172�( auicx d. 1 suhulilled (,hill the R *' ,..� "A -
I,Luwnshlp of West Oxford is t< t`� fy, ! a M ¢.n 'k-`x a 9 NV '�
t �l �at�Wk.^...�ea,,�.
more < uaLLed to service the l
area in dispute _ rx
_�AlAcDougall, Oxford t It� a o
County solicitor, came forward - d ,�q, � *c a g r nr S, lCo. %`���� �I + �F� �''"±"�a �'�z" �^
to give the comments of t Ire 1 ,, °� "n'a ,t �.- :-•'r �'+."c7. 's �L'zt; 9c�; toe ,`,4. Uon
-, county, in regard to the matter. R
Isis testimony had been, held I ,IP, er Preen Aoodstnek 1 ureau rate than a.nnexa rim aC the en -I olL chlb_and tar e. residential �',;. .. °�; t
over from the preceding day a �g g t _�
t sitting. " I� INGERSOLL —The Onla.do�tire arrirnmt• area (the Harris survey subdiv L
Mr. MacDougall said tllal the r: j1 illwuc;pal. Bond has approved He also noted that the assess- jsinn) in the southern section I °
annexation which Woodstock ilnnnexalmn by Ingersoll M 1IS mint and population drop would and the fact that many ]and j INGERSOLL -- The Ontario of it lands within L
" had proposed had been sl , hot be enough that West Ox- 1 Municipal Board has granted
proved by the. council but the ' "wzes of West Oxford Townsllln. owners said they were not pre• ;Ihe tnwnrof dngersoll the right town limit
s, could be rezo:
ford. would lose its deputy In annex 118'acl'e5 of the 918 -Ingersoll annexation ,sppr'o+al +('Lhe lawn applied for 918 acres. reeve. IE the 918 acres had been Pared to sell their land for some #or industry.
was withheld because the town Thaportlon the all- annexed the township wouldtime: "acres which- they had applied The Ontario Municipal Bo;
had not shown enough evidence 'pqt be eligible to have a deputy 'for. report states the needs and
it could support the new land (proved is n. 118-acre section - The town had stressed in an- 1 The town had sought. to annex ILI'Call of the residents in reeve and an extra seat on : 918 acres of land from W e s t 'go .The County council is not con-i" nlong Hamilton Road, west of nexation hearings in Ingersoll) parcel Dosed would I
` county council - `Oxford Twp, in two parcels —ter be served b
vinced that the town needs the ;jthe 'town. The remaining 800 earlier�in the fall that it was y no. anuexat:
> land and the council. does not . The report noted the opposi- seeking additional industrial, °❑e of 850 acres between High- pf the area.
s° believe that the proposed apnea ' l� acres extending south of the lion of landowners in the Roo- .i way 401 and Holeroft St. —and Parcel one Is thnblock of 1;�
land. from the annexation. ' the other of 118 acres north west between. highway 401 and i
anon Will increase and protect, town to Highway 401 was not acre southor.
'section, It said
the residents in the: area to be I; The. board said the need for of the town. croft St., an area or 8511 ace approved.'... the board: did not feel the town- In handing down this decision It also contains a golf coin,
annexed. ship residents would receive "the whole of the land Ye-
ff Ingersoll Ma or Thomas Mn*- uested has not been established t' the board staled approval of an- and a build up of houses in
1 'flte decrease to township pop -any better. services from the q nexation of the second
Illation would decrease: the n„-_: disappointed town than the I.ownshl to the satsifaction of this parcel, Harris Survey,
Bard he was disc p since designated as [lumber two, The approved parcel has
number low• sbi representatives for :p.ul, "that's the decision."- the town had its own servicing board:" : bounded by the Thanes River residents and an area of
the iWhereas in the a reeve
court- �problcros. The report was received - on the north, ingersoll Ave. on acres according to ah
cit. Whereas now the 1'CCVe and The [awn has 30 day9 to aP• P yes- A. D. R
It also said the board noted a terday morning by the town.: the East, Thomas St. on t he cca�nn file assessor of West
deputy reeve represent LI e Ili peal the board's decision bill south, and an unnamed street ld Twp. The total assessor,
township, the decrease in, papa on the west. presently is $74,550.
