154ion Land
� � y � � � h� IleAddition arse rincipa
k e°
1 r, of e„ For k2gMks o I i
i IM I hSOI Finns for a.at c rw Corot puhllr sr.I, of
INGEELISOLL 'lice public INGERSOL, TenlaLive c
p Joule Daaniell, of P.R 5, Ingot call h; h 11'celfirld Vlilad w run curl f + 1 n-i'nrnn t- kilo) to 1NGER.SOLL -- John W. S I:..
nawmed Lana for thee. rection Department of received
Pducatioh t foul ,v.. Hilt, t,.l t s�•iu- il .:cr,• or i! I r; !tl Iriisl e,s i'cY: a grade six teacher a -I
sc,houl -board last light an-
p �fm Prtm:ess 'A.Iliabetb School
i four -room elementary school Mrss[la,tu� will replace A'livs �. ,oT'ry I\4emorial. School, has been
of a four -room elementary . Y
school to accommodate 120 „jul Westfield subdivision bd ivision aurP a. Lw Patrician Shelley who has oh _-__.-.___. al>Pointed principal of the West -
Ails Crum the southw rst section' room addition to the .Prince tallied a. Icavr, of `absence' Ln �^ p (' 'field Public School, to be built
eliaabcth public'schonl here { teach�Canadian Armed Fall '�r V�esrtf lief .7�l�Qal
of Low,, b 5e tentber 1964. ut the Ll public
southwest section,
y P : an estimated Lots of $120,df mild rcit in Gel "" 1 'Ingersoll public school boa rd l'
In conjunction with the school, 4. .} ❑i
,. the board took all option art 3T1 i- ILig'm'snll public sghoo4 boil; Educational tours are Planner) it F ,, nl ,its un Ulrn�� ia+'f��ll��. �l Placed �ann ouncftl last night .
'. acres of land in fire Westfield len.rned last, night. for grade .six 'pupils to Fan- 'r\tewu, ,.:II !iinmitrlatn oil TNGL�RSOLI. — Tile public' Sod -turning ceremonies' for,
Town council .will be motif l sh e Park, London, June 1't the school will be bell-Satur- '
Subdivision, The option is with arw' is appi a�::I�,' i20. sLu dull ts. e'n ool board announced yesker- ,-
the, Ingersoll Land Company, Band a start on conslr action Grade eight pupils will make a dog with school board chair
P' I I,mw i, :uthiterts PIaCI wu'. 'r:v a $101,300 contract for con- i'
The six -man board x so au- expected curly in 19fi1 IiNiag'ara ; tour June 26The man, Gordon B. Henry nfficia t-II
!!'' -:I ruction of (be four-t'oom West-
nounced it will build a tw'C�-room RegisLiatroli for Linde rga ri, boards pvrY one-third or Lhe 'llfa,;ai ty and 13uust ace b.,ti inK. I�
- tlelrl school has been awarded t i Two resignations were, receiv-,
addition to Princess Elizabeth totalled il-,l at the three Ill total cost with the pupils paving, it to prepare plans'fhr the i roiec; cr Willia.m Hendriks Construe-
- Sall public schools fin' the b the ha horse. t - 1I Ioil at last night's meeting. Rossl
,school wPtau consttvcU on of the 'u >,.t o[ which au he tend y'. Lion Ltd.,. Dorchester. f •I
term. t AursL, grade 7 teacher al�'id-
new building is wtdertalcen. for o opal r•.v nevi -;il. nbrr, The board said the Hcndrilis'
Lt other business, the Ingefr Get acquainted- nu Ini„v f „^ Ln'Ty�1lM1emori'I School,tesignecd
soll Community 'Recre¢Gmt �P°fits and. Parer is ue I• Id was the lowest of seven. " W go to port Colborne,aatd'Mrs'.I
ulecl ,june 38, 19 and 20 t ` 'lurk will begin April I with I Saundra, Ne nnedy, a grade 2 and
�Cmtumssion received permission Lary blcimnial .School 1 iiie opening set for September.
Princess Anne
from the board to use the lot Anne The school will be in the new
Anne School and meetings
Dhwi School, resigned tv go to SCral-
Igrmmds at Princess Ant}. school - Westfield subdivision. beth'Srhtrol.' The inn Ltjn tan ford.'
