100^"r$TPCTRTTV nnVTtTL A graduate of the old Ingersoll District High School, Dr, Leslie S. Beattie, of Toronto, above, superinten- dent of secondary school education, ° was the guest speaker,ot,the opening ceremonies held yesterday of the new school. (Photo by Woolston). s Cen'' INGERSOLL, Dec 3!—Several hundred people from Ingersoll and district, some from many miles away turned out tonight to see a dream of many come true when the official opening of :the.. Ingersoll District Collegiate Institute tookplace. A graduate of the old collegiate, Dr. Lral!p S. Beattie, of Toronto, superintendent of sec- Uruest speaker Dr. Beattie so ondary school education, opened that since the end of World W the new school. II some 300 schools or additio The school, an ultra -modern �• have been built for seconds structure in design has 24-units education in the province. including 21- classrooms,' science, Progressive Steps art, music and library rooms. Two great progressive Ste Also included is a combined au- have been taken during the pr ditorium and gymnasium, a cafe- 100 years he .said. He said t teria, snack -bar, dressing rooms first step was Atha school leavi with •showers, rugbyfield and age in urban centres which w cinder tracks. raised from 14 to 16 years. T The school withan enrolment second step came after Wei of 535 and a staff of 21 offers a War II he said when the, este wide variety of courses and op- lishment of larger high ' Soho tions. areas took place such as the I Pupils attend the school from gersoll District Collegiate, who Ingersoll, West.. Oxford, West a combines the people of urban a Zorra, North Oxford rural contras in the great obj, ,Dereham; and East Nissourt.. a live to further the education Presentations made to the hool tonight include: Two royal ctures from the Lady Duffer - Chapter, IODE; paintings om the Norsworthy Chapter, Addresses were heard from J. C. Herbert principal; Mayor T. pry' Iy.Gr J. Morrison;^ D Hossack,-war- I den of Oxford County; Fred C. j - Shelton, chairman of the High i School Board, and Thomas Jack- son, . of the OEA.. The dedica- tion prayer was offered by the Revue. C. J. Queen, rector of. St. _[_ James Anglican Church, and ,en o e eaching staff president of the Ingersoll Coun- J. C. Herbert, principal; oil of Churches. _,-wiilpon, vice-principal;' Board Introduced M. Barber, H. W. Brown, Members of the board were G. Carney, J. G. Clement, introduced by Harry T. Bower, Cryderman, Miss M. A. g, Miss M.. Al. Hamilton, is, Miss J. 1. MacDonald,' . J, Matthews, M. C. Mor Miss A. L. Neilson, E. C... Miss M. M. Sisson, L. F. Miss E. M. Stanton, Miss lutherland, Mrs. M. C. Ty- Wichert, and Miss G. M. secretary. W. Green; chairman of the but ing, committee introduced I Shore, architect of Shore a Moffat, and Charles Olmstead, Olmstead and Parker Constr' Lion Company Ltd., contract for the school j He said two questions aonsfic ly confronting the boards of ei cation are: Are schools too cost and has the board made good: vestments? Dr. Beattie cited persons cI nected with building the Ing sell school at a cost of abo $100,000 below the original ca 'mate, and assured the audiel the school was well m line w costs as compar€d with other n (secondary schools .built, since war.He ' said an investment ine, cation is the finest asset province has. spector for Oxford County,' I thanked .by Fred Shelton, cha man of the Ingersoll Dist-, High School Board. A surprise presentation of bopquet of roses tied with sch colors of blue and white was m: to Mrs. J. C. Herbert, wife of principal, and two paintings w presented.. to the principal was from the students and other from the staff.•-