No its fall a nrcdiaoval tor- stuns al Ihcrbolll, I
rel. 0'om the days of yorE, or on a solid r, ment .sl
part of the 'Power of Lontlou. - thick. 'Lhe cl(uuuc>
It is a partially ronplided ed to he Mel toil
chimney at flip, siki of the when fiolshed '1 h.
Chicago Vrtlbous of CLusda stock is to be lrs:
Ltd. firm under construclfon oven in making
on Pemberton street. The (Staff Photo)
Indus Lr ill
Produce `��, s
The hall - million dollar P1anGriver after purification as clean steel work hould he started by
eing constructed by higersoll'slor cleaner than when it came MStrict rr la.,
out.smelting operation'
ewest industry, the Chicago out. 'the product will be made in a'.
'itreous Canada Limited Com The stack of the 24 000 square
any is now nearing tine stage Toot building will be from granular form of ceramic, to be!
g bagged and shipped to other in-
lhero erection of steel will be all puts of ire comrnunity af- bagged who manufacture .the
in shortly. ter it is completed The 15o - finished product.
The plant is under construe- foot ch�iumey will be used to ex The zoo by 12o foot 'plant'. is'
ion on �a 13+/z acre site on Pem- lnaust the fumes'ou.t out from ,Expected to be completed .dur-�
ierton streeL, between the CNR iEs two gas -fired smelters. ing the summer, starting opera-
nam line' and the Thames Ri- llon shortly
Whet fully operational, some. automated tein industries M1m sous'i-I
u' channel. ing will be one of the most
dine this summer, tine comp western Ontario. The walls off
my will manufacture vitreous the building will be six inches,
,name] to be packed in bags, think and of double insulated%
Phe product will then be shipp- metal, coaled with white porce-if
,.d: to other industries manufac- lain inside and out. t`
:uric;; items requiring a. porce- The exterior wall ,and the in-[
.ain finish. terior wall will each be twos;
The lnnensoll Plant will be inches thick consisting of tare l'
'the first Canadian operation by porcelain coated metal with in-1
die. United States -owned Indus' isolation on the inside of the
try, and when completed wilt surfaces. In between the
operate on a 24 hoar shift sys- walls will be a grid - type con'
Lem, employing 23 to 25 persons, 5truction spacing, conta i u i n g,
including executive and sales;oyoring and pipes, with the air!
staff, forenrem and others in fhe space also acting as another!
plant. Form of insulation.
T. W.Fenten, president of the During ip winter, the site oft
Canadian operations and gen- the plant as prepared site
Feral manager of the new plant la in of foundation and foot -
explained that near the Thames y g
River, 400 gallons of water net ings.
animite will be pooiped from the Mr. Fenton said tile founda-I
river through the cooling sys- lion should be completed by 1.
Lain,. returning the water to ,,lie May 4, and the start on the'