171u �C•.�•4a36� °lbYva;D� f5 t '-oil Annexc.-�Mn -- Av{eyp��p]] ;h �r1v 1g SLI X. 2pF ye$ 1i7 ra1a M".L aria s I'.,. RA d tp�� 'Ltgy',�1(, �, tt, FR�R'a• �aa de j ��b '.- sd! Free Press Woodstock Bureau abide by the OMB order requir- lion was suaalar to some areas manager and Industrial emmnl5- ij //� u f asp �'r G 5 . s.+ r INGERSOLL —The Ontario in Ingersoll u g gen. oli to annex it. � than could Uc used for industry sion secretary, said the 118-acre : ,� ,2�04 �! „y cam, �y • Municipal Board reserved deer Gerald Staples, assistant. clerk that were already in the town section had been included as an a e"w`-' is, sion yesterday ion Ingarsoil's air o ig'ersoll; testified a petition limits. He said the 118-acres alternative to offer secaulary �! plication to have 118 acres of signed by at least 80 Per cent parcel had some 'advantage" industries to a 401 location. land annexed from West Ox- of the landowners in the 118- for secondary industries but not He said it would' cost up to INGERSOLL - W e s C Ox- decision of the board is con- ' ford Township returned to the acre section asked that it be, as, much as 3t would have had $20,000 to Provide water sc3'v_ for iwp. has suggested to tlic filmed Uy the LG-Governor Oil Ontario 64unieipal Board rcPre- Ontario, and becomes I'inn1. township: returned to West Oxford. if the 800 acres had been given ice and about ;10,000 to pur- ` sentatives today !:hat the town Air. Prouse said that Ile felt •P.. E, Prouse, Ingersoll's so- lie said per capita assessment to the town with it. chase Ontario Hydro lines to 1 of Ingersoll should pay the cost thaC the section f the act hoitor, told an OA1B hearing al- in the annexed section was Mayor Thomas D42rris2n said serve the 28 residential and two ` i,n,curr'ed by the township during which he read 'and interpretvil most all residents of the area about half what it was 1n Lh- he could not see the i ndustrfal commercial pectic les , in flic the hearing sessions. was in conflict with Lhe otitet i opposed the .Jan. 1 annexation, gersoll, and that the area had potential of the 118-acre section area. J. F Hutchinson, of -Young section of the act, ' Last November, the town a 4.5 per cent Pontdatimt of and had said when the auncxa- Ho said the service cost for, land Hutchinson, barristers and Air. Shah said the board, asked. for the 118-acre parcel at school age or. less while Inger- lion application was made that the 118-acresecuon would be solicitor's, Of Woodstock .who re- would reserve its rlccisou oil' I the northwest carnet• of the,soll had a 30 per cent populatimt�it was superfluous. about the same as the cost of presented the township during the qucslion of ,juridietin11 ancf l - itown and about 800 acres south m td,is oategory.. C.-„V2 Aud" Mr,�Tp {•h. n" 7ngnr- service for the 800-acre the annexation hearings last accept the application for' re - ll of the town. The Ontario Mu-I••� Mr. Stai>les said the now sec. Isoll Public Utilities Commission, section that was refused. year, said that the tow'llship has heal suffered much expense at tile Ali'. ''rouse submitted for ex-, - ,nicipal Board rejected the all- r� 1'v00[i5'I`'OL`,i{.....`,Wst 0i:,,, whill) of the town, hibils for the record a letter !•nexntion of the large part and `— - "I'rv,nships planning cco,tho'Il fl'ottr the town council, sold ivo : '- R.. E. Prouse of Brampton, approved the smaller part to be 'ICI 1 ibe Oita rw Muniri pal }ion rrl ; (counsel for Ills town aC tiger- s of Went annexed Jan. 11 1965.. _._. _.