Sep .Tende'
xt� iol� ��� Area
Start Building
,Y E a `e < l� reQ lP� C 99[ 1
'& '^ l,YpjAb A8`• J i�k,"a� '�'y� 'I�I ���/®�I f 1
nix rk�e� A yp@��pp q{pp (ypp{p� �� �I�S �aSC
���'�a�".i A a� a„S d��+�'w„e`aea^'$rw" '# YYY st 4i� stock �I / La 2.� S t �� i
gke �t mass g' 9. �-
"rd �t n Fzee Co, Ro"dslucte BureauOf MO 000 Job
a i 1 .� YA ar rei ' ' 1
aa �s ae w r WOODSTOCh — Dial
Xtee Press Woodstock Bureau
c.epservice will be in- INGL+ RSOLL -- Con -
hone I ;; t.rodneed in Ingersoll "in the I INGERSOLL — Tend- strurtion of a one -storey
I` , summer of 1963, Bell Tele- j ers close June 20 for con -
brick building containing
r phone district manager' D. ' struction of a building to i
I s r " - dial equipment for convert-, .
�+ I$ z �li. poster sat yesterday. house switching equipment n tole hones in In eisoll
t g P g
Cost oche change -over; is 'for the introduction 1
estimated at $630 000� summer of a dial telephone and distl ict was begun here
X;xteud Area s stem in Ingersoll, district by the Ghvesy Construe.
b,.'rw`ayn.,.. e&�. 1 '� y b ! e
�'"��Jir a Ingersoll now - 1'las toll -free manager S. S. P.Oife said'' Lion G011lpalty of Ti1150n•
;;p+ n"x "" [„,:.. �'IY"x t K. T 'a � i s x`€Y callin to Bea.chville and ' bUl' e�tefda.
yr 4 ass F �fi a� r ' < 314 g esterda b' y Y•
nix n rt g-,� Thamesford, which wall contin- i y 5' ` $630,000 X'rojec•.L
w+riM",K�• y, u i after the changeover to (liat, Other Stages
�tv, and tollfreeservice will be es- J. S.-R�Ife, Dell Telephone
"k� ��.-t z,r The project is one stage vt a.
+ '+` A$ sw ' %rei tended to 1NoodsLock and E bra. , manager for the Ingersoll area,
w.uY w 6 a ( P,gall-number Intr duceg dial
j announced the $630000 emiver-
The telephone company has phoning
HL10E IN the process of be • the aki Mdl street home of. new building, ,. to house the I; purchased a site on Mill Street I extensions of toll -free dialling Sion . projject 'yesterday. -Mr.
ing demolished by wnrklinn the late Tlionlas Brown. Tlie dial switclling equipment, will t for a; central office building. ; a� said the conversion pro,i-
year. rn various parts of the district
'to tnahe way for the new tole site is now st uction of ea e begin very sliortly, (Staff t Construction of the building, to ect is expreted to be completed
h ? wrthir the neat -
phone central d'iai "trice is ed, and construction o£ the photo), � bons" the dint swilc;hing egwp- i by the summer of Y963.
FORMER HOME Off` LATE THOMAS BROWN ��,�e Total cosh nF the changeover The 6Le 90_ lie building S w
rent, will be the first phase of h y-, g 111 `
� lf(s/ as been estimated at Cb30,000. be located on,tine roof. aide or
thOncetct - The Ingersoll buibhngs site, dill Sturl between ping and
Once the building iscomplet-
:ed on the .envl side oC brill. Street (harlcS stir rl s,
/ Northern Electric technic -
Laos s fans will begin installation of l, opposite the power sub station, ➢I Mr. RrIfg Sorel lh rm sensor I
Q e has already' been cleared off. ;will meet Ilia nerds of the area
� i a t - the equipment. At the same time
d;, 4"x The spurge -over to a dial m In- for many tea rS try r nine ,�,,I Bell crews ng t e re au'anging
gm-solL will coincide with the
�. and extending thin network serv- j
Y �Y,W'w'6 " ing ingersoli and visiting• area change there to all number dial-
ing '� I, ppi - ling and the introduction there
1 - U�"' S •. customers to install and adapt +
r >�� . , i a 1�14' i" QiS of toll -tree dialling to Fmbro
��J---ii,+a telephones. - and Woodstock. Ingersoll now
I• IS Iq (, t. m Dial service. will. mean a
ff was learned —that in 1s59 Thomas Brown, Inge loll; And has toll -free calling to Thames.
