utteLai lad i9r3
Damage estimated at $25,000 was caused in Ingersoll
re swept througb_the Morello
yesterday afternoon when fi-
fruit store, the T. Eaton Company order, office, and three
apartments. The blaze, which broke out about 12,30 p.m.,
i was not extinguished until 4,30 p.m,, and firemen re.
,majned on the scene until approximately 6 p.m. '
Miss Jennie Morello, proprietor of the fruit store, - ,e'.
fainted in the building'after discovering the fire, but was
carried_ to safety by Guy' Jones, an employee of the ad
loininv Canadian Tire�orp' oration store. g
R `-'enzng He'
i� kiv8�ya
,_ 1PN1�- 1964 , c�.dad.�A4 ew,�. p§,S•
1,211 New
With appropriate ceremony, Iii-I Mayor Donald B. Bower said he;Princess Elizabeth school.
geisolls new ]our -roomed public was pleased to have a part in thell-RESENTATIONS MADE
,II school, file. Princess Anne was of- official opening of the school. He, Presentations to the new scho
! flcially b}ren aft mgl ,y C. B. had been greatly impressed lie were gratefully acknowledged ]
�Routley; MA assistant supeiinten-I said with tile-Y«IifYearanoryy-'of the; Principal Howald. They were
dent, elementary education for the school both on -the outside and the follows: Bible from Ontario Pub]
�pzovince of Ontario. iinterior, He felt that C. A. Acker-,lSehool Trustees' Association by I
The occasion was a memorable chairman of the building commit -'specter Mather; flag -from Inn,'e
one not only for the members of tee, as well as the other members �soll Home and School Associatio.
' the PuUlic School Board but also of the boardwere to be commend- by Mrs. Harold Wilson�a roy,
for many other' public spirited ed for their splendid efforts. 1picture, the gift of the Lad,v 17u
citizens and organizations, who Architect Allan Crawford said it ferin Chapter IODE, it was states
j from the very beginning of the new had been a pleasure forhim to had not arrived; royal picture b
"school project had given whole- work with the board and that the'Cl}ristina Armour Me Naught,.
hearted co-operation. relationships had been most cor- Chapter IODE, by Mrs John Mi
While'lhe program was presented i dial. Ile said he was. very ap- ill; nvmtmg by orswor 1
f sin the kindergarten room, with the preciative of the nice things that Chapter IODE by Mrs C. Hoa
I seating capacity taxed, the main had been said as they pertained and Mrs, Gordon Waters, painHn
corridor and other three roomsito his part in the building of the'by Mr, an is. Walter Leap —pi
i were also crowded. The program'school. present7d-by'TUr—,q- ,—"-'
,.features were carried to all parts) .Mr.* Stewart also expressed his) Mr. Leaper was referred to a
,I of the building by a public address gratitude to the,board for the co.Illla former active member of th
cysts m.Chafnnan forthe occasion, operation he had personally been public school board who did muc
was Trustee Reg. W. Stewart. accorded while the school project important work in connection wig
The senior girls' choir, under the was being dealt' with. Princess Elizabeth school. T
direction of 11 A Riddolls gave al John the contractor was painting presented by the No' -
number an e mvoca ion was next cal e_ upon by Mr. Stewart worthy Chanter was the work
l�T given by Rev. C. D. Daniel of who referred to .him as "a young Miss net graAy." sister, of
�Trimty Unite c urc with the�ma❑ oP. whom we think a great areTiR-ee'tl
pralu' asking divine guidance forideal". Public school inspector 7ta
thosehaving the duties of teaehers' Mr. Gilvesy, with a significant Thompson was alluded to b
as well as those who will continue gesture, formally "presented" the chairman as having been
to carry responsibilities in con- new school to G. M. Chfton'chair cooperative and helpful in co;
neclion with the school. limn of the n,hhg a hnnn i,,. A ,,.....•- - - _
,Made homeless -by the fire were)thought>they
had it under.controT,
Morelia, who hid living quar-
only to have it flare up once
:ors at the rear: of the fruit store ��
more. They, were. hampered by
7d two rooms on the floor above, Iheavy
and her �SMELLED
Irs W. E. Swackhammer
au hter Sean, who had a five-1
The fire occurred when t h 0
apartment residents were home for,
a .
oom apartment on the second
andMiss Nlacgmi et Gould,iIlunch
Miss ..Swackhammer said„�
✓ho lived in the front apartment
she smelled smoke and went to i
the to sees
im the second floor. _ Ithe
back of apartment
it was coming from. She 5
,'✓ ,� §
Cho Swacichannner opartment,.where
by t 11 e
said at this time, Miss Morepb
!in as completely gutted
but Miss Gould said she
rushedout from the store and,
+f✓y Ee,�tp 4'"ifF'�_3!,'�,`
be to salvage some oflcase
there was a fire m the
would able
f tine contents of her apartment.
basement. 'She said something' ;!
� �t'�_
about a torch, and rushed down 4
to help her," Miss Swackhammer
One of the several presentations
�. A large shipment of Christmas
said. When Miss Morello fainted to
the Princess Anne at
yy'merchandise in the Eaton office)
Miss Swackhammer ran' to t 11 e . the
official opening exercises last
tavas destroyed. The office 'man
Canadian Tire store for assistance,. night was the 11a train t11e
�ager said. one large shipment had
and Mr. Jones came to her aid.
Homer and School Association.
arrived only .yesterday morning
Miss Morello was taken to the
from Toronto.
home of Mrs. J. Clayton where she
Miss Janet Stirling was the onlyf
will. remsCaC ubti] later when she
Eaton employee in the office when
will go to relatives in Torotno.
he fire st.,i-ted, the others being,
The fire chief today expressed
to much.appreciation
to those who helped
Cause of the blaze was said by
firemen yesterday. IIe, said the
rlre Chief Fred E111s to have been
PUG workmen had been of great
1 lie thawuig of pipes the base-
help- and had loaned an aerial lad,
i,nent with a blow torch. James
der tru6. j
M Henderson a plumber, sold
1 employee of -his• Roy -Davis,, had
Men from the Dominion Gas'.
een. doing this job during t h e
Company were called to the scene
(morning, but had for the noon
to cut off. the gas supply at
i lunch hour period when the fire
gas mail. There was a small ew 7
A started.'
plosion during the afternoon and
knocked back•.F
Firemen used four hose lines to
one workman was
the blaze SeverAl tames to
ward through a door. However, I 5
in ured
was no
Major J Clarke of the Salva- par
ss; Gould said today that fain Lion Amy` and'21s. F. Ellis, wife'. the
hristinas presents stored in of the fire chief, served hot coffee fact
lsenlent had been water soap- to the firemen. ,Coffee was also 7 The
of were salvageable. , semt by Bigham's restaurant and Oy bee
Morello, who owns the burn- the proprietors. of Elliott's electric at
ring, said it was covered by store, ,,/ - '.as
nice. %'u� and
..,..�-. _. wo
Some of bhp Officials taking part
ed .. the flag and Principal, II. 1 ersoll 'Public Schools; C.
in last night's - program are
llowald Left to right the group
Routley, guest speaker; A
shown with Mrs. H. Wilson,
includes. R. W- Ste_warl, past
GIaroId Wilson, Mr. lioweld ;
president of the Home and I
president public .school board
G:. Clifton, president of the p
School Association,.,who present-
T. J. Thompson, inspector :Ing-
lie school board. (Staff Pho'
n, and because of this fact at.
Burden and Mrs. Smart,�and'.
of $57.000,000. '