- Ili .;von' Morrison Said ally de M41 ,A+,,
Elation would -leave only t Il e .o;. ,'+ ..r•, vt _, ,y 4 s ^� ,
,1Reeve, Mr. MacDougall said. f, jcisloll. nil an appeal would be "� k " ' q°' '�?' The reasons for this recoin- The addition of the new In.
k t r, z niciulatirm were Sol, down in [he to the town will increase I.
r,tvOT OVERNIG}1'P E '.!rp to council. �`. �.axw �,: s m^, .p ``d�a"rs4 rr, e a', <�,i�epnrt. to the 'town. The, pp- population from 7.025, the lair
j• '` Popp' t
Counsel for the town of.Inger 4 3i'est'C7xfmvI Reeve Elme, proved area adjoins lands a] .figure released by he tigers
+- sour •og,Ig of Brampton t 'Jia rn said then loss o[ [lie its "*s t ` ,. `& " ,�v"• I a �n' ,`$Y r a �ready zoned indus[rlally,. Is assessment office, l0 7,133. '1'
state - la - e concept is really i - f� r .3� k "rk.e.cx, i G`
40 r � smved by railroads and streets, assessment of the new land n
-"different than presented by that' +noes would mean far lees of and s'"a' ^"?"}'a' i x;,y r ,-- o !'y Iand no costly extensionswouldadd $74,550 to the assessment
township. counsellor. (increase in the townshl lrx '^ •s K ?^ ,The required to service. the.area lagersoll. or $9,824,675, for t,
f p a"Prr.rla' �^s.-'�"" ,.°,,sa+^ r� Ut>&^ :a"
> 01i ++atcr and sewer. year. of 1964. '
Mr. Prouse said the decision • " For the future the 061B re" The annexation will take ,
to try to add land to the townt _- <""-�� *'"^ ", •' �zcommands the use of 500 acres feet on Jan I 1 1965' was not reached overnight. The
'record shows a by-law was - r s "ti r vx a * •, '"4 "'-
.. " ,v:.� tea;,. • . ` ° '1`�'rs - e r u ,`.
passed to this effect in 1962.
The council at that It t m e,: _... , , ,-, ;.
considered the situation with l:..
six main points in mind. First,-
1;, the .growth. factor .showed that - - -
- »the town population increases p _.
were below the average of the
province, and vastly below the
. adjacent municipalities of Lon- t.
don and Woodstock.
Second much of the presently " x
windustrially zoned land does note
appeal to industrial developers G
This the board could readily see �:� s
from the tour which they took on
Tuesday, said Mr. Prouse wr ' r, w •'tr
Ingersoll did not want to be a
come the dormitory of Wood•
-;a stock and London as this seems �� • rk a. ;,, °
nj to be the trend, he asserted
Mr. Prouse said in his estima-
tion there was no problems eco-
nonucally for the transfer of >~
jurisdiction of either parcel of N,
+' As the fifth point :lie - stated
that the perimeter growth which
is obvious now around the town.
-% limits, couldvery well affect I
i ,theland use of the area for all:
time. Ile submitted that now
was the logical time to sue the
-,land in area len. (between the
town limit and Hwy. 401) for in-
4 dustrial purposes.
I Mr. Prouse recalled the own -
ion of De consultant
Tor the towns np, ++lien he said
that the needs would dictate the
development rate. He said that
if the Inwp ann^xes 995 aces
they will definitely not embark
9 on a grand scale of S°rvlclrg
the areas before there is a call
for the services.
lie said thitinhrstry wants%
-1 attractive, well plaeed land,
and the ar?a bordering the high-
401 is that area.
The land presently zoned for
industrial r w•t1 sea in Ingersoll
iq g
to- elfin^ he said -fs t claim-
u� mg this
points out a need far
`� more attractive industrial sites.
„':'.flew owner
Plans Growth
For Furniture
Sales Store roq
INGERSOLL — The Corona-
tion Furniture Company l Tnl n> '
. ersoll has a new owner.
William Pride_ l� formerly em-
w ° r, IT! day stated that Ile!
ployed with the Ontario Hydro
wanted to own his own busi
for some 20 years, has taken
t;` ness for some time, and after,
over the company which pro
careful examination,
that the established company
duces "Colonial" style furni
he now owns had excellent po•
Mr. Pridday moved to town'
He-went oa to say that the
with his wife Joyce and three
space right now is a little limi-
children about a week before i
led. but that -there was room
Christmas to begin operations
later on. The
He formerly lived in Canning-1
goompanyships its pro
Ion, Ontario which is near Late
;.across Canada.
Ingersoll C. of C.
Names Directors
INGERSOLL — The Ingersoll
and District Crnalaz of Com-
merco named its 1961i (rectors
last night. They will meet to-
day to elect an executive. `
Elected to three-year terms
as directors were Gordon.
Pittyfjy, 0. V. ii7 nc Lzc lilan, G.-
ald Arte Glenn Popham, J"vb4
Van Dyke and Voilsou McBcatb,
two-year tones, King Ne3WI, f
Peter Pre('re, jack Stagg i.
George C'o bie, Lloyd Alter and -
Borden Lyndon; one-year terms,,
rB +vQLW. ,Carr, P. M. Dewan,(
William Davey, Gordon I earj',
John McIIride and Roy Knott.