By GEORGE JANPIS 1'ew BeRhVCil's Uereha In. ivlar. change in a.11 Ingersoll phone
The MfrL-stree Propez'ty ac-'1 Thomas Brown was a member < numbers. q'lie new ones.' will ford and Beaclnville only.
lot I:be ]ttunTci al. council and i Lain I ham', P,aY�ham; i14c,.
'quired by the Bell Telephone of R :Francisco, Vicuna. No cllangGhave seven figures. conforming Asimilar building is being
Company of Canada as the site was while serving as mayor that I planned for Thamesford. Tend -
of a dial central office buildhill .fie gave the. name - "Victoria" ,In 7i�zhu•eclors since bile .fors with .tire "nit munher calling" l
f to local parts. •'T'— r;mation of the Company". :plan which is gn'aduall)' being er8 are to be called In Scptem-
is rich in pistons lone. bar and the building coo
i1 The whole distance of Llte�introduccd throughout North completed
MANY GATHERINGS road was given as 31, •miles of America. by .February 1963, Dial equip -
It -was once the palatial home;; It has been related that the dwilich 16'ri miles were Withini The actualchangeover to dialmost will be installed to the
of Thomas Brown whose named large BroJy:1L.1Ionic on D4 i11 lithe county of Oxford The road,operation will be made in a. few' building and the change -over to
has -bofir --prow : t and appre- street web its many spacious i'
eiatively woven into the history �i was said to be unuplc'.hed as g
roonis was the scene Of nuns 1 'minutes with virtually no doter: dial and all•nuntber calling Li will
of the town, j :fair as Vicuna, a d, e cosnce of per
ruplion in service, Mr. Foster the Chance at otherthe parts
Lime as
„emus large gatherings some of ::miles. The average .cost per r the change In other parts of the
Goias back over a span ofu. said.
g P «brilliant Nature and others m, mile of the portion ;he road . 4VoodsCork district, 'tentatively! -
seventy i
or more years' hereti a more subdued atinosphoetgravelied was given as 275
are a few of the older cutizens[j when Nh'. B and other pub Jpounds, and for the planked late June 1963.
who recall file important con lie spirited associates discuss lsection 300 pounds per rule. _ �*J. -�`•^"^ ;.
tributions made by Nlr. Browne ed important projects and tie - Although definite information + `
to the expansion and develop C sided 'upon a course of action is lacking itis presumed tllatfii r
ment of the town in one of ltsj that pt_obably_ had import -.,'Thomas built his large
,most progressive eras.r, ant bearing upon couCimmd de home on n-f'iIt"sLreeG Consnvcl
OPERATE TANNE r+jvelopment of the comnitmiLy ion of hones was somewhat
For many years Thom as fyand shopped the destinies for general in the eta in which.Mr, 1�r`---=,,:,�; `. •``;F , '+ ,tit; �� bar,i, y
Brown operated a large .tannery. many years to Collie. Brown was so active in ',nur0¢r
�on hmg street. Past. It was ", It was in this respect L lat Pal. affairs as well as iai other t, t 'js,' ,: • ;,,,q rw pZ r
located on (,he site of what is 'jover die years glowing tributes, what ess enterprises,i,1 .Jxd"ka «v=a-IEO,v
'..were rid Ail' Brown for toe; { fa +o^.1. xn'E`n3 s,'i
nosy O'lle11 and _Ahc s garage, "„ i • The fact. was established that i i '' r -,,..''ram'"'"',' '
:'. less it -thedistance of a distinctive role lie played as a I P property'dd bbl } Jr' rV ,. 3 ; '
rior io 1899 the Brown� g. t
block tram his large and ahrac- business organizer, a sincere on Ali]] street wzs registered m i rsy, a j 4
live liou�e on Bill street, speaker and his faith in lug s ,
i,the registry office at Woodstockyt-x
Ma•. Brown loos noted for his luvuuc- conununity as well as';.
