151rf.,....a.wm S •�: a , evr Dow
xA xa w &:a _.
C'#r� °'G,i.wtla: r t l erg ow.M'
7714 9sl
°'"^'° c �a , r ya J ➢1+. lrc+i,h nil wit mtr`odiiced" �1 Q�j
z,j a I "'filer is r Stickli need for Ibv .mlff-S'htPlis president of c',f
eF_ e
v }. Optimist International m In �9hc Laudon Optnm+st Club and
z ,y$ 111 crsull' observed [i erLthanked by f,es Dowlin
w - �e ^sa -p't-" -"1' 6..
edn t G 'hart, past president ,nd paSL - Tara [:ishop, lieu R1,12 - gov.
rl e«L_governur of London Oplr I , crnor welcomed (he members
f,� _ }A 6^f-f-iCerorl+n^ Seuel�mist Club, al the innugttlal4 :'inl!, the Optimist International By 6j2S..7; ICAtlrti.. r..nt e la-f, till,, name Loyal 0 r a n 6 e: nee{ing of the In,.<rsull 0 t. � and he told the group the eigious and fr dung - Lodge (1..0. L.) so well known ary, Mr's. F. OP C about the - J
4, Sryy(til[1j,�61naucial'
1 toda Secretor mist Club, held Saturday nt;;ht '! tournament that was held in he organization known lot as 'Pile; r\ J' o a reratio tin of the Ora-. r Y and ft easru'er iYlrs. at the Ingersoll Inn, T h i 9, " Ingersoll and District Memorial Or rngernen", is fornlc,. by per-1;N ge Confederation which w a s ..2riberts Chaplain Mrs. AS. need", he continued, "is It) hclPI '�i Cenl re m+ Srd.w'duY. fie f memorial
i'suns desiring to support null ele-} the name of .the society fn'sP. Mitchell, Lecturer hu's..P;. Intark
-l0$ with the boys' work in file corn-' tied Ilial. next veal, the Ingersoll feud Her Majesty '1'IIr tlueen (" Organized and inslituted at Ex. re and Mrs. cKee, D nTC
I Nor and Axminster England un��s. E. t,alnpinn9n� Z5iiard F, mmnil.y", j 'Club will be host for Lhe Lour I j} / The Protestant 1Lch 'Ina, the` The more service clubs thilLi ;nalnent still that the tentative, I. l 'laws of the country, and ilre, wily 21 1088 and from e, on -I Roberts, n o Mrs. r Piper.'there art, in a communily, l.he, .. date has been set for March piulestanl. succession lu they rr'auI x great many lodges wet I'TUe slogan of the Or- I , I.
I throne. They assucifde in honor organized. in Ireland. 01 Al sedation is "One School, onel more services there are to be ;, 1G, 1JC„
performed by those clubs," he � Mr. 'IS +iel+ls conducted t h c
lot King William the third, Prince I18, 1832 a Grand Lodge cn�e.,, Flag, and One Language"F 41. I -�- -
ofHrmgc;-'wlinsc merrwry they , 9 added, "and fl every elfurl ia, nonlinalions for officers which
t w;is held in London, Is'n land Oxford Count..v sponsored the put into Clio 1 gersoll Optimist :were accepted by the member-
- revere, not Only as. a gre r( pat-, and the development of the ord- "orange Walk", this a s t Club now it will pay off many `.I ship as follows: President, Les
'riot, a constitutional Mort rch, (;. er in Canada was started. year. ''file ,;Dowling; vice president, Ron
parade rya. held in fold in Year's to come,' '
1 'mil a hero but as a iruo CIit.I. t, I By m1 act of Parliament in Ingmsoll on Jul 8 nd form- 11t. Rmuhart .went on to say �I ot� secretary - treasurer --
l�ian; and hope in the adopt inei Cap aria in 18!JO the Grand Lodge ell up at the collegiate grounds that al'�'tiriic the Optimist' ;,, UT obes; sergeant - aC-m-ms, - of his name to mutilate his Vir-''Of British America was formed then marched through the town Clubs used to help with ill iuv I L�'-P' roar. Committees: -
