106�0 T-ender Call far Pry oessAmae Public �:�� ��� � ;r�rr r� 17 5 _ ®•� �• �0� Inversoli Painting Presented Ingersoll School Sealed tenders adljressed to the undersigned will, '77 " be received until 5 m1954,r ,z g� p• Tuesday, June 8t1r, for r G � r h e c construction of a new` flour room ,public school ¢ - - ING> }ISOLL, Jan. 5—Sec Speer tications and drawings may be obtairied on ( g �5 retary-Treasurer Allan C or after lylaY26th, 1954., at the office of A. G. hall, on, pry. -- - deposit of $50.00. IJepasit• will be refunded on return Hall was instructed onh of ited ti w snr g documents in l ood c�omlition. Rafe to write to Town Council ash, Successful bidder Wilt be rerluired to post 100of ing for tentative approval o o an $82,600 four -room pubh r performance bond. school. The matter came ul Lowest or any terrier not necessarily. accepted. I mN y m at the first meeting of Inger c soil Public School Board. 25�j� Signed K I r Sri p Optioned to Board ♦i y u x! f ra r'"rR� _ The. school will be built on Prof. A. II. iIALL✓r,1a. xY erty south of Bing street and wcs'. of Harris street. The three Mein', .Sec y - eas. ,. required have been optioned to Lh{ ' o C r r r Cur. Icing and Thames St., In ersoll. �`y board by Miss Leila Beatrice La r, ' - g e� 3 r� si *:. and is being taken up by the board { - ",e and instructions have been sent t� � _ ,(,f�• �` - Qvr d.�' e "1,�71re and Smith, of Woodstock, ti �' � G _ C ' - s" Ea � 3 1 '�i x�t • -make a survey of the Property an� T J�J �''' ( `� + C;, �''"I{E to convey a legal description. to thl^' �,� `} �'.. board Latest report is that th bZ Sig�aq.�-o•/Gdh,. � uC.(� (. survey w,ll he made this wee i79 ` : I �� The production of Harry Whitwell, Ingersoll artist, a framed pointing of Princess s F S t�..o- - ,(L£(oero., Anne has been for hanging in Ingersoll's Princess Anne Public School, a providing weather permits, u,b.1c _ �� Plans must be approved byft , S6e� `� �M'Q dr gift of Mrs. W. Chapter, IODE.- Here, Principal. H: Howard receives the paint- ess Anne - rig from Mrs. J. W. McKinney, IODE rep resentatrve, as Rob4IJa Dougla$, one of the ee, durinc Ontyxrio Municipal Board attci �( � 7 � approval by council. : `3 �3006 p/- /pp 'F3 -Nhtn`.y /�_rqy,{ _ _ puP piTs, witnesses the presentation. (Photo.. by Watmou4h:) .story Me Area school boards are betnnn,,, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1954sc,_--__ School and seated_ Re- Stewart""chairman Public col notified of the time available neh' - g Of ul - I Public School Board d �inc September for home economics an "— "— `t y Watmough) -/" shop 'work classes at Victor /�� I�TOWft HII'2S�Ilf pl❑eOY b, Memorial- School, it was announce 91 1 l�{4 �" Site PrEpared for Ingersoll School i, _ .�-����� Sam Whiteford was the roily ncr � • � d� @ f �9 ,1 membersworn in of the 1954. boar,! - " • I �r '�g`F W and, will represent Ward On z p $ 'Chairmmr Reginald Stewart' Pr R i f Ingersoll ouncil .i .1sided. v si si f^.. y€e :y/ - Name Committees ± �m•',. I' c •� `� r r ,a �i INGERSOLL, Feb. 7 — Town council tonight took the fast Committees appointed: Teach, <1- « F ii step toward improving street And sidewalk conditions when they committee, Gordon Henry, Gun i, a z"e , •tom 6 f(a l 11 hirerHiBedf warn Fred rrA foHanin r the 1Lui�rda oregist'ered civil engineer s. Clifton, C. A. Ackcr'E; tiler rli GY Ff W , g Memorial. School property cornet i h .r w.,, ,.