n the name of 'Thomas Bi vil 3d' u'i^s. " {
I Progressive spirit in buss- !his- willingness to share respon in
un the 23rd of Ju 3�J00 r fiix"' r t l,•�'., 't
mess oust in civic affairs and sibllity. r x j-
the unstinted efforts which he I� �,m the naives of C.[pyt nl 'z`'x""txv,,r �g'f
CAME I''ltOi1X U.S. and George K. Brown execuhots h... r '} -r J
gave to all undertakings. He Mr. Brown. was said to havel:of Thomas lj gown estate. - re-"
was generally regarded as a .� Although Tl.mnas Blawit has ',.+avwtr;vxi
community builder. Ills active come to Tn'gersoll from the Uni-I� g
• Let Slates about Lhc-same timer long been at rest he left to pos- r, e. :,'v @ sES _
Ues and achievements were of £:•,'°'•`t
as several other families wl ot; berhy in inspirational Is,,,
vt mspirhrg nature' and Lhey,-his record of loyally and sell
gave rm eLus to transilion settled here. Ile was often re-'li . y`r
Pievenients which gave hum dis
that advanced- Ingersoll from ferred to as an "American" buty� '. tt• f i �i�l a f's #rr'�`
g 2incctive recognition in the his. -
the status of a village to that; not in a slighting manner as� nary of Ingersoli's early prop-
Of an incorporated LOwmales. `he was ahvays given a fall
..,,;, a ,I , h-rs,y-,
It soon became apparent in measure of praise for his of =,. old and ctof Thomas
Since the
,,y µ -, , v
old home aC 71wm1sDi�yo n of a '''" `"'�*'„ -v
those early years that .Thomas tots to advance connnlnity'I" brick construction oil Mill w
Blown was a leacher inn virtual- leresls and in which he. was streeC property was razed m or- •`� ` w +,� azsAcer��,?s"'u "
3y--ergr or -
Vie enterprise, and ;enure nLly successful• derly fashion, the grounds have , ,-
was c uall aY home m affairs In the historical data collect-i .r na. r I{t, .i
of church and state, and in been completely cleared and
�.��ed by this writer Lbo Year LhaL' t ��'� h-
additioin to Conducting his large levelled and present a neat and '
,!Thomas Rrnwn came to inger-�j DIAL SYSTEM —Bell telephone converted Ingersoll and reglca to d,cY sys-
g g tidy appearance for the. constru
turn cry he was active in pro I Boll. is not clear. �eLion by I:he Bell Telephone terra in what amounted too $630,000 conversion program. The project included
mtotin^ betl:ei• roads leading to Some' light in this respect ts, Company of Canaria of a build construction of this $60,000 dicl exchange term,nol on -Mill Street.
fur influence in affairs general .'' shod vas the situation by refer-!jagwhich will mark a new and - -
yrfofluence he quicklyigcuuon II'ellce in the Oxford Gazetteer, impotant epoch in the con
1 g g ,published' in 1962, to the In er ;
nnumty progress and service.
ties,He. lost none of .the husL,r of and Gravel Burwell follows:
_ p ,y •, ,- .ay.,. % %-xv
admiration and genera, i�co ni
Gravel Road as tollom s: 1 //
� tvi\.t Iw4E.�.� �'.tAULci, �1,fJ�"L'(/7Yti V (,X'i , L L-<,.i/ '_ ( . .
`This Company was forum- ui '""( t J -
,his earlier years, in pubhcl September, 1849 president Ben 641.3i 0Gut. $ '"a
life rs with his assr;dancc rou ,ti anihi VanNoamaa, Directors, f yr✓ l 1 dr
l ra m?N
tinned Inc town made raprdl-jam
;progress and prospered. iI