19�__' p r _ �'j (+ _ Corn r St°o_: la/u{'{A f €fa�L� ° ,a I� II IA�LI �oChurch 'tea 9 �,w r`' f,K (j ' .Il,9 luj.,�^FiV,d' WtXi., r...k.6)e1 _ lq SOId q Wlad-3 tµ^[a- nix- ,y>iyYlc .I iMi°°,.- '�M_ , 'hc , r 9 /J s I j�',^� ®( h (", +w�x«e A Q�dwx+i� °'pan+�'s rr- b p°fl�gszysa�i Dedicates fights:,. t n J"Id, rY, �' ^ t x � 2�� D a'.d, dewy r <xf I /91✓. rv,f f _./4� ° 5[� Dy.r"' ,u o#- /vs° INGERSOLL, Dec.14--A large tt ¢' <' '•,, "nff ` congregation attended a specialkK.r j , •�''`�^'- Lg" Thp F A`a 4 dedication service at St. James $k i fit; b .5 t.-Q e( Anglican Church, when new Gotha >`•a t s "'!�" ,a a Z.v< ,;•, i lights were dedicated by the Rev C ''W,pl� ,• x \bu Gp �Y, rx s Dr. A H Ctewfeet,, Of London a rR ei ' A bronze memorial pulpit light, �IQy /QS /•' Jis.,w 'tl'•° 7r y Q given by Mrs.: W. H. Street was t',�'; , ` .acp3 f d_. _ .fls/ CLrc.i/ aH TIyf bu<(,_ S/•, ' `@ tr_ also dedicated, in memory: of her oY ' = husband, William C. Street,a Poe d N_` mer. warden and Onicial of tha`�,� church. CI'�""" �leto .�CJ�y o•,v ,C/' F y The Rev. Carman J. Queen,reo�f t i i 7aZ for of St. James, conHucfed the servtcer Cost of the system was appi oxi hie y ,mately $4,000, which has been sub. x t'° °{ ✓In.,. dam/ scribed by the members of the 6/--��� congregation and the church or- ,a ` gahizations. _ -... BAPTIST CHURCH y, ST [ J A M E S / l qi s fr.57. Present Building Rase l �� Rums Original Rector, �c it�ct i ova ?b kiNfrrT•=BRrelc vrNF�R+�� Q - YkE �iASY CNuX4N'M s rr �y ' �iC :.�iiCe Baptist denominational activi- gage and the church faced the I x /. Designed signe .ties in Ingersoll cover a period of tremendous task of building, in IJ - es _ ' 91 years and for 85 of those years effect, a new church on the ruins (This is the first in a weekly" f� The, nest-signihca»t mtiesloEie� y� -'I the. work has centred around' a series of histm mnl [egtiUic abgli tin the history the parish came w.�^ of the. old. The necessary funds _ church located at the corner of. Thames and Canterbury streets. were rased by ti subscription,On Ingersoll's Chmcues): 60 years later, kviththe ldditionl, The Ingersoll' $aptst church February 19, 1899, the new church, ij ar sh Services of St James 5 year -,'corner- tone was eld in the ofa1-ddnby9Fred �A,I was founded in 1958 and Elder a fine 'red • brick' structure, was ' palish cues founded in 1834, Ackerf chairman of the building his P Ge' r on was the first 'pas- dedicated. yy g c rttee, at a special service on, 'to At first the people met for, No major changes were made in fthe fir,,.' .. stet Ueda held h a `a beautihrl autumn afternoon,} �- + ,worship in the town halls but in the. design of the thatch until '', rear wheretheR1emo cal September 28. c°st01A?`po0 2,';,7 1864 they bad the joy of meeting 1946.In June of that year exten- ;School now,"at ds.p,+G saro v; ! The .silver Lrowel_psed that at 4 . in their new chapel located on sive alterations in.the'front of the ,64 :------T' ---" - Thames street.. . auditorium were completed, A new v1n 1840 �i e first church Was iernocn: now rests on the: mantel S . The Baptist beginnings Were pulpit and choir seats of white ash i,erested on a lot bounded by King - + rkert:s home on Duke / �90 _ �� /3 Z. Sarii.•rL.i., humble+•indeed. The' first church: were installed., New console, gates I and Francis streets and by Albert ` s[r8et'B side it is a picture of . building was of frameconstruc• and screen "for^the organ were and Earl streets."Thaframe build- ; tion and of, sevel:af plain design. added, and as well the organ was Ing was built on the brow of the _ Rev.! W. E. V time, Millen who was ;�-/,c.iccP./- /�.y6Ys�IC It was not until 1884 that ell m- completely overhauled and electri hill, with' sheds on -the east and Thee hopesr of tose who built.!'7_�" < burying grounds on the West. were we fulfilled, The hall is to-' G . debtedness was removed from it. died: The platform floor.. was re Near the -close of, 1888 Rev. J. newed in h"Wood and new llght- The land_on which the church day one of the finest in the. Dio- r - cvf✓ � � �J� •`. ,� F; } ker of Whitby became pas - or ing. wCs insxalled. A new common.. �h as built. was given to the parish I cese of Huron. -and he was able to lead the on table and pulpit Bible Were {.pby TtalOr"Phonies ;:Sn ersoll,'a.