190h R L 19 ro 7tt
d 3 v 0Ju A 3 J a J7 1 aR� dr.3, rd �
Forty bouud voluntrs of The and the greengi ocer sold the
t In orsoll Chromclo were newspaper ljil 'i4-Tu ao�rn
U'ansferred to the library of Garnet late of The Boston f„.,� ,. -?,` 7 a
the university of Western on- oa Cit Pe.9�ex
�,...� Ill. on Saturday as a joint According to The Hamilton '
x. xt �xy z
gift by Staley J. Smith local Spectator at� that
Iievicw.trnd by the-Sentrnci ing Gurnterl
11 tt paid itre transaction, �ansalle ai{ r..ya "� 5a• a� 'r '
lion he denied during hot
The gift was termed "a
gallon g' rc
marvelous acquisition for the political controversy of the k , op i°" ` r ,�..� ,
ilbIary," by Da Japes. J. day. The
the adian
"l Imam.. chief lhbra fall. He
said today that the volumes Gurnett and as a result The
Made up, "a notable col- Ingersoll Chronicle received { a
lection, invaluable to 'histor- tre.rncudous publicity and cir
tuns of the area. It is unique citation boomed
d, to the region." .The publisher died at the,
age of 44 and the newspaper s �, y { `:T ,tx
The bound volumes all in ,e s
was taken over by his son x`*� ,
good condition dated front the John. Publication continuer, �; ,y a a', � ,r a
early 1E605 to 1919 They in- fulfilthe junior Garrett s
elude both the daily and week- death vvlren The Chronicle was
ry Chronicle and are consid- -
sold to Williami Lllroth•
t� ci od by Dr. Tatman as par /Tn I91a�Llie ❑cwspaper was
ticulerly valuable because the sold by Mr Elliott to W. J
- I collection is complete except (q' , of The Scntinel-Re I
' t;rw.�..,,.a..,...r s'. �.. , .It
for two volumes. 'view According to Mr. Swill, 4' BONFIRE
y g� p�*
Pages of the volumes are/(The Weekly Chronicle con �: fJ7Q,,� ,.(�/`�. BLAME FIRE ON SPARK FROM BON IRE +
to be microfilmed and a copy 14inued publication until 1919. rfz� 1• -
0f the iniciofilm is to be pre- i' Approximately half the bound i A bonfire spark was blam tion of the building to floor ,
seuted to the files of The Sell- f volumes had been preserved�. ed for a" blaze Wednesday level as part of renovations rr'
tnrel-Review. in the years since by Mr. Kj afternoon at the V f c t o r i a and it was ho the lumber Piled �G(%Aft,G�GrLUtG�f'�. ��
The Ingersoll Chronicle at` Smith and half had been kept �-� StrecC premises of the 1'onn- in this area that the fire was , 77L�c
one time received wide pub- � on the premises of The Senti- € r er Coronation Furniture Coal- confined. Tiro main f r o n t t `����
licity !it Ontario, according to nel-Review in Ingersoll. The pally, lugersoll. A new own- portion of brick received only � •"��r (Q' a J �'�b"'
Smith. It was first"transfer to UWO was made by nuke damage
publisbedin r853 by W J. `,truclt on Saturday. �{"flCi fi11'OClillil �� 14
er had rated the frame pa s
Blackburn, later pubes e'fi i o� , Dr. Tolman at UWO said g�i t y ( e � .t.u+'-a>✓ ����e
.. he .one oiS free Press Mr. , today he feels the early copes f� ,+. I Blackburn sold sold the budding, icontain panceularIy valuable INGERSOLL — Rork on d ". a
newspaper to a local green-, local comments on the clay to- 10 000-square-foot gynitm•imn '
grocer. At that time the ciry -day scene of the American at the Victory Memorial Pub-
culation was only 250 copies, Civil War. - U ' lie School, Thames Street be
Are W� f1R� s >J �o 7i.Q.t Ana lt ow I�I , ,an Yesterday- Contractor is
--_ urn car Evans -Kennedy) Construction
. Ltd.. London. ' ho fiivi's bid
. .of $238,854 was the lowest oC
foul, received
e�6 xe 's•—
tixr r i
0 ea� a
.V,mt� x
_ geNe
f 5'16-
ei e
sit e a r thit
o t r P 3 ,✓ r
+ a e
t ' I st A s q eb m It
'., t 3v .. ' II-itIt
p�q 9
<'cL"�B 4'YB �91geE Sul,
rJ>r„ro-iyzy Open
Tire duplex formerly the Bisbee prcpert} will be demolished next t,-drawingto make way for d pictured above the architects drawing of the "Multi purpose p� rod
wing on victory Memorial Scheol to ;lie north of the present hurldiLx! . $�91�'sari� C1dd9$i®�� ad
- v'i1i contain i ;}u i,r urn 51 V i0 fc.ct With a seat,
_,olitr , if 7',iilcling, an.. t... _ -i t, ,1 INGERSOLL A $240,000
addition to Victory Manorial l
_ Public School here, containing
f % i gymnasium-audltoriuur and
ucla rs' lounge, was official- p
_ r opened PuesdaY" by It..1
of ❑terlu0 mid -
western .
western t't,gioual�superudend-
c,ii' of the departrn`ent of edu•
art ,
.. "...... ign's Program 6r2i.Ug.l4i
- 'i'he project was begun this ;.
-- - - ,uuner. The au,ditoriuut, wilt i..
iIAountuin Asa .r.9auc.i s cho,cr` :aing,capacily for 600, will .i
-- i tree 10 be. used for funcUwts by t