182t yi;ASV MWW f vn .___. __ - sod was Ceore, j 1 crab The (i,,L official turned after n,ornm"service C29npr.. C h nor e G rdon Patter' Sunday at F f r s t Baptist for the Deacon; Chairman Deacons oar . In ' Church Irrgersolt and extensive front shove] is hre church ions At cost of $89, renovations. Educa r""Wi rekiell presenting Sun ay S�hool. , h i 000� a new. Christian tion three -level wing is being built and extensive renova , Lions are planned at both the 1 -east aud west ends of the church. Seen taking part, in I� T the sod-Lurning ceremony arc i from the left, _r r f'hrr�rA ;. Chairman BuildinCommst liv Leer JB t BelyrIA"Oldest ing church member; Reel I 1 p , � a a' BALIJECI Sys ll B� � X'W WWdW Z1�.���•aS�.�'�&'ED r C Iy Tban i INGI;RSOLL A pylaw for Id, lawn and garden uilliu's' `Cuba, utust h,. iul o the.-establrshmg and ntafntaiu- and tree lmtbs rul: in - 1 phases wash transported Lo the f ing; of a system for the collet.�nL longer than three. Ice] enei (Ni'wup alter permission fro lion, removal and disposal oil tied in bond],,.- 5uperioi.endent of sio B o -garbage, ashes and other ref- "Nan -collectable" materials lvorks. It is unlawful to di use o the town was passed by include manufacturer's waste; of any of tliese ntateria the town, Council, d. celluloid cuttings, movie fill,,, either private or. town Pr Garbage collection stay sound oor• gasoline soaked rags and ties, lelte; a shuple term but the by- ally explosive Oe highly tour- Mal-erials been„ Lransporl lawgoes into several Pages to bustrble material. _ the dump, must be in define what may or may not Also non-collecl.able is broken containers or ill a Inl,ll, be collected, how it is to be Prepared to'* collection, the type Plaster, lumbea or ptd,er mazer, - ' ia16'from the renovalion, alter Closed "Oh!"', or covered _.I of containers and where it is a tarpaulin so no contents to placed for collection, ahon or domoldion of a build £all on�the ,frees or off, lin sawdust and shavings are odors escaper 'Garbs o" means all reject- iron collectable as also a r e l lid household waste either am-1 bands des,, Iroultnes, dt risings. AnrY ]il.l.er fr'nm Lhe maI or vegetable, paper card- and vmilar waste. which fall; on the street: board; boots shoes and other flay, ay stt atv manure, fuino-i be cleaned ip by I:he oe,i wearing apparel, Mass and tin lure the •carcass of any am -I. the town employees will food containers and any 011ie, to d, hie annuals -or birds,i up the material and the refuse which can be burned ex- Lrus.h andautomobilo tires also l' Party will be charged wit cePt materials defined as "non- are ostile, non collectible list. expenses. collectable ' r All garbage must be:drainedl Receptacles must he se "Ashes" takes in the residue and ,wrapped andplacediu,cov_: for collection as close tr of; any household fuel• tin and ered metal or plastic containers if street curb as possible wi glass containers used for emther not wei^hing more than 60 "obstructing the road or than food containers, waste e- Pounds when full. f Ivalk Collectors will not Ashes most be cold and in any house or olhir buildt metal containers of a capa, ity, 'pick up garbage nor re of not ntoro than one bushel. any fee. \'"sPaPers, magazines and � : Complete' copies of tho t i other paper must be noodled are available at :Site offls I and .tied while cartons have toi the, Town Clerk. he flattened and bundled'1vith-i Ingersoll Sanitary Rol'use in the 60 pound weight limit. ' 'be the local collector and .11 No person other, then the a five year coutract with .1 householder may pick over or town. interfere with any bundles of!' - �1 cY d tva^ iv ! Paper or articles placed for removal. Sns receptacles bus, inumt are �I "Permitted for any family, store, shop or other building- wiLlt Lhe { v r f exception of hospitals; churches, 1- � a s, m rls or other public iusGLu--� > br r �.�,� .. r F, ,tious designated by Council. I �� IK-7YG7 it �a � c N l � "� ";�.. i �n �'xra g1411 -tk;^E x"`y n� ,ems $ • Fm .� v�� +�4 �,.tt`�,,a '�'ib�,n••• ��'4� ��� T �>•`I��' ��.tl �' _. . wT.. Y� ✓'i �-�„•K� 'Sb"s�•,'`y��A� � tiR.< �w l�s. l',Mi�p1 6^��'. ) : l'1 iVS'N:+•�, �'T>a^'?✓�..,�.�.?.,L.Z�"i.��,�+n"l�w�a�'kw.RAC."�'�,.n�'«-.A�`�`,,�$�a"a.ki�'&�. °za���, -.,z.>a � ;c;J: Jy i 7-�rA...-.��Cr.—_ Ch �f "'4/iTy'•.'[ �p (!�, 4 w rlohn C. McBride, was appoi A STONE CAIRN in front of the main entrapre to llic school topped. with the large bell - taken from [lie, dorn•er Collegiate whicli stood on the shut wasunveiled yesterday 9 'LdiQueeu's Council in the New �I ee a''s announcement by Attorn c ; y-General Arthur Wishart. Mr. r. IMcPride has practised in Inger- ..isoll since 1950 . He served on � the Ingersoll District Collegiate ,Board for nine years, two as ichairrnan; he Is a director o❑ the Y. M.C.A. Board, vice president of the Chamber of Tat'tile Ingersoll D„tiiel. Col _ors ,and president: Br' i Commerce and campaign chair legiate lnslituh s annnai _P4. Manor J. C.11 r Lrt, grin- man of the Canadian Cancer Cadet Inspection seen unvell opal, s an s right. Ihis was ;Society Ingersoll Branch, ing the. plaque, See Student One of: the Stulertt. Couircil's 11 Council ntenibiu•s .4nn Pir'e_ , Centennials projects. l ..Anne Bmu��_.Neniiao Fdand