152r Tent
entatively OKi n ' � a' fv r�a9rl
lliSaddition ii�QfCoSfs
oIngersoll t r alil�r;��_�6�rdii
INGliRSOLL — In er
g INGERSOLL — Tenders
Boll District Collegiate In t� e M�� Fa_ �. l
a M or a drew 0-room
S vaca-
'I 13� 1 aY?aa`sa. `a: aw`. ay�j«usR.s a'+'S,; aa,*a.KV H�.y::'�y�11 ` s3 ia''v Stan , ev a3az
stitute board has received 1 3 a �'a
j, a :+Fx+ � i �h; w yA5 r 3: r .- 'xe�TMxeYT.«af ,�{ 1':- s r . sR +. �„�, ��a>i r� •`o i �;timlal wilJg., at Ingersoll
y ,' M a 4 a s r w' }a ea as#t" S %,ES a a 'tl h�'`
tentative approval from '$,.S ru a ,. 'ba'�e�? " 3 ,a+rs�ia %u , yts4yk i i 's' `�' r' a''•' a t + y. t.+� pa'a`a District Collegiate Illgtl-
the department of educa :ruaa .a, s y y
P , .wa Lute, to cost an estimated
o Lion for a proposed new � ' ' "''"'�� "n9 MANSION - A sketch S extend From the present gyn,noswm.' The booed $I,r'8,626, will be called
(wing to accommodate tech-.. PROPOSER INGERSOLL EXPe,, to Ingersoll Districts 'expects to approve the plop within the next week tlext'Itonth, a joint meet-
. Inieal and commercial Stu- ' plan of tile proposed additige 13-room wing look- or two. Architects Shore and Mof t, of Toronto, -I Iing of board and township
dents from the area, board Collegiate institute shows tl-'ection The wing will'lfv0l are working on minor c anges [o the plan,; officials decided last night,
,ing;ifrom asoutheasterly dlr _ __
officials announced yester _ r a
,.�.-.�.---�..-...�4.—..------...�___.. _.. gq y w 1. I Cove cd by Gr ul
day.. per. �ryIC f.�P'9���"C FedciLal and provincial got'-
, Ardutee Lv Lnggcd q a^,�'A �'j,® �j Call, F 9F0.0.0... _ J. erlmtent grants will c9+'rr $l,-
The board has en[,agril thcl 0 9 �,�gt 1d' ,� , NN
',monto arein tectu rat firm of _ On School
h94,323, leaving $4h,h03.for tint
I Shore a.nd Moffatt to begin - q 9 �� VV cafeteria which will have to be
U-lotions lipor plans and speciLr � ^ �7 raised by the muulcipalllres in
Ito be' ;1 g WI a 1 At ilngersol'l g
x line Ingersoll collegiate area..
cations for the tilde,' rt. Nea,ntryAt I Ali additional provutvial gov-
cresen c the west side of t ty � �� INGPIRSOLT, --'Genders will . 8 on � r i
present collegiate on ProperLY I.. -' : fed to the tleParUnmiL of edu for a, science laboratory, Y, hvo iC lb Called today tilt x new 20 'il eminent grant of $8,750 will
a1now,occupied by a small a,rr. IN(,Lf.SOI,L —Sketch plans cation. occupational shops,- car pen Liy, %. l
o of he lie+v vocational wing o[ ,. The meeting also set lip an auLonmLiv electrical, diafting�i 11 room vceatiana.t .wing at Sager . o+vet line amount to be raised
cultural building, I, r.
Ure and Smith, a WoocLstor-k�,, i', the ]ngprsol} District Collegort advisory voca.11onal mipniitLee and' machine shod,%, a. businossl; p, solCDistrict Collegiate hl-%Ut.ute., by debentures or current espea-
(I --� - - the school board. derided last!
f surveying firm, will begin Sur �114"(hute are expected Lo be composed of H A. 1.11ery, John machine room and a new cafe -I' n � ditures, to s 5,653.
Wallace, John B. blltrhril,. Nor testa„ : _ tight:'
veying' 'he site Immediately. IrcadY m about ut tin rcc weeks, the n G. le. Pure, chairman of the
The board bad sought ap I� 't5i:m�rilen and tour nirn cis. of The provincial and federal �� r Lsfimated mat of the pro:iect,t
board learned at its meeting the board building committee, said con-
� proval for an addition to con % � � governments will pay 7G0 pera ',. is $1,53R,62G witin� federal and.
tain five .technical classrooms j last night' The wing 3s to be erected au cent of the cost of conch action I' �� } ' g. ¢ ,-. strucifon oil the. new will, is ex.
