156J � Ci?dJ' intbaiw.u/s�J '! 'd- '% •v�^t-�`trl.�-'�^%' v� Li.�iC�f�,%�. `'(YWi✓�a=��' I� ofGr�✓ wry , ii,.� 16, f -.p, p 1.. ' ., r, ./�.._. s✓r a _ ->.. __-..._._.--.__ _ _.. -. ---- _ _ _ -F,iri HiP'JFC wn ki va 1. m•r 3 �'u vC: f.( 7t".��D/.. h d sts,y i ra E rCc tr �uuJ�c p pp 7nal �7 � � qa ve keen getting" In recent The final ,etmns, finni sub. Hoc.hev Clufi pn.,d the rust of Ihr v G( INGL: R.3OIJ• 1 nl, payers �rLvtslnn foul of tva,rd 1,wo, Plebiscite, which Mr. 91aplev es munlcdpa.l,elect,ons, - _ yesterrla }� turned dos,n Snndn} t po,ts itestioni showed 193 n„amst and 93 for timated woiihl run to mme lhan�l• Ic �.,r •1. ^ 33 vale, the Sunda. s q T ILhe question and tipped the �On I.. N.'a/pX e ^G,CGi - mules fit a tote o[ 9 l0 4n21 -' .I and tomilay s rort.s bt ss ldrow atr'mtr su ppot't front llte sr ales. r'I'hr r+r-•rvi�, fir Lhe I'votel .. .to 696, noinwast and east cent rat rest- Fever L, l7rmbl. yes' mFuneatian wn, ope,atrrl is I',(1,'1'wn ,d dlntinl areas of ]nreienll aixl, The Sunday moviesquestion front the Shand 1hcebe, Ltger- Only 1 Is.; of the .3f t rbrihlr �unt.ij the dasl. polling subdiwiloon l.ns haver in doubt after lh.e, soil's only mnvm hm,sa A car ✓R '�'« xdrrs east ballots approsl ca. ntd in from the sou theast�6r rust, returns hegn.n In show the�servu_a for Ihr. 'vote ❑o" x, oup �•✓. �� —' �i�yr/ irately Iq pw- ronl Deputy' _ d-'�'" Clal'It G. R. Sta plry Paid That g9etlOn, th P. vote., wn3 neal'ly pattern of defe.0. Was ope'Inird frol]1 C19D'IY _r equal. I'll Ingel soli and DistIirt Onile.l Out 1,h, PviO.�L�-•'t"'^^"�F✓ Cho, turnout was ,bout what ® p [ «.4.G+�+�'W` ' _-- Wed.. July ..1Q 14b: Rea. Rallu x3 q Sadla*, �. r✓✓.ts-r-•G'n Ga3'% Gta Qu[f%'u.Ci 1 t✓ To Exchange Paa l`s' C£`T With �QY. L. VT Pocock s vr�t b .g y5 qp rye+ • t '` sa' s 9 i ��yy `c•w. btra++N'• XaN,'im�.liv. ,�"Fj 'T` .�, t �- m _ F lip"11 m•� �[� `� �.r/ t' Ffi S rs l O�.�!'�� �L � F rx CrG/Lc4 . d is� 1`'� [�rn' '." ��' . ' � l � "+s ''' t� er I� [ .p, L NJ " Cti rays r r/� l j vL, } N •I ;��`�Vj � gq�gg, ?t ��.yw� syY a , yr 1,I I ptn"a RcG vZ ... C,r.:.u4'f-'+iLr ,nv ��. I{ 1, t,s,„ k _ t/%Fi �.a.a' _7✓ '� (•��. /` , °.� "i ; l'`' •uf- � C �r313wa1 of I:JingLon Lold quiet room, doom; lounne and x .. _: �� ,.� / j4v-!;LGr?. PI1 Phc Seutinel Review last. nightltwo beverage rooms, f he has been °ranted a licence l The hotel would acconttvodatclly.. a l F G' •�'`f.. 594 persons ai one Wne, mehul• t ,�;e,..C-wti �'��•��. F� by the Liquor Licence Boned of a — kOntario fo. the Proposed $150, ing 11wse making use of Ute ov 000 hotel on a seven - acre sito�ernight rooms Cost of UI 6t�ucturc could 'i /,..::i ,/ -, Y. , r 350 King sti+eet. west �+'� 1/7 c � f1. exceed $lzolku plus $s Ill i for ARTHUR EDWARD MA x , tiK y��'v /� `1 lie said construction will start ° cunsli action ur,, 1,L,,..�.uiz �.. '3rvr,z+��/= _j1.,,,,;;` ✓2L9 �,•� landscaldne BONY, 40, of Delhi, be s ue - �.: , fy,�. f�/'!lr— almost inunediately on the ho-�ilam and fish Pond and park ld. •.�.,r , ,,;d.r iu. c-�-sC%. 