161ew Saf., April 27, 1963
Tho half - million dollar plant river after puiihcaL
being constructed by Ingersoll'sf
or cleaner than wl,
newest indusW,, the Chicago
Vitreous Canada Limited Coln-
The stack of the 2f
pany is now nearing Uha stage
foot building will b(l
where erection of steel will be-
all partsof the, coy?
gill shortly,
The plant is under construe-
ter it is eo_lnplet dlt
foot chimney till b(
� 1 ,.
lion on a 1311 acre site on Pem-
haust the fumes Oil
berton street. between the CNR
its two gas - fired
:main line and the Thames Ri-
Inside the walls I
ver channel.
ing will be one (t-
;. b
whei fully operational, some -
automated mdustrilt'
time this svnmer, the comp,
will manufacture vitreous
western Ontario. 7
the building will lit
a' ' ° ;' ' s �*
;enamel to be packed in bags
thick and of doulcr,ftd'
The product will then be, shipp-
metal, coated with
oitemsmrequiring a��ac-
lain inside and ol.
t?dirl¢g roe-
The exterior wal;, ," -.-
-. �` a' t t r ,tf
i (
lain finish.
'Elio Ingersoll plant will be
terior will will f;
inches thick cons
the first Canadian operation byeporcelain
coated nf,
;ille United States - owned Indus-
axy, andr,
sulation on the 1;'°^" .a - dxe, art
�'"`"°` ^""a�^�`
co utrieaed sbift s sl
rate onva Y
two surfaces In t.-
e ,cs-(, 4a
join, enr Toying 23 to 25 persons
p p
walls will be a r ;..
struction spacing
including executive and sales
wiring and pipes 1,
staff, Yorenuen and others .in the
space also ache tit ,-a.:.,,
.. a .• : �,,3
T. president of the
lorm—of 1pSul tla
^ NEW fl"
DUS} -Chico
than oon,
iann�atlthe and gen
Perin writ
tile'Plant --s rl
RY g o"Vitreous Canada Limited,. producers of porcelain
oral finedmanthagert of care new plant,
Ghat near the Thames
laying of founda! enamel
far tl-e plumbing and appliance industry, went into operation during
River, 4Uo gallons of water Per
lugs I September 19 -.
53 in Ingersoll Value of ;property, plant and equipments is
minute will be pumped from the
Mr. Penton sal about $750,%.
The processing of raw materials from Canada, U.S. a
river tbrough the cooling SYs-
tem, returning Ole water to .Il
lion should 1
IMay 4, and the stau.
E L, -op( x
amcloys 15 persons in a mainly automated operation
aaa wasWAN
✓u . U w r.
iz-.'.n- ja76.-
a� .�o �. � ,,, No its not A mediaeval tur- slack oclsuring Ill foot a-
W rot from the days of yme or cross It the bul.iom and built
pail Of the Tower of Loudon. on a solid comonl. slab 22 feel
'CzstmL/�' d thick. 1'ha chium(9 is report_
' ., • �, !t Is a partially coulplolcvl Ed to be over 100 feet high ° -
l1c,gj„L, G clllllincy at [])a Situ of I)le when finished. IfIle 'InolChicago vill,coUs or Callada A; is
oil I110
($ 1
Ltd, M-Ill major (.oils ruction oven ill I lllalg^ kil15eplorcelahl 1( 4 t i on Pemberton street. The (Staff Photo) '
Ingersoll,5 new, industry, the Chicago Vit-.
i.mpletion and is expected to begin opera
t will employ 20 persons in the manufacture
Olt to plants. putting glazed finishes on no
Ike plant is located on Pemberton Street.
by Longfleld)
Ingersoll,5 new, industry, the Chicago Vit-.
i.mpletion and is expected to begin opera
t will employ 20 persons in the manufacture
Olt to plants. putting glazed finishes on no
Ike plant is located on Pemberton Street.
by Longfleld)