167aiggrsell "Letter Carrier - � 71p _ _ ° Ian � �l� S ao r f� r� .,Ys,v n`.s8.0 �.s � � a UoYf" Aa r 94 ;< $ £' ', "0 °sag'` E' Y i i -1 OTTAWA (Special) — There stun is received, but he is conii- s`'°��iAa.a +m a a very good chance that In- dent that the decision will be a srsoll will obtain letter'carrier favorable one and that letter €° w e I % �'-v ✓ /t t_ livery service,. Wallace Nes• carrier service will be available # i' , f tt—�MP for Oxforde-auaem"d in Ingersoll b e f ore many ,,, h8 p& efeloday. - - months. Mr. Nesbitt said he had been "This cornpleles the various Sen tiuel•Iteview INGERSOLi, — Letter car-'� dvised yt-i-"Postmaster General matters which I first tried to et i . g Irt„ _ tier service for the town came' R. Nicholson v that.a detailed for Oxford County when I en- „ >,ersoll Buren J a step Closer to being an ac- arvey of ihe- community, re- tered parliament eleven years INGERSOLL— Letter carrier i-tual fact, yesterday when Post e n t 1 y compla'ad' indicates ago," Mr Nnd.nf recalled. service will commence in in. i Master Herb E gi, announced lore are 2,532 availabh. points -=•All the other things I sought '�. gersoll Monday, V. 2^. - the Ham seven letter) f call. have become reality with this The long-awaited ❑ews that carriers that were chosen and As the results of this infor- exception and this will now cmn• postal. regulations had been r „; also. that the town is at the 70 ration, a recommendation is plete the list.,, met, was received late this I � per cent mark of having. mail urrently, being made to the morning. P,'receptacles. The Oxford MP said, bow Seven chosen were: Philip hat this General is Council r J, A. Flaherhv, lhsb'ict Di• hat this service be established. ever, that this does not mean he rector o P Mr. Nes 't said that in 1 i n e will not be seeking other bene- ordon, .n •Tames MCNUIt}', Charles Lane iith normal procedure it could fits for the riding in tine Ierb L r ' aiul ,e several weeks before a decl years ahead. :eltacle " v s iR ecsfoe&$enfine9_ R" s tad been i i V &iv8vw lwoi„ N3or. cs, iy5 r When ei d -ar^.a 4 ,+ •------- er Noll t ij s�lZ T. r down in r i ' artier ,g �, -'— v t = nitro o ,1 r' a d r TZ door for .,� ,�aaw, g,�°,��^+ `� The T.r � 1s< rp, "rv� -u P'`.•.S"vd"Lvss cM,e''d3., 1 ierytuLoki ti,s made INGliRSOLL — The Ingersoll of Agriculture, spoke briefly gg css an< : ,otter carrier set-vicemorning officially and declared the service offic- i The I- pened this morning 9t 9.00 rally open. p- at. the 5 eto J. f Flaherty, district die- T. J. Morrison In ersoll May. I 7 x x _� r ihoye ' a",€, hair of Postal Service and or, was resented with the first ;k a u hairman for the o c c a s 1 o n, letter delivored 'b letter_ car f busim , poke briefly on the service the Y., ins ha! tiers following big e,ople could now expect. He 'of the history of the postal d¢ '. very w .e , :, l'tr•`y ,'"' * 'rt ummed it up. Don't call on partment in Ingersoll 5, we will call on you, with s >t •' ' ourmall After the closing prayerby .,t., Rev. J. Bliss n, -the chairman C. H. )igley, Ingersoll Post• Mr. F her Invited the public ' )r r (aster, int"duced his ne'w IetG to inspeeccbehind the wicke%s of 3'T s q 'e ''' ' i • sn az• carriers to the public . They thn'.Post O£fice building to se I j k '° Fs r .1 re Philip J Me ed y, Charles just .what goes on. Wheele , ors E. WalkY rC—irk' Hupman, oss The seven '; mailmen cover awl, Den-n- ammond a is fl about 32 miles a day on their Olin routes. Bruce P., par-1 amentary srcrBtary. to I h ci .•w' p s k x >we [onorable H. W. Hays Minister[ �Ca a ' lu'�"s"a-7"•" vi .„,zr r � '.y` � s., /U ) Five Fortes Planned Jr Ingersoll to Gay - !I ]Vail Carrier Service 11)• Staff Writer OTTAWA — Letter cr-tier ,r zr r{yea Homo °•d '• dls '., carrier znd h,ls been drvrde delivery service is to he cshrb-.� tutu Iwo .nrrier• routes w hich lashed at Ingersoll as soon as u'il n.crr a Lokll tttr,ot dis• 80 per cent of the hotnos there t, 1er' of nlxmt 14 mil'.a. are equipped to receive mail a.l: the door. logersoli thus will become 0 Fh'ryf the IDSrd post office in Can- ads from which door-to-door Ptg.�d; ,bti delivery service is provided. P wee r h Y � _ " r � 7 d yr x, As the door g the ui aft deiu cry e Ingersoll finally becomes a reality on November 23rd, letter Carries are shown above at ceremonies preceding the first day of delivery from the left,- Phlllp McNulty, supervisor, Charles Wheeler, Thotold W y�- n Plypman, Aoss Bartram, Demrls liam,nond, and Lack Waleft;- - G/� I C }1 (1 e - �C I db - 0.h d R•Ll. �. ..alker, Carl tnierrr 'f-1illl[`r all: �" f'rc , o �r 4, :"*. (` ly 1.as#n ads (exural ff AT requests the Ilottour of file pres CC of at the inxugurntimt of Xeltcr (garrier at Iibereri ire s 1 W r oNt�� / t a c. ouc � )LC v`. / •j -i r bH w ,G.n,.�yw,:, Ao.rw. � S1 � d+ � 0r,�' / ir�ll' it , - a A new look for the Princess remoeth School as a two -roam addition approaches completion �i✓ 53,a.foi j unsafe condition the right was used for removal of chimneys kom the old school net in use, and In 7 unsafe condition ,