�...w _._- _ -. I, Indus more"n,[ ''nods only soil, said that tile town asked OG. I petitions from resident Air. Prouse said the 118 acre;- II n lustt;al iaml : for .he review of the decision G. R. Sfapies. do mty dci4 'I he Inwn wn.nts a. parcel 07 i. of the town of Ingersoll stated section bad been included in the I c t t ROti acres bahveen .its j C. V, Macf a.chla.n, PUG man- 'r.n I not the no,, ray 1,000 non ., of the board ill [lie light of Wte when questioned hat Ire had f original annexation aPplic•3lion . tiger, told tile 0lIB that only ii: reeks to aw;ex. lY ; feeling• of the residents of I:hn r. .talth limit and Highway 401, 1 p'' 4N' area which the board said the !riling and wishes of the cpun•i aa a^. extra atCraction to indus- the golf club is now served by is re c I: Iuie of Toroni 1), tn"1c sent the d wister expressing the,' •'n another parcel of more than lF owes from tine town, bill Jhe ?I. p;,nl vt Led ]9 8 populnlion for town could annex. !ell. Iby that might wish to locate I p '�'� crPq on its northwest edge,, said it would be easy to witch along tiaCl(a funning through a Y hE town el 8,4fi0 and Clitimated L, I HigC7aph wished to annex '19 i` iii scent: to Dorchester (Raoul ('circuits in the area to Ingersoll Ithv mdustrial labor force tvoulrl, laeres of [lie township of WvA, i pressing the feeling of the co (thIle said t,ml Road. Previous evidence, ca' and Mtn Prouse raise; Ile ,aid it had been Planned lines. pe. noted that. if the area be aUonrt 1,0d0, Oxford, In two parcels. the tar-�', I ;that the section refused by the 'as UnaL most of this area --Howl developed indusfrlally, heavier 1 Best parcel, No. 1, lying to [hell.. ( _ that the board review the ....rdaining a. scattering o[ hous- eircuits would have to he. in• tl'- v,,id crb,9rinw; on :r b.,,i. l south of the town, the blac-,I, ! ct At ntodayl handed down rtDee l5'illi; i OTJB would be. available for m - -u-•---•----w�1 dnnald Cartier Frecwa •tad ,,; anti the In stalled. of nit, workers m 1.hr unite- Y 'dusttdal 'developments along gersoll Golt: and •. lHolCioft St. contained ahouL�l Shub, representative of the 9 Air. htacL.achlan )s also. sco• IP']dn for r, rna ;, o.re of indus ! 'lano Municipal ),Highway 4Pt with the smaller l ounta'y Club --would be zoned L Ho acres. I;. .pal Board, sell Trial Luul 7-18 acres of indus- 1parcel as a secondary location ;; industr ieta.ry of tine industrial .emu' 1'he other parcel (No 2) hingli 1 'as chairman, stated that > trial land mould be required. .�Yo the northwest of the too n,i. I old ion of the board was C Mr. Yrousc said council aelL� , mission, and he told the hearing tar, annexation oyes foul t3'hruhe wasasl.ed about his i' she smaller parcel alone would J industry 'don't like (the land) Tho eonsulbant said an ail rh ! co:llaming 118 acres, Was Lheli ' :cause ,be OR advantage to neither The!' I.c,ct in establishing what bland we have Speaking on Parcel which the board granted:, no appeal had bey❑ P g tiontal to p.c. to all-W for vncnut Ccived before Jan - I f (i4. ;town or ratepayers in Lhe ec il,e Iowa should seek, he said extent of the annexation. apply- •.linnet wonlrl mean' the tow❑ to Tl e town council then de I, Mr. Praise slated that l •,lion, ''1 never, never said anyChm^ cation, he added: ehauld lun"e 262 aprav of indus sided that without both Parcels.; 'cation for rehcarm of �., He said the town was lookn,g j to the planning board, or they Lryil land to sa tisf P2 boards decision had bent Till "You have to ask for ona;glt y its'nenls uis. the value of parcel Na was'. tinthc interests of the land awn- ,1,�. Cil 197A. '�, not sufficient to warrant annex- promptly. ers nil the rests f section when ] lo. me about what:, land should . •,,nd se you resat get same. Too I. iM Shull read a section lbe annexed.' .have to have land avallabol Under quesfooning by 1s'rs( ation. An appeal was sent tram.; it: asked: for the new hearing , Oxford en . 