191It has been a month of fare- ti C I for' Principal of tic 1 U. -- ' - - -- �.� ,�
statland board Iti.ld a chnnc� {I R^•t• e '
the C,1, for' years, Mr, Herbertgy 6°+ c®asp 0
wells for J. C. Herbert, retiring. in their boilour, :Frig nt eltti' has an outstanding record of:; Rail crossing � � ce
ems' �'"LM, '��?y Company ��y
.principal of the Ingersoll District and an At F1oiiie_ Sunday, Mr. comrntmiiy service. Maurice
Collegiate Institute, and Mrs. Herbert will spent the next'two 4
g P on¢ftel has recorded some of cost steal ���qqq ° V
[-lecher[, T1re ceremonies came' - years teaching in Heiner, Ge[- ,the week -cud highlights for " `(- ®,� �����i rid
i to n climax last weekend when many and will ccturn to Ingersoll- the Tribune sit thus lm¢i stur !s r --M
P y ' d r4L� m i the
I br
INGERSOLL — The collection maintained if tills Ingersoll
,t ' '°P «^^"^"""'"" ,,,,,-.,.. •- "" ,,;. �r *"a";g f t Z gy? ,r;<;fi 1 -. INC ERS01d, -- C o u n e t 1 t office of Union Gas Company is manpower resources weir. pool
13;�r*r"'''.: .•...ate i ,3r-#-'a'�'p° .I 1Iuitday!"in htapP�'oved Pa)- -. ko tie close here on Friday. 'Lhe�cd with �1he Woodstock team.
'°' "`•' �Ps rE�r A+ ` 11 g to 1 !.;I move is descrihed as a cent- For some time, .the remain
-. ax-niefil`ol`$'L,493, or 0 / xxr cent,
as Ingersoll's share of the cost r'�
ralixation'ot facilities' and Ing- ing employee in the ]ngersol
.`' ' ,ire % , .,c• , ,i '__' i;K,", u i»zv`r r „wt ,a, � of installing automatic sit;nah ersoll 0, j!rfimrs arc to be office on Charles Sttcet Last
°t=a4 r h+ r;- sr r t ,: =e. »„ r `� at the CNR-Pemberton Sheet transferred to Woodstock head- has been one part-time cashier
`r `'rrt .nyts* �'" .crossing. grmrteis Since the only Present functio
i" + 's+ ' '„{'1 a ' k 't �'s ` "j #�'`" "7i. ,' •issin^ r.. SerVicleg of gas appliances of the local branch has beet
i-;_,r E,+'" $"t<,t . ,r=," ,`t +, l r tr ^c ;^If,'e, =._x %j The unprotected crt, : and ergupment will continue for the payment of accounts
r..�r� t> r m t..t{ i" , r'r i'' r Y j �. a '"st1""`#'rt situated on a dividing line be- , I
x''a rfif 1,�;�k °'" '"`�_ a„� -tween Ingersoll and North Oa- + from Woodstock on a 'L4 hour this employee is 90 be mover
a .; o-,'a :-: I seven days a week basis. to Woodstock, and Ingersoll ac
fw! xx a .a��,;.,: ford 'Township, was the adast I,. A few Years ago the ingei� counts maY coutiuuc to be Pais
,,g�, v��`'�;✓n ,#.>.�`^Pr'�°�� `! ,,u R @ ``sJti', k's`"`.`- o[ a block -tram crash t! sell office had its own serer
sear t ^_ �"t is 4*,„'t� at Jewell Discount Centre o.
k r r ;;-Ai F . , , kn,`' t° r. f i'ebruary that claimed lire h(e r+:, force but it was .found that
of an Ingersoll area matt. greaten efficiency could Abe Thames Screen -
+=ix ,t..,: w's e 3' k, `.utA nv p` r r s :: '?- Fer.Irs r ;• �., q'>-1:✓ . -
r.. :N,',r .x vt*aP sir <>1.:ry Mws •z;:='"4 r�ty `:<i.`'�A;`y r' -i r. .,;- , i ctrhasset
not yet st�irted0. The nn .¢r
].6 is 1 North Oxforcl'1'ownshiP his 'j� `vim+ . 96 r 'asr. ,,,.�,��:.
3 ;x y'a0 «*� gz`rise v�^4, also been asked to DaY 19�L�
p,k c t cx r 4s ,a r tuff'z pti`£4" samcantount, but, this will not f rq. n n
S't¢ 4"h,a`�'$ t� rs .7 come sit for consideration sin �p+°�j gj� {,
{" t M�'+� i r§ ' -a t .:.. I C9 Oda7. 'con @off , C 6a10
1 ill the township council ❑cxt .....
in August. INGERSOLL A capital specl,ion. Good pro„ress is re-
_ 'flip CNN will Pay the `c works budget of $134,792 has ported frmn householders con-
,'T' mainder of thc cost and 50 Irt'r' been approved by the Public necting to sewers ,where litres
cent of annual maintenance t; Utilities Commission with alhave recenl.ly been installed.
