187- INGERSOLL—Shelby knit- (about 10 male and 40 female
wear, Ltd., a local manufac-' workers, will occupy the Lon-
Lurer of men's sweaters and don Thames Street plant to be
shirts, will cease operations( vacated March 31 by Pem»ans
here after 14 years and move I Ltd.
to London, company president J Mr. Forrest, who -lives al
David Forrest said 'cslcrdav 584 ,ash
_ _- 1 i ton irnt�wS1 onrlmi, and
ne hich emw ploys ax [mnuvad'Ie associated with
the agreement to purchase the t
mean that female work eis will - � illr' '1'orrest said ill(' move London plaul: was finalized
be released March 31 when i.� into the mole Ihan oo0oow1'last month although negolin-
actual takeover' of the London j -� square -tool. l,otdon platy will, tions began last year. lie said
)plant is made. offer the company its rust of r the purchase price involved
portonib' to expand since irkfy ,.several hundred thousands of
plate workers are to be or- aas founded in 1953. dollars." jobs in London and III,,
(firm intends to employ as . ]Il lolhe Ingersoll plant contains ! Machinery will be nmvcd ..
Imally Peron ens' emplovee's as 0 square feet of space he'- from ingcisoil to London u a
1possible, Mr. I'orrest said. said, and has I e s t r I c t e rl � iliccenleal opoation beginning �
),rnwun of the firm. Shelby isshortly. Addrtional-.woil<r.<,
xpecferl to increase Its prod -:',including many of those maw '
ui lieu I,y"per cent Once it is .'<I CrunloYed by Pennians, will be '.
lurnled in Loudon, hired gradually. Full �roduc-\
Lion is cxpecled by mid -Apt it. \
Lz b Ada
-are 7
8 e
INGERSOLL — In 1%. 7, the ceived from the province on the l
Ingersoll Public Library cbm- understanding that they would
pleted the major changes in the provide a public library reading
renovation- program sparked by room, evening classes and a
Centennial activity in the com- scientific museum. The mom., + r+' p v t 1, " m
t 'Y E a s
muntty- and the resulting inter- palil.y was asked to routri n
est in' local improvement of funds - and subscribers to�,
buildings... library Paid $1a year. ttoonn, x ,rrt
The formal exterior Plan of were procured at the rental of , ,s4 a a
the Carnegie building has been $50 per year. ;
kept intact but the interior has The struggles of the cO""nL ri " m s4f t Y' i4 i s'�'
been opened into•a single floor Itee over the next few years to Psst,t~ a 0 "t; j} t• j"vr k `" `.€
space and-areasfor.readingor keep the venture going are. faith- aw
reference. The color scheme isl fully recorded in the minutes ' is 't (dr fA
.white with celery green walkl To raise funds the commi1lee
and carl5eting and drapes in soft l sponsored tourer Ls and excin'-
green, Comfortable chairs - in�sions 4 trip to Toronto on Civic
-Sams of ,yellow and red make oP lidayain n1882 brought,I. 1`hal profit
P z x; t ,r +y zrs't`'9 i. d a '. y `5 S• y!
Great changes are also taking, Singers made R30, but e cOirerl
place in the opening of library of local talent resulted in a loss t - , t a W s,+
resources through the expansion liof $399
of the county Public library sYs Fi;Rb I(.LS UhFsystemin',Iy, i tj "o=, S
f I p e43 ,t
which nlbrlariestern, id te garealworking� to •r 084 were ban�oRed,18S4. volumes itaiihrui�h � �2 � 2^
getter more closely to provide,lof the bbiary has. included m ;,rn
services to all whIna the larger 'd } r tr
the es h School and e es mI.
areas. Inter - library lending is
(classes [or citizen were esLab-y,': ,a>x
being trade easier,service is z �l
fishedIn 1890under t . , he chair.
free to. residents in the cowrty at, ff
manshn of G. W licDtarmid a j `Je,
and plans are by ng studied for P s 8 t ,y ,
the board bower o tc request` {
reoional cataloguing and other
g of the Women s Christian Teo
'timesaving :features. perance Limon to set ,tip a free
LIBRARY HISTORY li'eading room and recreation '
, It is interesting to look back i room ;And MTN entertained elm
on the history'uf the library ac i thon6ht of Elting a rymnasium a u
tivity IliIngersoll and to read in A piano was hnstalled and rulas
the minute books the names of
drawn up for its use. ,the
so many interested citizens who( Amusement Committee pur-
aye much tune and thought to
, e
g chased three sets of checkers _.