*� Mr:McMillen's teen as rector, r�OPchurch forward to the erection of also dedicated 1J Loyalist who had setC e here in the "]on esL in the historyof the- j{ I f0 anew building.' This was amat- Rev. Georg whose ! j1793 on the advice of Chief Jos- church included also the elebra- I ` / "8 Q/ ter members had been considering ministry tho longest in the eph BranG,.Thomas Ingersoll vMs i Lion of the centennial in 1934. The � -- ,..)o _ for l some - years; but* obstacles church's recent histovy, preached- I. thei-aifier. of Laura Secord, whose,''] celebration, well remembered by i �� L °r' chiefly financial,. stood in the'. way.. his farewell message on the day of time has becomemeiriseparably the_ peoide of Ingersoll, consisted - _ .his r qC the, War of special services on three sac= Through. Mr. Bar leadership dedicaticn. �,lmked with,the story. these were overcome and a church. Twenty ministers have served I,oC 1812.:. cesslve Sundays in October as well i ovao-�i V. -C� seating 500 was built in 1890.:.On the Ingersoll Baptist . church m L. The connection , between the as week -night meetings. i " r Uy i January 4, 1891, it was officially, its 91, year History. They` are:; The of St. James and the In. l The parish of St. Jamcs has had 1 • dedicated -caking the name of George Wilson, 1858; 'fhomas E'gersoll family was 'recalled in �l&rectors during its 15 year his i 4. Tabernacle Church.- 1AKW-ln, 1864; John Demose 1948. On Ma .,_,2 the. late Arch- tors, from the Rev. John_,RoLb I An era. of ;' definite. progress '1868 S, C. K 1880;' �� bishop, C': � : delieated. a ' w,� who came here from England C� Qom, Qac seemed to be , opening with thn, I -.Lill 0" Thom ¢-m, s,.,i .special memorial-. stone on the ',in 1835, and the present rector, i i•; buildme'of the new church: ev. 1882 H C. S dler 1883; S,_9 l I, grave oC Charles' 1 eldest , � gev. C. J. Queen, who_ began his �r;-4µdt f,G I - d.ames �ant succeeded 1Kr;-Bark-- Munro,-1$8'(; TF Barker, 1889, son bf _--alas",3ngersoll ;ministry in 1946, ,f er,'rn7895�ut during Mr; Grants, James Grant, 1895 C_X CrreP,J1Jt ,, The nresent and The others :,were:' 1848, henry U - 'ministrythechurch was almost 11903; - sLean,-1905 C..;Id building 80 years old.Begungevell: ]j354,'J,Walk�r '__ar�s� t totally destroyed by fire, During McLean 1910; Joe - 1910� in 1868,-it_was completed a.year 1g66,. J hnston Vicar'-- s; 1B64, 1 an electrical storm one -night. in D na1rT�M,Int r , 919f :later; and with its .opening .the n tt Hmc "1877+-Edavard May, 1898, the church was hit by Ronald, 1 on macron, 32; parish of St. 'Jaynes moved from Bland-Rrnest ers• ' lightning and only the walls were Utorge A. McLean, 193 ;/,Murra "a-missionaryt -to a self-supporting I889JRober - er 1890, J: left stai:aing. ,,S��nmron�_s, 1946, and J. M. y statue. Crrra_4,?°�'v'� c`r-i- 7,� rise; 18 4, rthyr�Marp y;' The insurance paid the mort 19447.Rp S•0.-Sl A'. i ,.K Fx.r -. � - The church as it stands: today igg7, James Thompson, 1966, �f A fie, 49 w� - lyly Wi Was largely planned ,hy the. Rev„ J Perkins; _. Canon J. Perron Hick a native V, M 36, C K. sters e_1W ,d arj..,o' /$>'EY wSa of Irelan who was he rector at and ]939, H. E:,Merrfield.K the time.He was peculiarly fitted gev.' Arthur Mirray died for the -.work,' - having be%n . an cently in Vancouver at the agel; 0 a_ _ I Pie -�-,r .c✓-n,o architect !it his early life. =-'The of 93 , W Qu.i* lIfl' In[a, t� "1 fC 4 �w se....� - lQjf -' 75 e.oeosk ; building, an imposing structure of'� ... t Gothic 'architecture, as long as it W -� 14B eDs`� - .stands will remain amonument to 7 gqo - qg� ig377„„ qq the memory er its first rector, L Go �ffelliL Fi [°�ti tr�TJ.L °a -// J Perhaps nowhere er Of the of at / 3O, Ty .5adliar-, 6 Z¢ Ontario is the power bf the des nm 9 -- - f g f�.A-y 1 sic, Gothic chi rch to Anculcate a,- '��, feeling of a Divine pr,penca-UeY-, ._ r .--t3l""`""_._ �"•'��,� b�Qe y