ines by maintaining reiigioni .Ito unite tile. numerous primacy to the Fair Grounds, This was mile delinquents after the hays i man revs up,-itobert )l Nven,
without persecution. I and county lodges througho It ti most successful and will be long were in trouble, but through Um; Jirn Mannone, Gene l7ali ee,
William of Oran,;O was uivuL Cmiada. About tills time the ex- remembered by all who had the Years the clubs have l kept fhe. 'Ralph—tCittlam son, aLGencal nce:I ell to England by the. elug} , ist ❑g Orange Lodges in Oatm•rl privilege of seeing it. boys active and out of trOuble '•, Dr,J.-6'rank York'
and nobles. He came in 1688 and. County were consolidated and it so as not to became delinq Jack Ba}��I:.�r1�qo William S9il— sn
tile people ,joined him. C,ouslit-if is believed Clio original Orange -- - ues,l�s �,, - - - -- ;'irony 50
r nt�ony,,
utional government was esta l"ge in Ingersoll was mo
bhshed (Dell of Rights) 1649. Lir,,! posted about October 2.5th 1894,
�v.� ,.+•"'�, �' ,�.rt 1."',=.. n•`x s4 "nY r.Xr: l4� xa��„, d..e al` z*S
triunapluld.'File Victorious finalejf Ia win'lly suecessm• to No. 505 I
. I i which uperatcd about 1855 and
i-e Clio Boyne to cs leas 1i jut:
nerve effort for rstabinslunenllt No. 1088 which .existed about,s` t+s " .,.asp a eprfbr i>ytl
of civil and role pious liberty ,tit 18G0. a , sr ;r'� , 4. ,...: ` a L "v � u t tw
p'U xtr5 3 d
The Protestant succession was;i the present Orange f o d c `'s ^` : •: x� ` I ° rs +rI` a` x F §
SeCul'Cd.. ,>. g
' I ride of Oxford L.OL. No. 743"."xic
To keep alive Che mamQr, 1,f6 received its charter undor date
these stirring evenf.s and theAugust, is t'`x,.s" �a_ ,. tsx rr , r , • m , d
of 8. 18J4 'Gila first
blessings of the "GloriousL,e.0 Worshtful Master was Mc- xk,'' "�` t' "..� i''z'r"«" �, - •w�'v's`t "`�'�', 't"t r'Lr.,1Dk �� i
volution", xnd to act as a Uul- . f �=
I. C1inLuelc. At Wte subsequent re- ri
theOrangeA.ssociat+oitill III re win sl UtC Worshipful N•
I- fb garivation oil .lure 28U,, 1929,
formed. t t laslor was A. fig. v �; fit§ . Sa. - r .' • rya, i+^ '"`,+,el,=, _....
Reynolds; D. Al. W aun c a+ r, n* , ' � • '
It is .nt exclusively Proteslant�
association, vet lays no elainr 1tTT7n f' eaves. tecm'd
exclusive loyalty ur exc lusivel frig iec+ ary m�'entw Fiji-
to- �ue�wN•r'wv�
anc+il Secretary ant,'roasurer I^?r ` r `
protest but aelmits no��`r aPsV t
i one to membership whose pun
ciplcs arc not I�;1Landivlia isLj' Pride of Oxford L.O.L. No. • a
__ - 799 meets on the first and thud-
Inol a true Protestant. An appli-Monday evenings in the 100E "' ; g .� s a z a ,�: r
cant must be a pra closing Christ- �' ifalI Thames St.. with 11 a r r Y as"v' r :..: c e ++ s` • vr,._, ' �� •aas� " � `, t
�ll.m in every sense, of the word. �; i1,at1O and Worshipful Master •'#r .,, F s r s
lie Or ange Association w a s , #s3 =t ': 'mar' *s�` r, '
j fo,wdr d upon the einluriu„ prin. ; I ast Masters in the local nn:m-
1 I ilheirship include. W Lampk 1 n,
d cipl of 'Coil and Rehgif) s A. V�IIllIU", G. Turner, S: �tIl-� �''�t„r ,; •f ��r �� r r , r _.
