166anque w ueI a so niar a pie v eat aio L iron (left) - - Thur., June 25 1964 Page 5 ---- --- Local, pan t Li g, G e e214 i S Gordon Warden, who at diff- predicted that: the firm would _. jercut ias been general become an even larger name 1 manager, secretary -treasurer, in the auto parts industry. ' I and vice-president of the lager- Two other employees, James i Solt iUaehfue and Tool Company pavan and Jack Witcombe, Limited during his44 years with were also honored at ue n- the company, was honored on quet, which "was attended by his retirement Saturday night about 350 employees and wives, at a banquet which also marks Mr. 9,�ueg, who had' been 1 the fiftieth anniversary of that with the camp"any 44 years, and `{ firm. - Mr. W tcom e, who was with In paying tribute to Mr War- tiie company 36 years, were both presented with a silver then, company president ilarold W son said that during his own own tea service. 30 years with the company, he Two mien who had retired had had two peoplg to lean on, earlier,before the company had _ his 'father and founder of the adopted' the- policy of the tea - company, the late'E A. Wilson, service gifts, were each invited and Mr.' W i:aen.. Be expressed to the 'banquet, and presented regret at .Mr. '.Warden's de. with a gold watch, Jack Bilyn- arture Spn having retired after 40 arly laillers ' Mr. §,paven recalled =f one ,man who insisted writing ;his time card in Welsh, andt 'another with an artificial 4eg f 'who upon asking an inspector for a couple of tacks calmly used them to hold up a stub- born Lock. NO ACCIDENT - 1 Mayo. Thomas Morris also spoke to tn�;47 raping that g the Ingersoll'Maebine, and. Tool Company had contributedboth i to the economic and the social welfare of the town; and that its success was not due to seer dent, but the resultof the hard work of its found er, and its ) v ,. „--, employees. r"w t � _t, GE.. ERAL MANAGER RETIRES p Head table guests- Included Mr. Wren recalled 'whrn years 'of service, and Frank ny- and. Mrs. Allan Warden (i ordmi Warden, (cenlie) the fiCtiolh ann,idei'sa ry of the welcomes ➢lit Warrh Ice joined the company in. 1919, Holland aCier 38 yearn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack, warde was honm,e T'•[c on his retire- Ingersoll Machine and 'tool rrs5or, general inaua there were only Il'people. on Mr. and Mrs. Don e `meat Saturday evening at a Company, Limited Company all iaveiidy. (Staff .. ,%COMPANY HISTORY •1 I k t 'd Ii the payroll. There are now 270 A history of the Ingersoll.tAA Gordon-_�' � arse y Mrs A. including office staff, Speaking Machine Company bad beenoSa nd Mrv,of Sus retirement, he -said that g;vela by Mr. S�aysn, who saidoo ,Mr. and Mrs now he will be able to sleep riso Mr. LoveeridgP, Mi-, than 'the firm had once been ` 4 longger-in the mornings, and "go a rs. I{emieth Swanro to'bed later at night." housed in the Woaderwash soap j,tr. and Mrs. Ernie Wilson factory, and the first product SUCCESSOi�„p was starters for Model p and Mr. and Mrs- Jack: Dun- i f5 Fords. Shortly after its found an. (See blioto page 4). Dona 1 veridge is nMr.ew y 'Warden's Su,- and new ing in 1914 the CJ rst World Warr - general manager. Ma Love- vidge._had been with bo r • began and the starters weie- andoned for production of lS i'nM loll Machine and the lb. shrapnel shells, becoming a - Morrow company in an advis- model plant for this type oft - ory `capacity for two years, before 'be'returned to England production, and expanding into, new buildings. to manage a large plant which After the war, the plant be specialized in the production of gan to produce tools and ream M 4. "*,; '' heavy 'equipment. ers for the auto .industry, in. Mr. Loveridge praised the - eluding reamers to ream out l r ' Inverso ac 1 e Company as the kingpins on the Model T', being a "symbol of Canadian 1. ineering b u t The company then became well established m the auto bldust. en production," ' said that a new phase is corn- ry, tooling up for a London . i ,- ing in which the work will be truck factory, and other man- consolidated and the company's ufacturers as the years passed ",hop i ..} 1 r°"'" ➢ coin petitiveness increased. Ile' Recalling some char . .