�g -$ I tee, Clifton, Allan Wilson, Ihn s q 1 i and a graduate of Che Umwreily of New Brunswick. PL School Property com mitic ' S T.�•„ 3 ray.- ,yy ¢� I r worked or the TVA $ ° r3ra ,Fanshawe before it was cool' f '-Wilson, Whiteford, Ackert; sbol �1„ N" ��, s�'"'""0bw e work and home economic comma pleted. He designed and asked foilcpl"" 7 tenders, made out specifications a tee, Whiteford,. Clifton, Ackert fir t Y ante and prize committee, Aeker ,i uul supervised some of the con-' 'y Clifton, Henry, Wilson, Whiteforca % ..lruclion of Fanshawe Dam. y pa "F ,x, '� g s He also served five years withi A A, C. Hall was re -appointed sec nos t4 rotary -treasurer with a salary c r1�' We New Brunswick Highway De-s P ^il r tg,�a ;rwe pru'Lrnent and during the war as 1 $700. Il4o, x Y�rF 4 tick �F r e �f 'worlcs officer m.the engineers. A. submitted ed i - Murray, supervising supervising byAir. 'I`Imrib. �s re r m n m dry .. , - , l:nsirone arson Harlington mhos is atrtendi�g� ve ` showed total ar�endance in Del -' .��„--vtrcka„ , z•aR:�a .'f.m,....< 5..5.43$�. x4r..Za .� .. .,,. .� .._, ... University of Toronto. He plans) f her was 1,043 or an average oBulldozers, above, ha, ,f e started construction work on the site of the new Princess to take up residence in Ingersou s per cent. He reported bothschool Anne Public School, 1 _ Donal Bower official) .igersoll. W. A. Haggerty Construction Company Ingersoll, as soon as suitable accommoda-�I r� were m good shape and. aril, - y If - i _ 9 contract. (Photo b WOt g _ tion is found. _ �e building contra moo h.) _ .� I �. i - _ Mayor d o'' hold i needed minor repairs. i ilJean Budd, of Ingersoll, wil-.welcomed Mr. Hanmgton to 004° competP. In comity finals m Wood Ingersoll and asked for co-oper �} io stock rot January is, under th f - FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1955—SECOND SECTION )Orion with hum. auspices of the Oxford Trustee lye/ v and Ratepayers Association, it way announced. Ingersoll School Officially 0Yened oard, iven lb; qa o FRED A. HANING ?.v��f9za'��r� �'- �r`�/� who was appointed c; / :I intendent of the Inc # For,,,Tenders Works UHaning ton helpeent. e E elped to t INGliFeb1 Tentative +x. ise c true n Of RSOLL, - approval was received from the f r a m * *°`"""°° y a ems, %rinn.,a( f f hOwetDam. I Ontario Municipal Board for the '..t, "�"' p 9 i " t L a a 1 f - ,a erection of an $50,000 -four-room - S £ x %i7cra d -7-ay/ 9Heil c:.s •6'ec public school in .Ingersoll's east d i ", d5r tj ' ,,, r'+�a�-/c d,j Char P,T.3fi-�Yfeyor 03 e. end.. } �di" C,%ra Miry al '."a '3 A' -letter was received by the ✓ a r �. aZ'l°, wyr .rp 1,%� �io,ntad. ue StceeaJsaW; " 11 - - �,Town Council tonight authorizing S - '�. ,F+ �. �,PZ ��7ed •l7 illsY 85d asrCL �f the public school board to call for tenders. Final approval will be cCr+cT 52i{✓e,lQ. °fcadij%d//Ins sought from the Department of - ! LZ / ;.% I a Y ,ru.e'c�erdc him Education.. r :. Cc cel kr �ccf'Pe:nrad Newest school in th Ingersoll district; the $75,000 four room structure, which opened January 1 is ToconHal7K�/rer�a� Princess Anne PublicSchool was officially opened lost dcPimed by local educationalists as the most economi• �{,,, Jee _ rT w/ppyniea night by Clare B. Rytely,-ofToronto, assistant sup- cal built in the district in several years. It incorpor. 'STRssoY erintendent of elemdtary education in Ontario. Theates many up-to-date features.-