i,i'+rtr Cot' all men. Ifs plat '.Cal 1'. I bulS7V I. nsc'Or p ,:+-`?
for , is Prutcslautism. Priiinn-',9 U'c�, F,. Mott„ -soil till,, DA W .� r; t v '° � ?,Fa: � ' of `z�`$
i �i r""*°' ' n �i jut S` ,"
uirl Freedom. 'Thal free. Mott
ant W. Anniaon.•.,`srt's� 7 ..w si n t3, ,rp'..y'C,•
'door which is tile, birthright of
��p��„ }`=j Pts�„, G", � �,. �t`a S y a.., �v ��,z e�� a i
'every nian.has been inscribed :IC_11ARTER IN 1923 3v _;, srix r �; _^ „ n', cur `
into its banners and written nn its . The Ladies Orange BonevolenG
!law i ssociation, (hOBA) rccmved rls ..:.. ...z"I ,.
[PROTESTANT ORBIM charter m April 1923 sort :,L•s.i INGERSOLL OPTIMISTS - : -
TheonlyW "eland was the woitlly, — Officers -elect were and John Shields, president of olio Lendun Opli-
I`istin lively li io is the flat- I'distress. Other charter mend) --.chosen at an organizational meeting for an Inger-firZr.mists. FromTeFf are: Ron Hhouse, vice -president -
distinctively religious and Ptl tors were Mr. I ❑d,�➢1r. soli '�'soll Optimist club nt - ov. Guest saes kers al the -a, 'L
rrotnc association in Canadall f es Dowling president; Mr,.
ZIrf; Mr. Shield;
Open to ProtestauLs of every 'Miss Gerhardt, Mrs. Sivxer, � meeting Included R. A. Rei., nl-,orY, manager of 1 I,z (rear Les Feldmar, Sergeant-aft-orrms; Cecil NoJz�y,
Mrs ( bishcr 14rs. to .lack- (_FPL-TV, I ondan; Lew `licit, CFPL-TV personality, scuctaly-tirosu c-r.(Photo ;by Longficld)
race, pail;; soil denomination, Itrl.,__
is not confined to any particular t Mrs "R151(1 ra ngy ,Mrs A.I,
place person or nation, but ex Lnws. ifi . i� Mr. and, — -.:-' .d ""'• _.._,_ _ _�._ __. _. _ _ .—
tends itself. wile. ever a loyal Mrs GJ,.Gy 1i4is Lwart Wilson, zxa.� u/u'`� -- - Protestant is to be found, ty the. iYIrs W. AFlord. �7NUERSOLL -'PhcIngersoll,
Most Obese memUcrs h vet Optimist Chub last ni lit held
remotest cwmo1, of the lobe i a vr.mf.zi',96,
for the cstabbSALE
licnt of Protest -passed oil, to flight.i server c. r sfor anrzahonal mwtmg yid �, 4� -
ant faith and British liberty i Othcrs stopped in to carry the elected nts'1961 slate of offices, ,ti Q9u qer Pest 1'a[slda-a ra�'snd S"tie
.While the Orange Order has : torch. rEtected president was Leslie ,
10 Monopoly on Protestantism" The local lodges help support , W. Dowling :-vice-presidr tits II Inge.7soll,untaziot.
or palriotism it is the o n 1 y'' tile 'true Blue and Orange Hume , - It . , g Lip c and William V 1 -Offers to Purchase n.ust be forwarded on or before A_-
org ulrzation actually putting {i at Rnclunind hill This Ito file ;� sort. secretary-Cie?surd Cer,! DECEMBER 15, 1961. For details, including condi- ( _
cash and sacrifice of time and l was completed and opened oil ,, Nobes xnd sergeant at auns,�, tions of Sale, apply to— 5a> 10 Bk
cool, y to defend ''rotes ant ..lily 2, 19:.3 at a cost Of r293,- i.
heritage 'Pinup and time again 542.00 It has a capacity of 140 Les.bcC oar. CROWN ASSETS DISPOSAL COTtPORATION
'I Directors aj'e James Mamie, : ,.