keepin, a library in Ingersoll hvo "Ili"' in clovcl ^ un' dorm �.,I vQ slle 'w , iiu
There Ras the :Mechanics lr toes, one. author, one i CO Ulnpl"d Ll Oil IA" \n CCIi li t)127. I:Y uullet,� loOViCiCS 8:1 Ol 1CtIC�lllg
stitute rot exisicnce prior. to 18721 b,utg on Parini croquet
board, one air grin and. nth Purrs in the tnjnute book,
which was wiped. out�in tie! tau, the choice from lS aPptica-ghat achildren'F-�---=----'-- "[• --'—�------
Great hire which swept Jn er-,articles. _ lire library in. 1896 was local. tons, Slit .held the post u"tillestablished in r p� �ICit'1 move
soli. In 1880, a public. meeting: 6y 1890, the "muted was rap ed in the Royal Bank building 1931 during which time thelroorns and this t..� nge rS®I l . ! Chi a �'.
. was held in the council chain• proached with the request thA and in. AN moved to the Miller board -applied for a Carnegie cently has been re. �A ,c' ! 6
hers to consider starting a simi- the,Mechanles Institute. becorne� building on Thames Street. A rant to erect the present build -(fresh paint, extra' G /, •9 S {+�
tar library. James Noxon was a Free Public Library. Mcm utsis over fuel in 1903 resulted mg on Charles Street East. This stair covering. F factory in London
elected president and others of hers of this board were H. F. rat the closing of the reading was, opened. to the public in 1910.I Two. librarians IN d �
the committee were Ti,Sla A mid Il. Richaz.la,0JL__LEI, room for part of the week and J. S, i'I son was hoard -chair- post since 1931!, ;
`son, I,V. Hayes and .Harry Rich C. Mcnhenntr•k,. J. Simi lair,,, iin 1907 is library was closed ratan 1 ns time.
because of , nr• pox. An It Ilibr of Guelph arc Shelby Knitwear Ltd., a she said two or three woo;'
`trdswt. d'C.alle ham, At. I 1L•DeCmq,l. - ° �l1 ha Rna early in H)GI. under the�liim wino, Miss 13cianufacturer of men's swca- en will begin work at produc-
`.,1so m imed were R W. Wood. a�fic,�Tia'%add'jW R Ciden.,,,;(;elt'eriiscmenL was iusel'Led inWte chairmansh ip of Pcrcv I, suulh�of tngersoll. ^.rs and shirts, officially relo-
_ tion outset, and eventually 40
;ffe Dr. J. A 14 (Lens;'-Ii. nmm'cipality cmttributed A. tot Chronicle to that effect. _ _
,tbi eitsoi� ta. r i ref.'Al.B.',this venture, The use of the lib -II Mrs. Court was librarian for - _ gated yesterday froth their 1n- wpille ,will work in the Lmr
.'ties J. } r rd 1 �i-a ry was vu hedged about th 1, tears until 1908 when h4iYs
�rsoll plant to the Thames
greet, London, plant vacated dolt plant.
-1ti su1 l.q rat. of „ r: i� �rngulawoos tehic]n Lake up Iry Jau _t dcEeltal, i)eca n.c Lbrar-' 1,ceinpy by Penman Ltd. Shelby, in Ingersoll smcc
- - _ Although Shelby employees 1053, released the 40 women
and movers have been install- employed Chore.
,.. ing machines ill the new ionar-
tors for aweek, p when the decision to stove
riot expected to begin for was announced, Air. Forrest
- - - about 10 days. - who was out of low" yestcr-
Initially, the firm will em.
ploy the entire male staff of 10 day, said the company hoped
- transferred from Ingersoll,. to increase production by 25
and settle women formerly per cent in the larger London
employed by Pemnans' ),ant which contains more
"We hired as many Pen- 1
_ -- -- - mans employees as we -need- than 60,000lasquare feet. -1'I,-
- - --_„d �' Mr Dav`tt Pnrt•esL wife Shelby PiIngersoll, I6,-
j. no0 squaree feet,
is for sale.
Forrest Fabrics Ltd, of Lon-
don, cited a need for plant ex-
pansion as the main reason
to" leaving Ingersoll
He said employees at the lo.
cal Charles Street Vast plant
were informed yesterday of
the dwIrlmvn. The move will