1 the clerk's office in Ingersoll to" r ,the Municipal Act which s: Later, he added, "1 don't see if you anuesciL one fa�nn, soil uneel 1q E. G. Young �.. that when no oblection of ,and application to dive the Inch v' of iyoodsteek, Nis .Little said • I Mr. Prouse in Lralopton ex !-" aci is fnrrl a•ii.hin Llie 28 C aback to tAutchinslhi ill Wood- much hope of t, pre much ch uh Ili that, Pave l wouldn't sell, 1 - p- p g _ ,,land devcdo rvdrhn side town tnnd�l! 1period 5pcctf:crl in the act, t �,rlust under out, resent condt � ou'd have nothiu •." Y P. -•� lions '. '.stocit,C�Oxford'h solicitor Mr. Dewar, questioned byt Ile testified that !here x- o 'qYr (said the townshipwas pre- tine :,�.3 awes available.'. but undo-'ll,, ja g,//w'� a.red to take the land back or ?WWeest Oxford counsel William ! large areas or empty, 'resider ,Ivcloped. This leaves' only 1411�.,. s.B.Ai'$d a..«t; fa , -Liq,i "LING p' said that he owned 33ii tia.11y zoned land inside the town, acres that: the town wrndd tic "'°��-�A�ING i -�---�• a -- ."t but that many of these are Trimly iced to annul. ;acres in the proposed annexe (blocked from use as industrial ; A burr Irrol"red by Jnge;soll it "w Mrs illy REN FIAt111:1Ch 'Lion area near the Cullnden Fioad '^ land Uy a frin"e bf houses Uuih g '� (> °$"s,�°"r r5s ,� aP,t,¢,. Plann,n cnnsuhanl Cordon Gul x }, Free Press Sle..ft 2eport'eT Ialld Highway 401, Where Ile told i�around their edges. Another nP ;harm 'If'poromo, estimated 197R j x3s&-yr d°'a s:�0cb -,,e �J•'s,•,! �"sk " B INGERSOLl. - Michael pew- I, the areas in Ingersoll zoned for ,populatun: at M ,00 and the o: li an,,; Ingersoll Jndus.rta non- 1Wie hearing Industrial inquiries t�industry is, actually In' the irhlsl:na' labor firer at 4,500 pci '�� e had been made, but lie ssid That ] n, "`'7 misswner, said yesLetcday indus- ;Thames River flood plain and -sons w .tries tiro infatuated with Lhe !wholl he took the company rep s �. could not be developed AL Little sakl Ile bad heu:I l � r� j� idea of industrial pa,rls, and resentatives' oil a tour of thesl- Mr. Culham, who hall jhircd u: Tune, 1961, to v I Prc, rtp are not interested m small plot4 ,aa•ca he was definitely acting of � expressed a fear Clvst Il'igecsoll la cornl,rehensivc zoning by 12w of land •, rl-------, ry ;for. the township. I w c Tile, was Lestif,nn at. 1 will become d Woodst town 1:• t G' industrial conunissioner,. sad t -'--- 1 for London and Woodstock, ad•' 1 (Ile said he was not satisfied �I Nsry } R Ilea sec not ni a private capacity: mitted to AIr, Young. that n0 that Lhe land beast era Fdigh wa - - k3a �' u• and (Any. of annexation hearings 1401. nand Iu y m s?:a "'' - '- f He said lie lied not read the + study had been made to deter- gersvdl,. which condo y pofore. the Ontario Municipal - J i. P mine how man Bole lived m 'htCes the bulk or the land Ihr i 36ard here. Inge-rsoll is seekm -Culham relwrt supharting the Y people INGERSOLL.