Ai�chitecls ShoreIaud-Nfoffntt novincial grants coveYin 1
Ia typiag_ruce r science lab, two the west rt.the present col. but the school board maul pro- '; % 494,223 of the cost, peered to start by April et wi y
Y of Pormttn, rot su Snit tl'ie legiate.' It. +vdl contain' five virle the teacher's and .ntnmlaut�Tenders will tcose April S. classrooms to be completed by
occupational shops, carpentr plans In the board for final at,- r �' i automotive, electrical, drafter 't' technical classrooms a typing Iho building. Work on t.h,r,. addition is Cx-
prosal before they ry are suhnuL �L <'� October. A71 +title is expected to
and machine shops, a business -- peeled trr be completed by Set, -
machine morn and, ne+v cafe
couplet by Septembe 19G3,
be e
j� eTyy, ,yy qg '1 �y .. tembed neat year.
Leria. uha..V G� 6�y g+� �ys gtlw, g�l� '�gY. j^� The tvn2 will Include. a gym -
More opportunity
too Per (!cut Will :✓onsii uc neslum cafrtrris, a ,it, shop, car Principal T. C. Herbert, of
The proposal was submitted inn Sw�6���3� p, d, A ��,C p �1 „y pantry and mill work shop, eler IDCI, said the new voca.Liorl
to councils of neighboring L` dJ "493 SA � � �� �� � licluu y and hops, boys, an mom, ma g 11
municipalities who might be in- wing.+sill provide greater besor-
� ew' W onay t^G^ �i1,N. i l • chine onal booms, two ty' oc.-
terested in son, to F. Q�,. '!I� l�� N �.cupational rooms L++o typing;
tmrities is a greater numbers of
Lhe new .vocational school. q II ,. ^^ f} and one business machine moms,! Inge' SOLI area students and
The provincial and federal arf - ���. �s A q y't l The lederal minister of Libor,! Jpd? R �jIt seven classrooms, an industrial others interested In mechanical
governments will pay 100 per tobi 1 the. thin. Michael Starr liaL For 1,234Yf4VIlchemistry laboratory Slid shad other voca[imtat trades.
cenC of the cost o[ construction ' at rived a'seimfrsyien I the
sipproved Fes, - /2. - r6,- leachers doom. The win will include a
Ingersoll - Mounting Carol- i .Ontario Departniont, of Educa t- /. - . g , shop,
but the school board must pro- , ntent last night Controlled the inn for federal government par- INGFRSOLL In�,Cr-' -- next inn, afet ria, auto strop,
-.. _ -_ ... i c c
vide the teachers and maintain Tngar�oll District-- Collegiate]i tjclpatiun.Ln rite extending, al- sill D1sirict .Collegiate. ��(Iere,',a9i ii$eiidS `carpentry and mill lustre shop,
the, building. In altuLe board to seek depart -I tering and equipping Of the new 7 electricity and electronics rooms,
! i 1 board annownced last nip*ht; ry' / 1
j Collegiate officials expect the! - 1 Tender der Dead6iiie ; gu is
' mint a[. edu caLlan nppmval foil addition to 17rc Otgersoll District �_ tJ 41 U i machine Shops loos and
present enrolment of 715 to pass! - it ha�s'acce 7ted the `tender occupational roams, two drlt l-
1,000 under normal growUn an enlarger! vnratimeat wing, Collc,iate lnslrtutc. 1
that it proposes to add to ti'e Wore( received from 1'Ir'. Starr' lof Cooper' Construction Co., INGERSOLL --- IJcadlincs for rig rooms, two typing and one
within lire next five years, and achonL- bI Wallace Nesbitt„ fl[' of! _ tenders on the $7 538,62E Vora. rosiness machine ranms, seven
Vora -
.Sooner than that with openhtg Oxftir[ uu ica-CCT--tYc federal ,Ltd. al3iYtlTfol-1, I-Ulld a' tional whit at Ingersnll Dis--lassrooms, an industrial chino
of the vocational wring. 4ViUt enrolment btcrerses ex- goveriunent is willing to, Pay - _.
120-room addition t0 the col- trict Collc,iate Institute 'have stry laboratory
credit ''forecasts by 10 per pp112(,6G7 toward the estimated l' C -I and a teachers'
The. lit of
llI,00 requires he art dent, the LA ➢Sr 111 `i' Plans
s a COII of 1.,538,626 for Constl'uet_ 1Cg1atC at a Cost of , 1,234,-' been extended t0 April It Tina V)Lifl:
si tanc for the YOO , i rail of the addit- �.. deadline had been set at April -
per cent assistance plan. '
tog ton and e9u1 940. �a. ��j-_ llqGz - ---- -
cafetci4a and a. 45 by 70 font ion. Department Approval Board officials said the dead -
gymnasium. Original plans en- the addition of 32,500 square line was extended to PCrutll
------ tailed only 15 matins and a car -!feet of inshvction space Willi Board secretary -treasurer, C.
j Negotiations lot' the purchase eteria,. recornmodate sonic 490 Stich i� A,. Pellow-said the Hamilton contractors. more time to, Pre -
Negotiations additional land required ash eats for vocational training inI firm- s'te Wee will be sent to the pare their bids.
