178#g ilx rt,. i w''�, i� .kS�' ; Z rI s' r , �y,£"as �,, nr``'`'Ptw ✓"'>' kF,a'*3n �'' u I > k` School r— — - 9 ! t artuFn°, k $mil' -� i' T Contct i - A. e ) p�"VCl�'C�eC� INGI.I2SOLI A S139289 , r "' »�,,,,, B �*.,.w.. ,,,, �' ` ', r •'; ! contract to build three new classrooms, a:.hbrarY, health ill and change rooiu at Sa- cred Heart Separate School .was awarded 'l hurl' 101Vil- xd at '7 .�� liner Ilendriks�onstruchou Nav C d., Dorchester. The contract includes rlenm liliorr of the school's original hvo slm�cy building. s During demohlhmr and unh. r, 6N •,_ , " "f n £ "'., , - c +'sue e �ge 'h. w x Ss "tvs aB aoofl t r:'�'m.vrz'x`� '�&L +w '` "V I 41 I. td passlK l0 1.10s AWL[ yuo aA,I„ ; rfitss� 'R 1 s.tawi.tdanµl 4^ ,. r r M " ' .». nti-1 . , a .,k,� i Ole oast sem s 1inaa Bonn .«...mEawwVaon.z.......a- a,1`1wu:'.> .�3.�x"" a+�A�a-Sdsa_„'.Av� .6.1A'' S: - SEPA2ATE SCHOOL Ai7pET10N-TfiLir%1 LIO Rf,> wo classrooms3, cosy/ -rate Schgol in Ig rsoll qt a c1y osi of x a kindergarten general purpose room and pnnrh_. Contractor was William Hendrlks Constru pol's room have becii added to Sacred Heart of r_ Dorchester. SePx — � ji�es+.a?*✓v'.Ff�i.�� - x 7anr fix, �^ �,.,, i ¢f �'�" f '�_ Jcu...b' pia• ua�.at: � :A�a...,u. ,i y.,�,Ap,,.-"s,§�a .G u�.a^raf±,P,..t /''rs✓. JIf _ .. _� p 1 - Y •t Nri Ai Rt .7G^ter r., y J yi U wJF Inge x z -4 'FF Pictured at the official opening and blessing of the new $lod, 000 wing at Sacred Heart Separat School held Aprfi 19 From the left Gordon W. Pirtogis,. M.P. P; , Rt. Rev, A. P Mahoney, Vicar - u j General of the Diocese of LOndotl Rev- ], E. 13risson parish pastor, and Joseh�lr tephcnson charrntai f tL olle ffice as 'veil 11 aste aaspaaao is gym orl rn�cludes a kinde�rgnrten, 2, classrooms, staff room and priocil Hof art �' 04 y Fall, To Cost $90,000 INGERSOLL — Work has be wall surrmuuhng the Properly, gun on the foundation for theIThe yellow brick of the housc Inew rectory for Sacred lleart�will be tile. same as that of the. Parish next to the church out nearby school and the addition Thames Street North.Joay ss/cs now being built The office and ' A building of fheldsLune con assembly room budding w1; a a,,�,,,y r,,,�A `? „'y'; .� C tainiug three ,3offices will be at cost $25,000 and the residence ON tacked to the sauhsty. L'cncath l$'38,000 Ross C. Kilgour is the , w the offices will be an assembly general contractor. Cone Pletion roan which will provide ac- is expected by November 20. coaumrodafiony for 75 people. e p 7r Father Joseph ogre h teVurtg Ln mediate) hence tlrc of-iChaL ce en progress rs bung 'fices will be the rectory itself made on the new school addi. ci s .t r 3 l r v which will be a two -Moor, home iron costing s91.,000 -nil it is featuring large rooms. T h e�evpectcd to be completed tilt •-- .,..- ` - " a akikii °` IhnuSe will be of yellow brick. first week inSeptember ^'rn c. i - +:64, ((5 Too>n4 do. -Lie Lncc ✓a�/S Field Slone has been chosen The new $65; 000 hfor the offices so they will" atred 1-leart rectory and offices are• now In use . Official opening ceremonies l harmoace better with tlm older, are tanned in con'unc Y • _ __, �briek of the church and the t on with the new school addition sometime in Ma I =v • _