176hell 4 f i # 1 I'y GItNi FLOIRW K SILe of the plant will be, a wouldn't build a. plantt tills alas Sendce, said he anticipated no' i roo Press Staff Reporter 13-acre tract of land at the if we didn't intend to fill It. difficulty in acquiring the INGER.SOLh — A. $2,000,000 southwest co[ncr of the. town 'At St: Thomas 1 sut Wire necessary nmuher of worl+ara. pla ll, expected to riventually Oil Chisholm SlfoeL, near the 'beught the abandoned .Vick Civic officials, at a pre<s t" 700 per+oi , I:u elsoll Curling Club. It is Chemical building and wittwr conference sari the. lnsersoll t' ' 3 will be built It hrgcr=oil by within s mile of the :Ia.cr]rro six -months ..employed more inn,. where the announcement �.. j Essex Wire Corporation. toldCIrti,cr Preeway Ingersoll than 200 persons. was made acclaimed it as. Robert Crichton of SL exrf the "greatest boost to the Lown ` .- I II Within a year, A. fi0,000- p. Tioms, vuapresident and Area of title plant will be square -foot plant was nett In ages." i general' manager of the, cod• about.11: ,000 square feet — rh'ucted in the tit Thomas itt- Mayor 19nomas Morrison pmallon's Canadian.. opera- almost twice the .•i..,e of, tie dust„vial area: 'L7re plarJs. linty said the, town's housing star-i y , 'tines, lair] construction will new pl oductleu facility bnrlt. employ more. thau. 700 `. per- aSion at present could handle S3.•d' •y 4C�� begin immediately tied the at 14 lhornas Iwo years age. aons• a "normal' vorease in settle- 1. C Q{ plant will be completed by Aui-Lug Contractor„ Ltd., of ment, by new employees. i September. - London, has been awarded the The company is the largest ,1 I she le employer In St. Their, "However," e said '•tf ate 7. his The plant well be t.lto fourth contract for building the plant. g i Y Sion grows IIke we anticipate '. Lssex Wire plant in Canada, Commenting nil the number 91. - it will, there will also be an — two are at St Thongs a,nd of employees that will be _ At: the ingersolt plaint, about )aspiration to housing develop. the other sat Durieville. Road needed; Ale, Crichton said: 80 per cent of the employees: ers In the area." offices of the firm are located "We're hoping that we can do Will be female, Air. Crichton Co-operation of the Indus, III Pori: Wayne, Ind. ' the since as we did At St. Said. trial commissioner, Mayor e The firm manufactures auto, Thomas — start off small and 'fac)c Van'Nprman. officer in M'oi'rlson, council, and the mo4ve electric devices and work our way up. - cna o of tire Ingersoll office Public "Utilities. Commission 'I' nrz,d a'a A ... invm fl—f um —1 u— no•f,.—1 'c .. a,........nf v,o,o n. ! inP fan! a I" ..n. i e^, n •11 SITE E VA INDUSTRY 31S3A S -�+nl 15 +4b5, 1 { it\U1:R'+O1L -- .Arthur H W„ r Site of Ingersolls newest feature of the land, which is which have been ut a lit It 1WEL has been appointers N$,"�x t� `°- `1ZVV ei. !, industry — to be announced located, behind the Curling p p heel e Police of the In er- wit• l preparation of the building, 'soil Denvinicnf:,. it was an- officially tomorrow —is shown Club (centre) m Westlield which will start as soon as i Inowiecd at last night.'s council in the two, pictures above. Subdivision. BOTTOM. prop-. the land isofficially turned lnu`cting by Cr.A: Robes, chair- TOP PHOTO survey marker rely adjoins that of the curl• over to title cnnpany. Colo- )man of the:Police`e.olomdtee. - on right is the only salient mgi Out) wehn•his On nlLer here y,lienon is expected by late , j D1 r, 1ilrCart s duties will bc.. r her of this Year, The _ p m on Nl li 5." He Will site- arc the coo<tuot cn .inc's plant will employ about 300. !it, en.d Arthur< '!Iahony +chose ', r ' ules n t <s TNI n'Lp]ld yin sl ' efi91has that Li to i 1 x i u years of eolith experience. Ile 1 served with the provincial ml 'pc• n v ' dice ill the north and later with. Atha Delhi Police lleparl.mc it. i ijtj1sMVII ..;� ..:..._ ,. . • -:.. - • ". - 'or tile past st three years s he has I , been Chief of Police at Wrirtoo: tt, •^'ri.. s Ml.'f4cCart "red with the '�iI—�,�C �t Can tdian Navr Aoph I942 n - a Ito 1948. Do is a member of the r ,fPc v z,t JWiorton. Rotary Chib. Skin di.v. ! ving heads the list of his hob- r a -y Iblec A'v �the new chef is married and lie and ins wife Shirley" {{{{{have foul children Thcv nie r�c :vrti < - � iShntoi" 4 78, twins mu-hael— n aureen 13 and Sitsa1110: _ ry f , •y T i,/ ,"u., z - Tit e"in plans to move to"" P 1n irsoll as son as pos0oo. as CvCaxgl3lfe, �i.., r'4 A-a:+J � aS;:7- �a .a .�i;., ram .,.� .� , 7• { $a., �'sYs:+:.G'r; � f cs-�.L;.,.-..Ira-;u �• �s'r /it+r:'%ro.mp'azcv. NEW FLAG FLIES i new flag flies stop the new flags to be se jolt Chcese Co. in town since parliament p This is the first of the design in Decenibc