L has public
the cause of w 1a0 ddesu i marvelous ji, Earl Swartz, John,Baskett, Neti� 1 Front Street West,
Uic wUlic schools, the maim nvorl: and deserving of help ri Tr, able Ell.cnc''lOCafiC and, TORONTO 1, ONTARIO 2328
age 1,w the supremacy of Um There is also 111e Aged , Tr ribI
En hsil languages, Opposed sec ;Peoples Monte, the Sailors, Inn Rev. Joseph L. Brisson
tarranrsin separatism and ec -Bible Society, Contingent Fund, 'l+' L. Howard Logan,- Oulun,sL ppp gg
clesrasticiana, and has been the ithe Red Cross, the Llcart Fulla, ' .International, le rl� repro s, utn Ea r �R K
me m'�1 u s of Obtaining necessary �and a bursary for public Schools I vUx-e, conductnd the mcctmg I,,,.�,___„,_.. - ,...-I �m d 'io uJ va+`"? � u
legislation dealing with to a it y ,as well as response 10 any other II A presidents put was Pic- - t ° w. f,„
public issues. Never in the Its-�' calls front the needy. This is t i ented fo -Mr. Dowling by Terry,, i �,r�y ,, � ^ � I
Fury of this country have alciiwhere the word Benevolent is 11 of Hamritvn, chi u' : aulloap 6ltuaaua8 ipuoq al, J L'�� a. �'`.'� � � '..
.'led women Veen organizer) for merited. The raising of funds t1 Cajsaday, �� r , d.
b ,r ❑g chairman of District vane sallranoos aruooOT 'P x,I d "��¢; )- I
nobler purposes, and never have! is a big Order. ! i saolad sill asp solxa lsaaayul pua,
Hicir united irffoits been more j' As ilne name. im lies, LOL'A �. 1. i suxos ssaulsn oar °''. INGERSOLL—'1'lre Bank or The site will be used forpark-I
urgently per iiired.•'Cheremust:!, P - A sa:retary-Crcasners piui q Ih1 'Autouooai�;
i bears relationship to the Lol, was presented to Air. Nobes byl],'S'R .aril is gnTuaq o91 nano � T-lontr'ea.l has Purchased the old lug for several years. !,'it lure
be a vigilant and united aclmn j; and works as an auxiliary and our a assort- no sfs.rad if : g
from cairn to coast against the .Thomas Disho of London, ! 1 1 1 Patna A In ersoll Post office and site, 1`✓. plans, however, cal! for the con-�
u from,
a r1' e n t e d a ' r'ession co-operates in ever-v way. The 7icuteaant-governor of Zone 5. 41,ju nudds cupid Apuols arlS. ,[�: G. Davey, manragerof the bank's struction of a modern hank I
gg ladies meat second and forirth _
Of Ro n� . Esporience has taught,'' Monday evenings in ,the IOOF - ��-rldr aes'rrar14 �7a Pa ao!4 i� t - branch here, announced yester- building or. Lhe site within two s
adst. li airtomc inlu�e pr�vincem i. ofaili and are
cNo�ua;l8. as "PWB1 i� •aru,u00 �f + ur yaUz S �oAox sr „-. , dzy.'' - o nt,d nC m• three Years, Mr. Davey said.
the mgual for a suuilar demand nals's 1 on, or "anti ,�; The old building, loci c Tire post office was vacatedand :
Outnill iuno'iost of Canada or floc I s Ni iu tau ale Ila.� -,ki li4lrs.i A.� aII 7nor(e ,. os auu..fin,l[if,i °as, ?b, Lo�t down in thees trncar will
follmying completion of the'.
_-� -- f, rhos. . fuao tat tuwris now federal building.
��._.... . - _ Air,ll air7..ojy �47 orusaygr+! :ua,, �turc, Nor. Davey said. � —
°,'Un a !7 day Rdd O41 M l-. _
LrpY a17ldVio yan�7nl sP .rd
EM-. r4 ,N-4Y hs ,i