101�IV.Stu' den-ts Handicap e l 1n C?l A near millon-dollar building has been proposed to replace the old Ingersoll District III III High School,. seen at the right.Tentative approval has been given b the Ontario Mu- nicipal Board. Building At the left is used as a gymnasium and auditorium. Old L;O%Ilegiate Institute Ell 0" � T .,, an oldr-niewspaper of 1873 -,,,,,hardship on some of the taxpay-'' How long did the old collegiate. some light in this connection„ The Ors. institute, demolished during t he announcement was made that "the! The matter of a new school, pasi summer to make way for the semi-annual examination of t h, continued to be, a live issue. At a1, new Ingersoll District school serve high, school will take place on Fri•Imeedng of the council in May,''I Ingersoll and the neighboring com• day, 12th instant; and in the eve., 1874, it is recorded that "the un-,I munities? ring the head master will deliver! ion board of school trustees pres- This is a question that has been his lecture on Culloden in - th el ent herewith to your honorable'. frequently asked, not only from town hall." (body the estimates for a new.: the time decision was reached to, An interesting phase of a meet-1 school building to be erected in, ­iicc -a`new school. but for many ing of theschool board in Janu• ward c -- - - -- iyears previouslywasthere discus- ary, 1874, as embodied in report,' 1874, a p+,t f ' n� sion as to the time when the old was the advocacy by Mr. Duch. body t New e school was erected. anan that bookkeeping should be to be Considerable information in con taught in the high school. He in of Sep z aSsa • - w x e .` nection with the history of educa-stancedthat be had taken his own to be W tion in Ingersoll, which had its son out of school to assist on his able A beginning more than a century books and that "he did not know pint , ago was provided by Ge4rp—e F,'' a journal from a ledger." made , ° - Janes, former member and o n e At a meeting of the school board lect A time chairman of Ingersoll Board board 'a`s" ar ° in.: February, it is recordtd',t h at « lof Education, after considerable record a a - Dr Williams read a letter from (research. - M R4_clntyye, head master of that tl ,� 3 It is recorded that "the village corner. ya the big school, stating bookkeep- „ of Ingersoll was created under. the house ling had been taught since the authority of the Victoria chap- n Gove} a , to 81, section' S8, 8, by proclamation autumn term of 1872; that theIn a subject was optional col with students bearing date 12th September, 1851, taking a classic course and com- time li l to take effect the following first, pulsory with those taking. an Eng. Chrort r ', day of January." ]ish course." a list 11 The first board of school trus• The following statistics war. ;was st %.as= Cris recorded, was elected given' in connection with they. include -on Tuesday, the 61h day of Sanu- meeting: number on register pass- school arey, - 1852, as follows: William -.ed by the high school inspector about Barker, chairman; David Paine, 40; number on register previously pher secretary; John. Buchanan, Ed- .admitted by the board of exam- Thi; ward Morris, Henry Schofield and ward iners' 13; number who have not t" Adam Oliver. There w a s one educa F e school at that time with 150 pupils. passed Y2; average number oLpu- been Ails and previously passed for-thel The charge per quarter wastwo month of January, 49. school �, M shillings six pence currency. Theft I'he, movement for the erection) so we ' teachers were James Izzard and the h F. Reynolds assistant[ "'" jn ward one of a new school, a• ' Authentic rocoid for 1862-3 ewr i✓hich was later known as t It and v -tarn thefollowing "There are sev- collegiate institute, began in 1874 pin"new"' eral'schools in the village of In April, From a 1874, report of a meeting in legi a' gersoll. in connection'with the dif- of the school board it was stated: "The second report of the building committee wasDistr ferent denominations. The princi- to rr '. sub - pal and public one, styled the Un- Great t :I ' ion School, being,,the common and matted." Fur her information secoi x grammar school bitted, is an ex --gleaned in this_connedion_showed lcelient institution, It is a hand-,Ithat the estimated. cost of the{S' building and grounds was $8,4w, 4with two -storey brick building with $2,OW then being available. with ample Inroundswell fen( ed. Average attendance 180. JOMii Wells, head teacher;.6tkfhs, second teacher, Samuel- Schell, third teacher, and Sarah' Haven - don, fourth teacher." DATE NOT. Dh.FINITE The (late of theestablishment of high school was -not definite but The proposal to erect a new school developed a controversy be- tween the school board and coun- cil which was entered into b y some citizens who openly charged the board with being extravagant. They contended the cost of the proposed school would impose a DREAM COMES TRUE J. C. Herbert, principal of the in the office of the new building. IDCI will see the realization of a Dr. L. S. Beattie, superintendent dream when the new IDCI build- of secondary education, will be g is :officially opened in (ere- the guest speaker. Various pres- monies at the school tonight. Mr, entations will be made during the ',Herbert is pictured at his desk program. The new $800,000 Ing terdoy. Here J. C. Herersoll District Collegiate was used for the first time yes - timetables and, equipmbert, principal, and Board Chairman Fred Shelton discuss 9a�ret S _Pent in one of the science rooms with, left to right, OAU, - -Fa-Dianne Bidwell, Judy Barnes, Shirley Daniel. j ' T.ucljd a SulrOer �«llce o, n a 11m, An old register of if,,, In .'High School lists 28 subject 0regis Ler does not, iudica L< Lever, ;iust how, many were ally taught in the school. . Subjects list,,d were: li. dgraunnar, literature, comp( 'reading, &d Guion, elocution � lanship, hookkcepingv and .wcrcial trouisactions, ❑rithc `algebra, ecometrt', trigono. ,mc,suratimr, history, g'eog. "natural philosophy, ch, botany, phsialog;y, Preach, iman, Latin, Greok, drawing, calist.heiPcs, drill and gyinii 9 -.A ieport of monthly es kations also includes "euclid.' Ji wr!� �3 • � _ �Pke 1533. Ne, vraa L;_!, h -o-