— The Cutariolfor a review of the decision of Ingersoll aeon worked elsewhere, town wvn La,should he used for pl g''annexation bid, nor the two con• : ' MuniMpal Board has. disbissed the board, through R. E. Prouse 4 a dfro ately Oxford acres nt, : or w how many worked In the rlhductrial purposes at Present. the whole ` annexation a I and. Lrom. West Oafotd `Powm sultants, engineering reports town and lived outside. pplica- of Brampton, counsel hired for 1 Fle uinl:rvird morn "Iesid tion of (lie town of Ingersoll. the annexation proceedings. ship. : :Ideating with services. Hearing the application are j eratiou sbenld. he The al -eel of 118 acres of land At the annexation review the - The OMB, at the end nt Lhe given. in P a,. gay, adjourned the hea:ringa andLL "I am only attempting to I. Williis, h and 'A. L. Are. I g t in West Oxford Twp. which the town presented evidence that r { I ,roridin 4hc indus,; inl land f town had received, will revert the land is the 118 acres nI par- ,vill resume them Nov, 16, I, U get industry where la.eid Is 'I - 1 in tba nerlhw'est I "riser er ': to the jurisdiction of. the town- eel 2 was similar to land al- available. I have taken n0 R, E. Prouse is acting a9 II. t:mvn where the corporation Ship.'file town will have to pay ready within the Lawn bounds. and'l8 The Low() concluded n§'' part. hr trying to get land," lie Counsel, for hlgersull, bus applied In annrh 114 aca•, s. �� ;the costs of the court reporter, ties. The Len th of Ingersoll of- vvidenre Prior 'to adjournment - said. 1, Senile" auv'e nu „• rr,uldi "' buf will not be required to pay Ilcials was that wil.hout the 850 ava ih,big .mil lea, romly thou , anything else, acres adjacent to Highway 401, ler Drw an. said e prestige sites k Later in the day, AIr. Young - ,�l in ihr• In rger aouthcut , en,he At Lhe close 0f the review of the small Parcel 10 the west of - artery ferl m isihig a sites �; salted consultant Cordon Col• i wid, ' ': the board's decision March, 22, the town was of no value to the thal have advertising mil pub 7, 1I. Hutchinson, 0f Woodstock, town. r 11ciC} value In '.hem, such xs 1 • why uo study of the !loan R. E. Prouse, lawyer for In counsel for West Oxford '1'wp.. The residents of the 11R acre? d; those nbmg Flighnm;v 401. oral aspects of annexation had suggested Chat idle 'tmvn should affected by Ingersoll Oftiles annexe- ` _ _ c, geasdll: asked Mr. Little if hr repay the township's cost to Lion hid, in at the bear- been made. Tile witness replied thought the law', was not beLtrn , ;aloe he look tar ob tie lit fight Lhe annexation. 1 ; That Ire felt the tgwn's money :. equipped to exploit, the south en�n jag on March 22, that they krz lustrial collind slower two was limited and "I didn't. be- area. which lips between High �l The board had decided last; wished to remain in the town - rears in December that the town could ship, roars ago, he ;said, Lngersol[r going one step further way 401, Highway ]3: and the have the I18-acre parcel, buf. A study is being he ors nvriced tx to 20 hupiirirs ° -�I Ina IT necessary in this'dn'ec• ; 1Cu11pacn Road. dismissed the annexation bid on now in Ingersoll into Lhe possi- AL:. Little said his was not of l„ `. �a parcel of 850 acres lying be- bilily of rezoning land fro m rum companies, tile, la, but foal. be- - - ithe opinion the land should be pI tween the town and the Mac- residential tz industrial At the cause of Ilte tact of sun u,bh' (developed it Present He said i :�Dm:aldCarCiei' Freeway (90L). :ual These appear In be din- - the town subset Present time 88 acres is being �wkam it was 3-eady for dpvalop q lenty applied used for industry in the town, .! n„ u1'• Invent, tan b,id-equipped music-� 1- - itpality should do the develepinP..,