7`�. ' lltel. It will 1 a 22 - room ntot alid parking. facilities for lou li gon duties yesterday as ,. Ct�or hctei type building with ban- I ,L�-Ri•= eats chiet constable ofInger Mt. Bg,.TI earlier told The Grft 1 i-e,a;;,j e, Sentinel - 13evi�ew that the Pond soil.Two Anglican clergymeu �kj, G� .. behind Ole hotel would be stuck --- - �. r ed wilh bass and trout and fish �Lz ntr Yti will exchange positions an (ICQ �cs' - I tin Pl tt il^„cs would hel open to .f. �....-_... Ialmary 1, 19.6.4„•Rt. Rev. G. i r�� �✓ ' t7� 6 J .�,. al resnlents as.well-as to pa-r/G ;- �,� 2.=C,C�c•d N.- Luxton, Bishop of Huaou, �� - �' �P Irons of ihe hotel. 'Plle park tau- (�ceCd' has amtounced that Rev, Law- �„4„� n sliliiies would also be open to ✓t �i-a:. c °,t G rr✓*-c n-e-L r C,r--o-�i.alt Fl Lourists. and local. residents who '9ileeaLE ��, rence- Pocock, rector of i. -/ad I vsh in Ilse it as a Picnic area. "SCr'aLc B 4L t tt�e•�. St. James' Church, In ersoli, G:+i�.�o,• will become rector of SC g F i ✓ c Aidan's Church, Riverside. /The present rector of ti '.. a _ lam. „✓1.'h� d A native of -Chile, South / will succeed Mr, POWC at vR..- 4.. `� ` � '�� ✓ Aidan's, Rev, Ralph R. Sadleir, _ ✓a•`�^"r'' America, Mr. 3a leir is a . ..r•�a', L — graduate of Wycliffe College Ingersoll. �� i1°,wv �' �ti.� •��y,� x Mr, Pocock was born in •,�-� r""Y , ' Toronto. the is a forme, rancher —r--- + aad rfnci tat of an a-ricultural -; Quebec anTeducated at principal 'Brockville, He is a graduate school in Chile• Mr, Salleir ' was field supezintendent of a ( of the University of Toronto I ' la and Wycliffe College and was ' Canadian mission there from Y € v ?rf ^✓"�.'�+v' A2 1936 to 1947. He has been a ordained in 1928 . After two rr ears service in Toronto, he tl''PCM c,. tarf Fellow of the Royal Geographi Y Q- G I < i'vh° ^' a came to the Diocese of Hurou R•rs'z 4 1 cal Society since 1945, 4 f _ x ✓ c- in 1930. Fie served sucerrvely ,. (:�" :Y Mr, Sadleif was ordained _"' w ' r in parishes in BP tit, Florence, :, �, �ARTHUR H. W Mc' in Brandon, Manitoba, in 1942. V / r�-•� ''�'" / ,• 6 . I and Hes eler. From 1951 until f /`" °'ram" �k�`'� CART, T, chief constable all After service in the Diocese of P t •, CAR ton, has been nomedt' Brandon, he came to court 1956, when he moved to (p'daL ✓ - -- !.c/�+-W in the llioces� of Huron in 1944 Ingersoll, Mr, Pocock was „• „-J rector of St. David's Church, FL.^%"� ". chief constable of the In- ' Y In 1048, Mr, Sad e" moved to ✓ Ca. F gersoll police deport-j Shelburne and in 1950 to I•ondon. I -le is a past rural ` w _- y I ,. ment effective tomorrow.`. P,ullaceburg, Since 1956, he dean of Waterloo and Last naf-�" Middlesex deaneries.))t 9 )' �--_ ""TT �� file succeeds Arthur Ma ; has been rector of 84 Aidalls,JJ ,tyo,,L/ ! flc p I'� + ° + -sign May Riverside. He is a past rural ,,,_,. : ;-,j4--r-. yr t u {„ fiery who will r dean of Kent and a member r'•tw^-^' I -'y�� �01 ,e ,y 29, (photo by Longfield)- of the board of directors of sd..`=w u - �^ ! r p Nat) —..2.. �`� f _ Canterbury College, Windsor.