159CONS'f1iUCTION ON it On- petted to be ut Operation by be .a two storeY buldmg over he
taz io 'PortlyGrowers Co- the end of August or the early ,tile ream offices. In the photo l ell
operative processing I>lant is -Part of September. The Plant the foundations and plumbing 'Th'
making rapid progress. The will haul a brick front wtth .have been installed and the to)
168 x 102 foot building is ex cementblock walls and will photo gives a broad view of
TO HANDLE 1,000,000 BIRDS A YEAR � �� ?-f f6i • j
. U & kZ;�.Y li g`r!3 .a.�. ' `tar. °@ram 4liy7 G.N "'ub m ¢m
p �si
. ins,
By Atli JAN"S I w
0, ti Jy isnt present
j.Ipiogress pertainiug wL con- we
structionof a one storey Gelb -I th
Ferri block
build'ing'-170.. by 100 Ye• Ifeet, on part of a five acre site or
at the corner of Thomas street fe
' and Chisholm Drive.Westftcld of
Sub -division and other aspects w,
Pertaining to locating -in Inger e.
soil, was'. exptessed,by Sidney Q
t, IH �utryy, sectetary-nianager of n
Oritat`ro'TurleeY Growers CO-OP- a e
erative on Friday -at his temper-
^ II Iary office in.a local halal i14r. Fi
JHenry stated that the oblectnels
t' y T be in production late lh ,� ry
August or oarI ul Sept Inbet �It
i As to the Or aspec.,
't �he said 50. persons. would have
` Iworl.`d six or seven months)
' leach -year, Part of whom 'iLi•
otunin9 little would' necessarily l•_ .
as`yv a rar"rnf�W
t.43 i L12?Vi4A�4 tldIF $ �a� f
0 1
Pik r° ut Y J- f9cz
n' NGER801J. — Work has
Istartecl on a new $137 000 tur I
key Processing PlantSidney,
-'t Henry, secretary -manager- u[
g ar j the Ontario -Turkey Growers
Co -Operative armounerdryester-
t? r del . ng56'ii-hJes+tJe6 grw.aao.. I
profit for and iFy4a growerlf „
members of an area borderedi^
by Amhersthurg,Nt"'nwil)
utVille, and).
Hanover -the plbe lo•
Gated in Ingers,Wens�f-iddly `
1 G3 L�
'i r § Building permitfor the newt
,� { plant was issued recently byl
G N , Stephenson building and;
�,..,.,,,, i ...............� 1 plu`m6tng-fisPeEtor. Mr. Stepp
r bunion reported $16 ,oOU worth. of
plant located oil the cm'n" (+tor'mtis wnra issued in ,Jtuie -
U--".r Chis-holm Drive and- ' _
al streets. (Staff Yhn-r r
% e � �ks Getu"Ing,
B r U:Sa t Lot a,I'
Il by JA➢i _$_S191 ste�is necessary-'Lo prepare tilefihillmg and pclnn dtpartnwil,'
Int,ersnil H.uteau .Sfrlj[ II• I
In et soil's newest industry is ilfowl for delivery to dislributurs move on the conveyors to the
h, Ontario and Quebec, e evisceratingrooan.
work mg overtime in .an effort Lo Cle:anhness is she key word ` The conveyor hie lull of l.ur-
meet the demand for Christmas Iat the pi occssairg plant, he s'U rs �, keys _-inovmg at a stow pace
turkeys for Canadian families. Bed. 'f9te floors are contmoallyt,tben goes tadhe Lhdhn_. room
:Ka�q V l r li Ovm 2,500 birds are Ontario
Pire- washed d own. 'The em 'i, where pro birds ate p1,Lced it,
�w '♦ �c' hjs up ; cesserldailyin llhe. Ontario Tire--lsrge coffiaaners and' packed I -
,.,,$^,�� 'uton r 1'Ikcy Growers' processing plant, ployees wear fresh V the�.'um 1
'4 roars. This 1 ire for 2 1
w th
the Y . of 1 l
a ♦' q°' ° a� t tl.a in the west end -o°'town. flies ip the sll tL P4r, Gree• s Iains makes the
Go' qs' atr' s c�.(1c " I Articles have been written of- Ali equipment yin the plant is o141 t e.:p
.m4 ♦ r .a ,c°'.y�o� q' Ib`3 ten in tihe springtime at the in-istainless s{cel, u.cluding the" flesh mote fn`m and casaer to
e° r" '" ss �o W1 t; �I cubation of'eggs to produce tua•-�� conveyor bet that is used to work with when placing the
a� b ^4`O t`''3•°,t ^pa` v g key chicks but what happens r-�'tr`insport the
birds from one fowl, in plastic containers.