.for. its summer Program. The - r , - �—�— _ ___ ingR.9�6
been ar:r.nged by [hr Ligcrsc ^--'-�--, Contract for' clectu<al wmrlt
plaYgrotind at Pr mcess Eliaa- Home,and School Association r'
itel.h school will be used Jr—r : s / J ,tlj e t ,.,• .�, w e �, tl \ ietnry Memorial School ryas
Three- teachers -hive bci` a < ' s nca ruled to J. 13, Caunll 1 unit-
. minor league softball games., " I „c F> r " j *° fis lender r Ihired, Misv Linda PrKram t,''� 1, r ; �v v r e .r " £ +�, ind of 'Pinson turg
not a1RSc )tool gnrr "S r Ja..q: gso �a Is, °$° Iwis for $ 46G
'.: ✓t7Gi '� of Alidl+nil for Yieboy M: n
d Miss Ala an v.
"GSS*'w G:d4I'l Mt
f fed
, � F
INGERSOLL —Westfield Pub- ante antler the Plan so that ill
': lie School was officially opened elementary school could borroi/� }+ r a' ,"•
` i last night in Ingersoll. such a large ninotmt. r. ` r , a 1 1 . r s^- v ski ag
l Rev. George Y. Lockhart There is a kindergarten an,y ' '.'r . t ! p , , ,w `"'
gave Clio r"ifY three classrooms which can b- '
school board chairman Gordon expanded to nine or ten. Al
' B.I1Cyr•v, who .continued by the rooms are individually el v
giving an account of the school ectricaily beated and have SCHOOL OPENING Westfield Public School, Ingersoll, was officially open
construction that has Iaken new type of screening on tl ed lost night.%At the ceremony were; from left: Min W. Live princlpol,'K
place. Windows that eliminates tl
As well as rite four room need for drapes. ,Gordon B. Henr , chairman of the public school board; R. F. 6onahold, To
Westfield school; two roorrisl Councilor Mark Si: pson r� n
presenting AIa a ronto, assistant superintendent of elementary education; A. G. Murray, super f
Pwere uhlicaS�hooled t x'ithprincess
total Anne
cost: who was unable to atten<II vislnci nr nciool of IrLQL`+QILPubl c., schools. (Photo y ong leld).
of $180000. Mr• stated brought greetings from flit)'
that construction could have mayor and the town. `
been postponed for a later time Ivdliam Hendriks, the gencl: '. i
but that the board wanted to . ram"" r tr a
contra'ter,—l'Inded the key) s'r ,off
qualify for a loan from the "•°'.' :,
over to Mr. Hear and expres 1, 'j y i,d"" u :cN -�` vtty ierrrva r d r v
1llunieipal Works Assistance Pro- ed his appr eta on for th; ex,
- gram. operation Ire received vllbe tpl „w `
'file Board borrowed $143,436 school was under construction 'a i f• I�"v t` v�4
from the Yluilicipal Pro -ram, of Re,v. Douglas Gordon dedieat 4 'fir s•4 :, ` ^ t'i- + .' i
Which $28,000 is forgiven, This
Xr w
ed the -school and the Publi i -
rsneans that the Board has to Schools Trustee Association pre �m
pay back $115,43G The t o w n sented principal J, W. yr
ssued debentures to cover the Avith a bible. The Christie
zmainder of the cost. Armour McNaughton Chapter o 'ti p
;gMr.Hearr. thanked the Separ- the LODE, then presonted Chi
gq.e Sd1 11 Board, town council school with a picture of to(
+aid the secondary school f o r Queen.
tegoitig their right to assist- Bobert F. Bornhold, Assislan'
&merintendent of Elomentary
$ducation in Ontario, was guest
I speaker, then gave a talk or' v
the manner in which schools ari: -`
affected by change. ..
if, went on to describe how
delevision is now beingused a,
a teaching method as well a r
i films, and tape recorders. III
`i also told of a new north unatic `�" &: "'v,,:; a {
system which will soon be start , ! ,
ed by the school system. 1 •` x '* '
He went on to say that rev'
�eourses have been introducer!
in grades 7 and 8, and t1ra.
there will also be a change it
courses taught in grades 1 tot -- - / f �4°j'(�j��
In the near future. At the official opening o;. cne Westfield School Mrs. John Cle +wt. / ` G'c TURNING
_men , regent of the Christina Armour McNaughton err G. Ajurr.ay, supervising Public School Board, to
D.E., is shmm above presenting a RoyaT7MTfftf to oh 0At `0 trinA, cipjf],-- — and G. 13. ;oil for the new Wes
principal, The school opened for the fall term aecomodates 65 I e n r y, chairman In er5011 Public ScIM01.
p,nils in ldrder,, rte2 a: classroois with room for fin'ther espall.,