186One of Oxford County's prime commercial centres,
Ingersoll is strategicolly situated for business, being
served by Highways 2 and 19. The town his on
— —=
UNDON FREE DRESS, Saturdoy iJonuo y 20, 196✓ 1
" rra�'
cia�!g Nee
0a. .S a9.l„x in,38s rX
the farming scene give ris
'special needs and some of t
;� _ it �, z� ., r,P _ needs are being convelM
z -; ef-r� ` _ a �i� x�`rrt o provided in this area by a
t w•c- .• ,
e v u w r; I aratively, new firm, Ox
��' h s 'Silos Ltd: -
% A�. Typical of
v t ! ,. e, progressive N
; 1 6 t" - "i.,'vzi.°'^ "'"�a,yvx�� zed ° here, it serves customers
.a r a c - `� �s * •.,� I • wide area, throughout st
;western Ontario.
,..,,i..,,.,-.,.�m.�v`r..,c..c'ro.,.wz,.,,,`'q..asm,�vak„,«�;Oxford Silosds in the basis
'of supplying silos, elevators
j One 'of the most impressive of Ingersoll's, many s. `y -- ---- —•- --___ ____- -�, _--feedat. equipment — all imi
not m the tend to farm
i modern buildings is the Ingersoll District Celle �°'t s, matron. Successful farmer;
100 to
giate Institute, located in the town's north end. �4. my -b SZ ,' '+ � � longer depend on an tmcet
It contains to facilities for academic and techni- ®� +a and costly 'increasingly find
supply and
p � � t increasingly find that the
to ^��t�tro ;r ,% a, ` to morg leisure and better
cal. instruclion, .with capacity for about 1,300 stu- `L�a `�tk.dl. Cwr )e4,r9 S ` come is through efficient f
0.,,` - g equipment.
urroundin lieu.
dents from thetown and s g
_ - -- - INGlRSOLL — if you necdedi finished lumber to the final coati A boon to the home builder SPECIALTIES
r p gl = m r ,i few nails m Dad's time, it. was I of paint and the finishing Oxford Silos specializes in
t. -..,s;e s tt?+ >�-,,. g piecclhas been the development of unloaders, auger bunk feed
t+•.. s 1'., '„$ 'usually necessary to buy a fuitlof .handsome hardware, prclii» ne
shed interior palling,( tube feeders and cattle wa
Mound. Now, it's far more ens. This and other equipmei
"'";t rf ^°w ' a,+ a ommou to ESTABLISHED INIn-4land ready -painted ceiling tiles.)
g r„a>s r rSFTR i nl�ra. ,F Pick up a neatly) 'i'he -business was originally Homeowners with only limited i. increasingly usedby opera
,ue wrapped package with just tho�cstablished b - tile late George ex rerience with a hammer have : of beef and 5 also special equipment
ent I
dr.aa y ,.' I
r faandy number of nails needed iu 1934. It tuns dormant yJ/i=Y at /J /v 6%.. _„..- o year Burin been able to successfully ae- �. installations for piggeries.
'INGERSOLL — Rural and to-`r- p '.for the job, And you find thorn' g the Second [
` Doorways are being knoc,ced,,j at the same firm where World War then resumed active par y h' decorating miracles, l Established in 1961, the i
cal Lotter carriers seen willnecessity wood and the rest of our buy Parity because so many of the expanded. its original build
`have -a brand new headquarters to and out esfsorted
mac -I your sot- business and was acquired by new materials. use particularly during the past year by ad(
on the seeond floor of the Fed• tates and cases of. sot ted malls ',plies for ahome job. the late Andrew Henderson soil easy .methods. Special cement- ". an office unit, a new star
will move rapidly to the scc- 1,1 It's all. part of tire trend to the partners in 1947. Leslie Song- I❑ compounds often take the + building, and a new bate]
,feral Building when changes and and floor from the lower level. �„ ore -stop centre for 'tile home burst took over the firm in 1953 g
'{renovations now. under way are -. i,l and a few ears later increased place of large numbers of nails. i plant. Location. is on high'
I,�,handyman and carpenter. y
completed. - t'� the office s ace and built a Another ..factor important to 19, just soutli.of Highway 4
Postmen w t i l occupy the Leslie Sonalturst at Ingersoll larger showroom. g employs I
Postmaster Herbert E le ex- is bright suite to the front of the Planing 4il�•ames Street g the recent growth of the Uusi- The business ems to s 11
?plains that the a er carriers pees available
kfo variety of sup• pie during
during the winter, rfsin,
j "'building formerly used by Man- South has xen he trend de- The showroom. has become plies available for adding great- f7 during the Peak season
- now open from a two Street power, now moved to another vclopdinto a potent force in mar- necessary as the lines of stock er usefulness and attractiveness i spring and summer.
East Annex some two blocks t� portion. A scale model of the chanmising.
.1 from the post office and the new have' been - greatly increased. to basement areas.
! new suite in .the Postmaster's Ingersoll Planing Mill f once One of the biggest changes, says Ingersoll Planing Mill offers
net under one roof will co-ordi-I ins C Mr. Sou hurst, has been great- all exclusive service in this area
pate 6irangement of tables, cases for ypes of lumber and build- g with. extensive woodworhin„
procedure and expedite mail' and other equipment for pig materials. Today, the firm er use of. panelling for exterior equipment for planing and
;.• mail handling. } iaudles everything front focally) building and interior finishing. dressing of )for p
r An elevator shaft is nearing ;maximum efficiency. and eon _—.. _
completion -at' the rear of ;the+:.yohience: ----
,� post office and will
for installation of machinci•y.: t Q,
i shortly. The elevator itself will
(Mwno+i, a4-a. ,i?:u..zG-*rw,w� "[�cetokr, I>�'Cc_,"I'l-
., take six weeks fat; installation, , -
.� taking into account the rigul
, testing which must be done bu
1 y
fore it is renounced
use. -cac5 � .or
- .. ..
Cr---I .,— V�W Isla C1�u spry:
up -to -dote retail section offering a complete cross-
section of stores and service outlets• The town
is easily accessible from Highway 401,
I u,-- I' `I 1,