s31 fire fowl. after. they have grown I+lcpartntcnt ho another.; 1VINAL GRADING >-
py`ge e qr ro,�c, ;sgbS; lC� ° ytd full size and ready fore. the con-'AnYwdiere from seven to uiu-tg Next 6irp in PITPa ing khc
dtia , vgQQs o h tiq �� qs^ �: _ sunter's palate? '. teen hundred turkeys are recei- (fowl for Uhc Canadian market rs
��asv v, ..00s' �r vco $ 4 Perry C=r, plant superior ved at a time in specr:ally de-'i� to' grade each bird erlher "A„ .
eudent and, production super.
signed trucks, depending which-�y or. 'B" ar "utility 1n pau<-I
.s N,y , .lf fie o� atop l.„ y}oorot^tyns, versor explained the varaous or Woos or hens are being :pick•. aging each bird the giblets arc
as c w c 4 w• a='�. • ed up at the. producers' farms.. placed in the interior and thej
These trucic,s have 120 ca.,es 1 fowl is sealed in a plastic ba
V.o�� ��yv�o oq�z�ti�^.'�T``si` "y which are used Lo .bring.. Llic fffd by a. vacuum machine to take p,
e°�p, C ,e, �� ,� do ti`1 �J ,�o n„o _ ';; birds to the factory, Lrmn af,; all air from inside the turkey.
r .... D +;9 0� ,ti5 �x� „ W . ♦sw, ' railitis of 100 `miles aruwtd the (�a and bag. To ensure there are l
'.. ' ' " �`.o. tiq Ja � �ti .ti°qE♦� '� o��� 'v `� � suric
rounding district.runloaded by emttano �ncrks or they are.givin the cnp an
the turkeys a t
,,;� oo eq e� 'tiq�♦t � ' � _so � ! � taking each,individual bird- ands{ oilier inspection. �•
�' S o,Sv "Do�'s„vm♦wo ,�q , e' r , s* _,., -,ry, Banging it upside down on Utc a Follpwing inspection, the
o'� conveyor belt, where it 1st cetis birds are dropped into a zero-'
giy; ~^ °q'� ,' e ♦� J o ° �. r' "` " ' into the killing room. P rem t:degree brine tank and arc quid.-'
r x' i 4�w p'.0 �'roq °r 'saga. ay.s��4♦sm`� �'' +„^t>' h .us r r * . ^•li� there Lie
the bird goes to a I (frozen. Weighing and placing ut
a' fay c" a ,,� .a. t y q ♦� �♦ a\ ,p
' ¢j ♦♦`^ y a s S �.' �� e c ah" ® ' Ilhut water bath to soften iher'a cardboard container and mar-
o� es'afi�Q♦oaq oa♦" i�o� s� as �o � t`�i .'41` �� `� 9 .. +i Fea Liters.'fBy the use of sPecial� king the grade of bid inside is
snsron �.��,'• v`2 a S'.� qt scv _'s'.ro .o/ „ _ ;,,,' .+iimachinery,' the fcathcrs. atelhe next step.
,Review, Tues.,
•,n. 1 P �Flxllnt r� III 'dill UifB.Le Ra;fi rG N"� 5rn i., lili qn I ..
a�i IF t 1111 I �yypp,p, 13b, ?tNd si llr it 6 Y;" 3•w+=
a 4 let
Y LI t II 'I t 1 Ifl Id .l�l�d C "'`,-' ",y rb n" Y ° , x �ih01t
u�Jn Ill° i r p k u hr, 1�1 i I '(mire 1 I 7. L.. IK :y14.791AxI,ILh N:,, �.��... �. -
a , a; a t, , f I r"1'I".,n u.h tmo- ,I w w nM"U°rle�+µuL,.m��w:.UlYaeu�ia+wmin iU �I 1 = . 's u „
TURKEY PLANT -- The $137,000 On- cessrng rant i Ingersoll is nearing com- gin by early September. The plant will f <
tc'rlo Turkey Producers Co-operative pro- � pletion p z-n"
a and production is expected to he- employ about 20 persons.