costs In^ersoll and North Ox-t new substation as largest sin- Watermaios have been laid
V`y`,'ii'`n .. 7 a, .. Lord Township are asked to gle item in the budget, �oil King Solomon, Kensington,
share remaining maintenance The substation is to be erect -Clarence and rocs Streets to
•''`' - ... s `' n..,n+•✓Y t,; ,�. �i costs c ed at the earner of llolcroft replace smaller old mains, All
-services affected .were also re -
a e
and Wonham Streets m an at
Cr, r'-yq'a? s sue-+- -d .{ tractive house -type desr n to pl teed
"` •.rv,,,a* '-f. GIs. � gg harmonize with the nearby is re -
!toss Frwstcr rc-
A[a banquet attended by Ingersoll District Collegiate Board Members staff members and their waves ,o-�^+`* sidcolial section All electrical Ports that the PUC Ins signed
�" Ei,# an agreement with London PUG
a presentation of baud carved chat was made to Mr. & Mrs. 1, C, Herbert . Assisuug in presentation e apparatus is to be totally en -(for use of computer facilities
Has Halter I eaper Board Charrmau a�ld W. Cantle ANilson vice principal . • closed
- 'i Qy§ a Sanitary sewer cons'ti uctioniin London This will assist the
hi'i 3 i ` MI s Ingersoll Commission m. repa ..
(.� __ r on Bed Street has been coin m ll i
Principal honored r 'iletul and n ai+rhr floral to- wit Mimidro and water hills and
i FR a �1 _ will eliminate the purchase of
an expensive new billing ma
INGERSOI , lotmci stu -. yj A'4.4
nlenh. and fellow to ac.be is of I G " fq+g --- ._
W � l 4 � In ..+�._ l clone...
j; C Herbert, Punegiil o[ higer ' The Dolly $entincf-Rcvicw, Thum, August 7, 196$ Page
-soil District. Collegiate Insh prey# ',: s ""tvti-^a Y ,. ,,a , ;, @ i n�%" i p ° i 'o 'kn tbti�r 1
1 tole made uP a large part of ` ^- - �a With Lhe new station god
.? a crowd of more than 500 at a y , UC �C�pt into a residential area 1'l
i�. wceptidir' for him Suiic'(av d .t '� By WILLIA➢i S. ItORINSON $' 1vlanager C. V. Mach achlau e
(( the school. Mr Herbert ichuti o[ The F'rcc Press l rgy ^@e „4,� Ps w (plains -ttra re ,ew `Tuildi
this month aftct''l2 yea:= r — Postmaster- },„ 0,950 Tender will have the appearance of
1 OTrA1'dA ? Iresideuce and garage.
�,. 1»'tucipah cL23/GcJ General Eric Iiierans an INGERSOLL — "lhc Pubic
nounced m tile�rons Fri- when completed there, will
I it
Commission announces blinds and drapes at the w
I- 3,J - day that beginning F'eb 1 i. it. has accepted the lender of
191i9 there will be no Saturday '' Russ C. Kilgour for the coo lows .and the lot with b^ Lai
yr..z. :t C., ....., ...,F.:,-.,,'?�' ^'v delivery. p. ?, lion building at the c MT-ol-aTl electric sti'bstof soaped. Lights inside thiY I
A r, .� , , .;r;", .,
-^ min orno of statioo will turn o❑ by !i,
Ifoleroft and Wonham Streets, clock to coincide with lights
i flip Lender amotnt is $10,950 hours hi other hones in I
with construction expected to area,
'',start immediately. So realistic are the stab,
Electrical equipment valued residences in other areas it
-i at'$50,00V is on order and will the buildings receive their qu
become part of this new hydro of handbills and other door-
°�.U7 station. door attention.
Sol t' 1 - —
Ltstyoar rho total budget -,�;
was $1,095,128.
Major reasons- for the logher,
budget this year are a $15 220
hdce in general' goveinmeitt
administration apptoPuations
wedk�� to $G6,350 t $16,141 boost in
d the police budget to $102 p17
a $25,500 rise for public works e.
— Tax in- to $150,000; and arise in gun- j
mills for resi prat welfare of $22,500 to $37,-
nulls for non-- 500.
takers for 1969 '1-o this must be added $35,-'
last night by�. 000 for the reconshucl i on off
Boll Sheet and $10,000 for re- }'
ss bring the novations to the Tbauresj
"ills for public Street bridge.-
chool resider I ILWA] SIGNAL:
-r Railway signals are
and 93.38 for i
ad industrial ACI 1;L1VIi N15 WITH C*'B ' process of berg Install,
hi,, Street West and Cl
Ahe mayor and clerk were!! Street West. They are I,.3 are designed authorized to sign the agree-'l ed to be in opmation ip
57 on a total nrents with the CPR for the necks 3-4c .v GFl
9922, The Ye'I installation of crossing protec- �.
me front Other ttron at King West Charles i
as provincial West and Mutual Street cross-
+jngs,PEC- 14LP