181TJIE IIRST $OD of Prin-
cess Park Housing Develop-.
u;ent was turned yesterday at-
ternoon on a grand scale wben
i Iayor Thomas J. Morrison
took over the controls of a
grant bulldnret for the occa
,oat the right is de-
W M Slfton, next is
Ilenlea Development At the
extreme tight is Jiny I'erius;:"
spil''son of the_M formes YMCA BUILDING on King ing'the, early hours of this dews as firemen
owner of the property which , „
was farmland. Street West, Ingersoll w a s morning. Dense smoke is`seen glaze.
.='severely damaged by fire dur--, pouring from the upper wut-.!
p•Ac cap ` — .. - - - _--�-•
iWw js r,
�€ IYMCA L0Dl&�
47l e �u"�3..a sr �r p �s' �YJ va'.,49vE i 5 a+..�`9 Z) 9
�� ttxny''.h �a. e ':ausa ,9° - �f,, ,�`�; y'd
- INGERSOLL. — The Ingersoll Sa .n U
YBDCA was hdC by fire for fate . INGI aSOI�L - 1. n e r 1u •^d C
4, ;second time in two years when more than $•1,0o0 damage at
'police and John Justason• an '; -tile .YMCA early Saturday. A coutmualLy-active Ingersoll
IIQG•E'1tSOLL—The dream of All three ahav eC1•�iventtmany'ofS Ltori Construction inc chargeo of the {Ingersoll resltZent, discovered - A YMCA board spokesman resident for 16 years has re- . .
three prominent Ingersoll busi- ctiizensproperty.i +smtoke coming Pram i}te upper said etcigarette butt left in a-';ecived an honorary lifetime ap-
at.+ r-essmen to create a model sub- yehool boards and in otherrycapal Headed nbeyty of nl. Sifton, ths jµ�indows at 2.1.5 this morning chesterfield in an upstate" ,. pointment as Queen's Counsel, '
E: divison in a parklike settinglsc (company is known to. be the i Firemen fought the blaze for P Y • a. y .
came true yesterday when May- cities. '^lounge was believed res must At was announced ester)_ v h
or Thomas J. Morrison climbed Speaking for the Mclienlea largest developer of high class ;haif-an-hour before bringing it i b1c. A tern -age dance waw .Attorney -General 't( 2 -'r WI
in southwestern -',tinder con'tl'ol. Serious fire dam- ,�' held earlier in 'the night at "•ai'G J�fl 2-14 t 1
aboard a huge bulldozer, low- Development, drat r. ma�P inceas tario Twlrecent developments Oil
:!,age nuns confined to :the top .reet WesLAocatimt ! Barrister ;lobo C. McBride,
,lered the blade and thusturn-led, ',I know 7floor with 'water an"d's inok6 1 the Ding S- 45, of 114 Franca St. Ingersoll,
jed the first sod" on a grand Park we are creating a housmg Ly Sifton. am 0•+krldge Park damage to the first. floor. I'1 -Three ,rooms �in the two y jsaid "it lvas quite a surprise"
:'scale development of which Ingersoll and Berkshire Village both in SLo •ey'structute were dam ;and Ire was "extremely
The new development is to will be proud."
London which took in the Plan- The YMCA is presently loc- �; t
aicd imthe Bell Telephone build- { The only person in Oxford 1
'jbe' known as Princess Park is The 80 single family home Wing of spine 10,000 building Lots. I:. aged.
he former YMCA quarters j Pleased."