�- �d' 'rh, new wingRvould raise the' coin mW'clal and industrial' train-I� department of . education for Work oil the 20-room add'tin t
a site for hhe proposed new 7, prhrol's Capacity ; to 1;330 a alnsLI In, ColnSCSI1 final approval. Construction is is 'expected Lo be completed by
I, 1I,Ing on the east side of the i,'i the present 825.' T
(present Collegiate Institute brill- {scheduled to begin within a Lew September of next vesr.
dot^ for technical and vocation Al Tile braid revealed that 21A,- ' wceks:..Com Completion date is not -
'.: ..,.
al classes have been completed g,tiations. ha vC been complCt" i until fine fall of 1963 but officin lv -- ----- -_.
�This announce meat was rnclud }V .for the purchase of rlgh� f I hope to have use of sever ����
1 ed in the report given by Irus- �_ Iris and two half -lets north roon>s this fall. i.��.
Prate, chau'ivan Of f� collegiate prnperCY where the _ -_-,- The addition, to be built at Lhe' 99C ��o666/// r^ _ _.
J��rJ` %arsSa))�
f, the building-tdmmittee at. the ik adrhtmn will be erected, c 1 Week {, 'nm'tn end of the school, will _
scgulas meeting oP the Board j -JipYf l�C'Y. t" f✓C �. j INLIRSOLI A $.G GiR coil
Tuesday night. 11 Principal T C. A.crl"err r ,, cmilain a. gymnasium, cafetcnu 3 J
� 3' - i tract for a: -two -room addiponl ICJ?vt/G
Mr. ,title stated that an ag- S the board that .9Aoo bno<Y.rC• a' On School Ad) il' oft classrooms and shops. -,',Ito the Sacred Heart separate e
reeinel Sale had born sign- e have' been mailed rut d< kiung JNc1;I;SOL1, \vm;; is --" -". school here was awarded to Ac ff — -,- ----
.ted nndel' tvltrch appl'oxitllalelY the night. school program that j peeled to start next Monday] c+ A $20,Oiio one-stnr'eY n(I
two acres of land in area, con- £ Y W 10 -LQl • Co'u'✓'� 'r'o Construction Company, of building will be built on Ki
begins next Jan. 3. Regl.tdmtini i on a $1,235,466 vocational all.: .�qy� ,. a 11iLondon, school board Chairman v
listing of eight full lots and F deadline for the classes rs Oc! j dition to Ingersoll District CoI � �'w ,] - ! J. A. Stephenson said last night.Street East this sumincc. 1'
two half Jots will be obtained 2!. 18 IC la.[e. School board officials 'r'� �'"tA'// Kilznr Construction Co. Ltd.,
from Prank Moulton, the price sl g G C Wrn9c rs— i.eghr early next
The board also decided In on' - - � the cant ❑aye been aware
1100 A de- 'L'. r signed a. contract with ('.Soper ca , _ woo and expected to be Ln the contract and prescnt.pla
stipulated. being Construction Co. Ltd., of Hein- '� i fished by Sept 19, Tire rooms
� hadposof pap 'Mr.: titre said ti Commencem«lit Night Nov.Nv1 -�� f $,. ud,� �p call for completion of the, prI
had been paid, and the Pulcb. �Sa- `". roan .. Points. -
yesLrti rl a.l Classrooms .will accommodate .ill mils. ect by Soptembm',
asc will be finalized cai13 in t`. air expect ell In bercadv by �'cu�cr/d yyLc�++w1 - ()no room at the front of the The Jetson Co. Ltd, of Jog,
danual) IDC2 i! Nay. L% slid a new cairtvris r. Il sritool will mom atwo-rosin, ad _
- i JWd-J/- /! t' still, is to u g the project i
by Chi ivl n,an �� & 4 '� -Sir'' ditiOlt built in cilo to the ore, her,
e Ad r 6-00. �� intends to base the building
ethree room school. .The other, g
�/ uaseti:� . will be, built at the rear of the the St art and Marsly}II, le:
LLyr«0•-'u.:y..rrtl l.,ow i' al F,s"'r G G '.U-,o.z ajh �''a �`.'n�.. ..school Lr _
lbw PCFs a 6w,� i
it: G
prta P,.
frfd a csJ {f'
r` J-