallsW ipleto Project including. architect's INGERSOLL,. June 17 � Con- per cent from one to five years a.nc the service renderedbythe board date of the, Ingersoll Cl. I still r -lees-and a umment, should 're " have quite vivid of the The speaker alluded to a Pr f -4_ from six to 20 ears, 8'/s per rent. 'and to all others who had assisted. 4 i nain within the-$950,000 amount struction start on the new $850,- y lem that confronts every sch " x Other tenders were submitted b The overall cost. of the school,, fprmer'Uuilding wliie}1 this one; re- t (for which Your board has obtained 000 Ingersoll District. High School n @ Yi he said, was $800,000: He added places, the classrooms, the science ,board,' he rising cost of provid tentative 'approval from the On- will be made soon' as the project) Midland Sccuriti_s. Anderson Corti "we pay off on the debentures ap- ] the assembly room in which and maintaining secondary scho 1`tarm Municipal Board. receives the ef p ,pproval of Proyinciauny, Equitable Seoullins and thiproxirnately $65,000 a year: The f%v assemblies'. were held, and the .He asked 'are our schools ,t "Legislative grants will be limit- Royal Bank of Canada; provincial grant is $44,000 which old frame gymnasium which .could costly?" ' Government authorities, it was in- leaves- 21, He dealt 'with this byreferr kr to an approved expenditure not $ 000 to be raised. locally„ become quite cold on awinter's :thtaxes and othercosts. . excess of $720,000 upon whichdicated here today. - •Itiltc; st SIvo+J Co -as+ AtJ� Our assessment now is almost day. With a staff,of competent and 'I prefer" continued the speal e board's percentage will apply'Contract price for the building-ro—A.l"e. �+ °� 3 Sait.(a- $14;000,000 which means about one devoted 'teachers, it served our "to"regard our expenditures pand a half mills on the assess- generation well, giving us a, sound debt retirement purposes,'Such alone amounts to $548,000 or $YO s: ,iv� .hgbxeh xw Igy4 �°'i' education n it investment; all 1.grants are set up for .the current inert: preparatory .education. I think, vestment in the most valuable `"year but. no, guarantee is madg square foot. School .board chair 9` q yrd•� For the opening numbers by the Ill n With set we possess -our boys and gi ' ant ears f such grants man, Fred Shelton, emphasized 7�e. choir Miss Doreen Uren. was at-17 he time badt comeforto ree that an investment which pays a lar as to the extent o Cor(Qaul- Iwa to this modern building m subsequent y The approved that the. tender, the lowest -sub- JJjj(( 9, the piallo. -"Y 'return in dividends than any of expenditure mentioned includes mitted, did not - include leveling] Fy xu(+t'� r) Mayor -T h o xn a s,.,,T tirrison facilities adequate to the. expanding that you may care to mention. 'r¢uilding: contract, demolition, site ground, filling in of a creek ands Drat -� I $x1e brought. greetings from e corm• gducational needs of the youth of The school was described' a -�f --'�— - - this. district," _ -- 14l(--improvements, architect's f e e s, furnishing of rooms _ tort an the citizens of Ingersoll , -- functional school" and all v(;furniture, equipment, financial, le- The Tender calla for construe. 1G4!-C*ttlaA Dr. Beattie congratulated the �� been associated. with the pro; "� �A and described the occasion as a F gal and any other expense asso- tion of 21 classrooms, a doublE ' 1 m Ctw h o{ "Vlb '^"Q' red letter. .day." His hope was (Board and the ratepayers of the were to be commended. elated with the project. 7 ti that all attending the new school 1Ingersoll district upon'. their soil• The speaker reminded. the g� gymnasium which counts as. two ¢j Ibi H � t °� would take full advanI a - of its oevement in Providing "this fine ering that the building and eq "I understand that your board obits for., provincial grant purposes,y,yy. N 5co 1 g 'school", and he alsosaid. he wish-. ment themselves "do not mak presently holds an option on an e �..- -, lezcellent-.facilities. He congratulat- ed to pay similar tribute to other and a cafeteria which will weal a0� q l J ed the board on its splendid work. ,school boards in the province for school". It was in the teachers taddition to. file" school site. -AP- 200. -- „ --✓'o WARDEN SPEAKS onits p the pupils with cooperation and x oval to acquire the addition to.. Warden J. D. Hossack tf Heex. ,the service they, had render Wrestthatbest results would .the school site was given June 18,, ,I County sax r was -a pleasure and 'ed. Since the war he. said .there attained. 1952.. l f a privilege to be had been completed nearly. 300 As 1 recall my high sohdold ` i,` , / @ secondary schools and additions here," said the speaker: "I I G' "IC. would be appreciated if this ,(a. Ji ,.- :tended greetings on behalf of the providing additional places for i I'department could be informed as G / �-'�I people of the bounty and congratu- some 70,000 pupils. This, he said, build thought to the details of to the date a on,which our board)' / ` lated the board, Mr, Herbert and p building but I do recall with gi p y meant that the great majority of ,actual] secures title to the addi �� staff.; ness, and with afeeling o£ gi y high ,schools and collegiate instit• 1 tilde my relationship with the tional. site. -' - J / The dedication service was con- .ate boards had given freely of L. /j / G(/! .. J spiting teachers who by their s 'Your board may instruct the'/ _ ducted by Rev. ueen rec- ''their time in the planning of school ful instruction and guidance h y —. ',for of St. James' Anglican c uxch, .accommodation and in carrying larchitedito proceed with the. pre 7 ed me, to develop the habits 'paration of sketch. Plans. when,, / effort tO return in the grad president of the local Council such plans to completion.' attitudes necessary for living 111 �. of this school the dividend of char- �.�of Churches. The prayer'was for He added that those in the sec. a:. democratic society based on the sketch plans are completed to, i l J l solar and efficient service. expect -spiritual welfare of the staff and ondary education branch at' the - the satisfaction of your board they'. t, ed from the investment you have students as well as for academics department of education had the di Dr. enterprise." ,.¢e submitted to this do P Dr. Beattie concluded 'his arms d for approval before fins; made. It is with these thoughts advancement by the students. best opportunity of appraising' the dress as follows "You have 1 :I in mind, that I'take great pleasure Board members and Clark Pel- :.work of the boards in this re-, vided the best physical facili drawings "are`madc". .r Jl on behalf of'the honorable;'. the low„ recently appointed secretary- spect and he outlined the varied for secondary "education in s F minister of education, in declaring lreasurr .were, introduced by vice. details his department: must deal Ingersoll. district, It is.. my h °+^•:> L > //, the Ingrsoll District Collegiate chairman, H. T. Bowes, while -'with, that Parents, with cA+�teachers, an t I�..� I I CsCU/ l.(A��,/�/.a��Ci�CL ALA ✓ __ �c i .. _ - maw .teal with ie building committee detail boards a it Sve to ae for l��L_L4=-r K+, _ Institute to be officially opened" board member R. W. Green, chair g dents will respond