ion King Street East and is com- building lots will be ready for Princess Park will have un- i utg on King 'Street West, This i
osed of 20 rolling acres of sale almost immediately al- dergromtd electric and tele- site has been used as a Y since •i on Oxford Street were de- this
, obtain the honor ,
�P phone cables. Curbs and gutters ".the original YMCA on .Oxford stroyed by fire in 1964. Tne �Ul»s year, Mr. McBride was one
was the J. W. Ferguson though the installation of ser- P g of 119 throughout Ontario who
farm. vice will not commence untillw.ill be installed and bitmninous Street burned on April 23, 1964. resent building was formeilv received the appointment,
There wig be 66 lots avail• early in the spring of 1967. service' streets. Sanitary and ', owned by the Bell Telephone'ssrvicebased
riven to Fire Ctie(. Leslie II a r 1 o w -Ion the pet'son's service to thelcw Av
able and a model eevelopment Smne acreage will be b (storm sewers will go in and 'stated it is thought tile -'-blare Company. profession and the comtnumty, _
multiple housing in the form of started from careless cigarette land eligible only to Iliose Willi `
is planned with the natural ter- modern street lighting. .thud been praeLdsin^„for anum i+'`•'""
,rain of the land maintained and town houses or apartments. _ This is the firstdevelopment ;smoking is the lounge. A teen- �, ;., GJ (,rc �It
!a parklike setting envisioned. — comprising completely serviced I age dance had been held there v ,y,.r,.. ,I mint of ]a years. ,a�.:--v
Yesterday's sod- turning was
t building lots in the town. iIii night.. /i y`5,w� + ,'-i,�' ,. v. The local barrister, who has i
' the culmination of a year's V 'y I - Two main streets will service The fire w a s confined to
�' Practised in Ingersoll since Y9a0
has served on the Ingersoll Dis i 61': '
the Y building although t h e i -f, tea<+.. a,l Li r trict Collegiate Board for nine
1.; negotiations between McHcnlea w a;.4v -{ the develoPm eat and will be ,
Development and the Ingersoll i w„< • known as Princess Park Drive stores on either side belonging) %+ tiW µ,:zd. - 91 N..years and was board chairman 1X
;r Town Council and the Public !oU ' r L ! ,\ ?, which will be developed
'ill the to Astro Electronics and Faber 'Coif' ww„, j 3,iD.` 5'
Utilities Commission. I ' N ;'.sw �` '4 'for two years.
v vUti ls,� Y � ', firsC phase and I'erguss'on Ave- ° Feeds received smoke damage. � R� -'f ') tic has been director of the
'r The principals of McHenlea, r 1, ame, named for the former own- Several firefighters received Q, ui4a -""'Y ic'i - lagers
.rw' oll YMCA for 15 years,
1 .. Development Co. Ltd., are three wl+-•"�r l .: er, the late J. W. Ferguson,' cuts from broken Mass and - r,,iRe J',�,,,,-c,,...r' { is vice-president of the Inger
1, well. known Ingersoll busmcai- }t_t it 1i-7.` r,, ".'�.v +te:�� which wrll�"Uee art of the sec- were given first aid by Pnhce t. rp� *` a , soil Chsiu�ber of Cosu,merce?
Imen, John C Mf;.ti;r de, a 1, oncl phase,. together with Cen-P and �Jry,-,J1t17fA._..,4ais:.S9A. YMCA flay �,s. S.e, � °„ �U! and executive of the Oxford,
;isle; and solicitor; G. E. Hen-,; +° a- Ca' Lit �wdS.Ut� Itro Street. ____ fo President. f i,�,c u�-,.i�`r,7,"J �' County Unit of the Canadian
ry, manager Ingctsolt Cream e„+w ��cC -{ I' = Constables Gporge._L a u c e k -.-� �� i� Cancer Society.
Cheese and Walter Leaper for- v, vv w ,i <u,-i„v� �"�-� Rt,,.:.rn - - ',hand Wa g3v`e "t7ie it,�y1,,,U,<wI, w+�h�Nl 1 Mr McBride, who married '
't; "�aerd' of Coronation furniture, I>N ?L ,)alarm o the fire hall. ,„ <qi..� .i, former Vancouverite, cet
y L"-'���- ---� �1 .o(ra»•fa- I¢f5 Chief Harlow said there was gf tiGt - �, IMBil ..._..I.
,4c;tred.. ri' Ve y_ k4! ej S/`raa: rip d IV-.7'6?'- `� �cL,,,, c�v, Hap 1953, has twoenlr Fen,;
no estimate of damage as yet, a ,c{ + JOTnI and Janet _ both in public
—3zip, odL,aoa '�'-e x3 .� Goldy's taxi reopened its �^➢ S1 0� �' }`u'"""'°'" �'°"1"".i Is-`ch 0,
.. sk wd 9 e �l hex;-ft-c.als - 24-6•0o6 jars f",a.� r .'place of business near the scene r' ,•. lY li
of the rue and Provided he L 1 .d Ic .�n �: v�"�'x c�•tvaa� i"t"" ---
',� _ ..___ _._-�..�-.----.-_ -• ;... _u-..-----•-.---•--�-. drinksmen -n
jgr fireand.o,ie.l