183-- —
'$ iNoodsYo's,c Senhi�ei-R-oview, Tues., April lE,7367`"`"- --�---
The Plan is intended as a r a
^, i �, ^ framework to lay down rhs i" - °�" " 1 policies of the development of '
6�" I the town. Land uses are broad-
' - designated, major road
1 g
July 29 19ti7: Page 5 y rejections
Sat., u y patterns set and p
Telephone 485-3040 made for future reference.
131 Thames Street
Maurice Sales — Manager A fortunate result decadeOf slow rowth Ingthe
I —.. Jessie Robins - t pasts s
Editorial has been the de-
t velopment of a town of excel"
• I yterAppointed Now
aytY oiof Clinton has
been appointed business admiai-
.."_�,� e4
arator of Alexandra Hospital,
Ingersoll, succeeding Peter M.
Breel, His duties commence
Au_g._27th_._ /9z7
„ apt
Mr. Hay ter has held a sim-l
ilac post at Clinton Public Hos-
pital since July, 1966 , Prior '
to that he was assistant admin-
istrator at Dearness Home, Lon-
don .
He retired from the Royal
Canadian Air Force, where he
served for nine years as physical
education director. For five years
he was at Canadian Faces Base,
Clinton .
h � , ,'!
,, ? „l -
A replacement fo; the Clin-
ton hospital post has to be
announced .
'®•L • ® zMl t"
�J M',„�o" ,T fr, .
I tional character and a strowt
i,"sense of Place" which often is
Tacking in. many Ontario towns.
AJt4 i3,
er n3..
,J;, „�, .,,
%. 'v, k`-��t•�e�
The new is, visualizes
being of a mode:
coming into
community wbicti combine:
r^, f, o �1 pp� i F.�a,
i E 1t1 u�a4
'`" n�g= py„'�
IMF dkd
economic grawth mid oenviro..
iEy with a satisfying
i n•ent
as 900� present town ifrilits in that'
LliUGEtISOLL —With the offs-'i In 189E-tile populatto
grist and saw mills, a
time and a continuing revue,
cial plan of the town of Inger• with
and fulling indY.annory,
the municipal bodies will
sail on the very br' of bee. carding
ing fact and already in effect ry, bre ery, distillery,
the teethe changing
olution ofin sotec4l
— a look at Ingersoll in the as ; one doctor, one
-past, present and future .pro• ;maker, two chair factories,' Done''
two wag
The wn had timiddle eofotbe-
vidcs an[ interesting and ell- car, maker, "', plan before the
Imakers, seven stoics, two
couraging. View, . -
L'f r` taverns, two groceries one present resent century- , to economy
the first sad• the water power of,
The Lidia¢s were sa,founded on
baker, Due tinsmith, one
people to. realize the potential V
fanning mID maker, a number of creeks flowing into$,,,,
g „ y
of the It which was to become tlei, Dire
',rve blacksmiths, three tailors the Thames resulted In chainsrF,.�
For centuries they , dams is the
arya ,
Ingersoll. Maud three shooma,ters. = of picturesque ,mill
had pushed their canoes into a , ,early` days.
basin formed by a creek on tile VILLAGE IN 1852 A number of engineering
firms located In the town at the
south side of the Thames Rive - Ingersoll was officially lacer-
to rest before taking the lon� porated as a village on January beginning of the. 20th- century
1 722 little
portage to the Grand Rive but thereafter there was
1, 1852 with an
The .famous chief, J 65,e h population spectacular growth for 50 years..
acres and a population e Great .owth enabled
f the Great '. 1
11 advised his for -
fa�e-in-arms, Thomas Inger-
soll, to take up land at this la -
cation and with a township
grant ,dated 1793 the new corn-
mmiity started.: - -
forest r
tract 90
six pens
Aiiicrican lines during the war
of 1812.
With the coming o 1 et this s ow 91
Wesb,v.Railway the village be- the town to preserve its pleas -
came a town by 1865. ' ant character and make corn- ,
rIngersoll had a century of fortzhle adjustments to change
steady if unspectacular growth The new plan recognizes the
with cheese and the main- fact that Ingersoll is facing the
i stay, machine parts made for challenge of new times. With a .w�i
export and quarrying becoming freeway passing close by, file
b s' ess older highways have decreased; „aa
big u in
1 Today, Ingersoll is one of the
communities in
in importance. Industry
longer is content with cramped
�! � �zs—lerr, NEW SUBDIVISION
33,most pleasant
3.Ontario with an historic past
althoughpicturesque sites along
A new subdivision is being
by Wellington and Pine
depths. Some half-;]
iiiiii and a. promising future.
seeks to estab-
the river banks.
Builders of new homes want
developed in Ingersoll by
Streets and will consist of.99
will also be availal
The new plan
1-lish the pattern of development
assurance that their neighbour-
A Me4
Real Estate
single - family dwellings of
three and four bedrooms. The
Webb are seen at
q for a period of LO years ahead.
that urban
�^ bond. will have the security of a
;well town and the cite-
[ihtTiia We
The eve opmeu
called "Wei-
lots range in frontage from
where construction i
°, It 1, anticipated
spread beyond the
,,ens seek a sound econony.
�tiugton Place" is bordered
50 to 80 feet with 150-foot
uled to begin short.