164plaque erected
. A historical p' i
\Nilliam (right) Presrdent of eetor of research, Oxford His-
un• tormalal Society 'red chairman
E. Richardson, Toronto
grandchhe first
John Gilli
g"gay the Ontario Archaeological
I. and Historic Sites Board was
x s e PI aicUe,w ithyfrom of We
wtls the l9 i rib dir- emonY,y, and y Mr. justice A.
llefftt,,�", may*.-�e-.—g�'(�q�
(StaffgPl Photo))
doveiled yesterday at the
"Towm Hall. Miss Wmnilred
HALT 'ILF' U L(w2V2//4Lti C/
d"a� mb On �� en
Fevirs-, An .ra
A Plaque honoring "Ingersoll ion bet half of the town Ile spoke'que to Ingersoll.
Town Hall 1856" was unveiled brietl�y about the early history) Gordon Innes of We
and dedicated here on Wednes-�of the Town Hall.. noting that RIMLA for ' or iY said n
day afternoon. About 35 people was destroyed 'by fire in 18561portaht people in Cana
gatheredatthe Town Hall for and rreplaced hy. the present'tory bold meetings in
tiha ceremony.. buildii. which have bad a be
Miss Winnifred Williams, Pre- MayLyor F wster 'thanked Lhe L)te history of Canada.
silent of the 0 ' or �is orical Archa; Mr In also sugge
Society, during her address be- es P,e,aeolo of and Historic Sit- r
earl of Ontario foritsin, the ,,. ill g UUcese" his1.o
fore unverhng the plaque said: terest't in bringing the plaque to 'h moved to a clear
"We have to stop and .rem -I
lnaerrsoll. land. Ile added that a
ember those men and women WOUl MOVE SIGN cal information sh
who had the Courage and forti- Mr• r.we stem commented on brought to one centr
tilde to come into a w•ihterne$s, the Ic{ocation of the "Big Cheese" where ° I e- tot *st e
and had the desire to buTs_illoi,lcal site south of Inger• ,easily find out w
schools and churches, It is es Is°Il. He said the present loco- ions sites are.
sential the young generationition is unsuitable as motorists
learn something of what the. pre-, are (driving Past the spoC. and "There is not a tar
vious generations have done in downs the county road. This, he tree of poeple to vie
struggling to achieve -success". said, 'should he. moved ip. anoth- veiling of the Plaque
11 Stanley J., ealPith, town coin- er log
`j tiller and director of research, of laocation where a clear piece noon," Mrs. a Be le
' Oxford Historical Society, as f Ia and close to the highway, is Woodstock said. re
- chairman for the afternoon out- he billable, so motorists can find much of the doveloprc
historical site. nerve has bee
lined the early history of the historical
Nesbitt of WoodslprJf i
Town Hall. He read a Came llMP-;for OxP6Ti?noted that
S report
-written when the Townlf011" ears Canada will be c 0, ro'y
Hall was only 32 years. old. �bratf,y ^i
sl. Mr. Smith said, at that trmelNesbting. its,100fh bu Lhdav". 1
there wasagitatton to curt ill Canfbitt said that all hrstoryl �,
{I its usefulness as an.audito lum,I sh(Aludian fawns . and cil
r.as it was too costly to heat and timeuld be recorded before y
e and observed -dot uilS I'�r� � s ,M,„�.
( ght. - Cent
tennial year. Speaking
+,,_,• ,1�_. Mayor Ross I;=ter ex- he thanked those_ whop
o} the
Incite you to attend the �UnceflinV and �edlcatb`
o} an ,t
mall c I
`Leiotoricaf "Plaque to he placed on the the
�ntJeraoll �orun
`�Qall and to be gincelled
Treaizeit x}\o\r/d/ gtietorical .Society,
at Ingersoll, Ontario, on W e�.nesc�ay, SnPtem6e'
2+th, 1963
.,F 2 o.m. DST'
Ingersoll Yawn FlIall
Ingersoll Town list], which
mill. The' village also con-
foundry, tannery, dis-
the previous night. Till
taken In connection wi
over a period of some
has played boat. to a
tams a
t:illery, eto.,'and five churches .fact
that the fire orig
variety of individuals promi-
- Episcopal, Free Church,
In the. ,part of the
no fire is eve
'went In the history or Canada
Wesleyan Methodist,, F,pisco-
leaves no other
send` the United, States,. is to
pad Methodist, and Roman
native than
,have its. historic significance
Catholic; and has a
re fired y
premises �wera fired by
marked by an official plaque.
post" - I . ,
The plaque, lone of a series
This vigorous community pe-
i al record
being erected throughom, the
titioned the government for
r organized
papers of the municipal
province by the department of
the status of an
in 1951, and a
Ingersoll and West
travel and ' publicity on the
dated Sept 12 of
Township ere alldes
advice of Ontario's archaeolo-
gical and historic sites .board,' -'that
year set - up - Ingersoll as
together w
documents belonging^
{ will be unveiled at a ceremony_
an incorporated' tad that
that the
clerk. The building wa:
on Wednesday.
proclamation stated
new legislation• was to take
ed in the'Equitable In:
effect in January, 1352.
Company' for only 200
Nucleus of the present core-
The first election was held _
will, of course
'but very small Pmr
munity of , Lrgersoll was
at the Royal Exchange Hotel
the loss."
formed In. the'1790s when a
on Monday, Jan. 5, and John.
'. settlement was founded In the
Galliford, W. A. Ramsey,
original Oxford Township un-
• hl pmay Brown, aRear -
Destruction of the
der the leadership of Major.
herst and -'Tames . Murdock'
was a'hard-blowrJor It
randchildren of John province by the Ontario deportment of
Galliford, reeve of Ingersoll 1a18e laQnde $ngeraso l /+iL beral YMPPr for IOxford;.. Gor
mayor in 1867 unveiled a p q resident of the Oxford HistoriccllSmith one y
the unveiLn Miss Nolen Smith; onto
' town hallyeslerday before a crowd of about 4 V P g.
The plaque drbwsattenTion to The historical signiii- / Longfiel
conce of the lOd-Yeor-old town hall. It is one of a G3 Mr. Justice E n Rrchardsonof Toronto o
sec'es ofmarkers being erected TF,roughout the Susan Ru;onrrson. i
Soto b