192�.,, � j tar,+• � a� � s�,.�
Approves, Pact j;suit'
d of hockey fans have ` iuqiretl
pY�` ;,r y✓ ?,' how � Ingersoll hockey brains llccpne known the
Itl tL lands:8
tj ,
f� l
errs T � �z
Ba-� v cin 1959 when the Dis-
,�m t trot. Memorial Centre w a,s
$.,'�� , Fr 3 opened, amgroup Ilheaded UY
43i 'u` Les Feldar entered a team
,i in the Ontario ockey As
INGE' SOLL — Ingersoll
Machine and Tool Co. Ltd.
employees.- ended a 34-day
attilcc Thursday when they ac-
cepted a new contract provid-
ing a 33-cent-an hour' increase
Gal a contract spread over 27
Instrumeintal in achieving
file settlement was Ingersoll
Mayor Gordon B, Henry, who
mediated talks Wednesday
when a inemorandmn of
agreement was reached by the
company and Local 2918 of the
United Steelworkers of Ameri-
The company's IN moon
and 10 non union hou?TCv aced
W('4015arc sctetTul'ed--di re-
turn to work Mood' fib-,g'�te
Workers will receive ,an
unnlediate 20-cent-811hour in-
crease iviih an additional 13
cents Aug. 1 1,969.
The contract is retroactive
to April 30 when the old con.
tract expired. It calls July 31,
The increase. boost Ihe. base
Late for a general operator
from $2.07 to $2.27 an hour and
Win to $2.40. Incentive pay
amounts to anoliaer 25 per
Both union and company
coill prnntiscdonpay in-
creases. The company had of-
fered 14 cents in Use first year
and nine and four cents at
six-month intervals in the sec-
ond. The moon sought 27-ccnl-
an-hour increases ill each of
the two years.
The .union gained several
concessions not included in the
company's offer last Friday.
The company walled Ihe
contract to run fro i the dale
of wining, nclroactivt pay
was boosted from $75 In $102,
and pension credit. from 25
5cirs', to 30 years.
Workers will also receive a
nods statutory holiday, Civic
Holiday, and Uneir incentive
program has been made daily
utstead of, weekly.
* sociation lntermedlal.e B ser-
W61•kors accepted Ihe con-
ics They appointed R o Y
"Ge'ose" Land as a playing
tract 76-132.
Mayor henry took a person-
They couldn't decide what
at interest In the strike or-
name to call the team and ,
offered a prize to the person
cause of the economic disiup-
whose choice of a name was
Ginn it was causing ill Iu er.
selected by a panel. A lar,9e
soil ;ual because of "public
number of names were sent
in and after much consider -
anon was given the mart
lie moved quickly after the
la ds w a s
company said Monday it
1 > 7
ud es'namerice.
Lae fudges' choice.
might. be forced to shut down
and relocate if a settlement
wasn't reached soon.
Mrs. Max Franklin of RR 2
More concern was expressed
w—Mwmnr—" ;r. ffsTced how
last Sunday when company
she arrived at the n a m e
managing director J. D: Love
" klarlands", she said she '
iidge sent a letter asking !I;,-
took the last farce letters of
workers to return In Iheli
l"cldmar's name and the n
added "Land" with an "s" .
job.'. He indicated it 111"y
oil Ihe corn
didn't respond. Lire cout ).111 -
would hire strike-breakers.
- -
hen levack_ area supervi-
sor of the union, called the
nlove a "mistake" and S nn
the company was creating tm
other Ealco Ltd. of Landon
illafor ellauges are snider way at the intetsccliuu of .John and Bell strcels,
red Ileart Separate School. Oppos- e t
with a $140,000 wim, above, rising atS"ac
ate the school late new $72,000 He liderso" parish 11111 is allill complete. p "
....- _ --- — — _ NEW PARISH HALL Oct
d u to the young people of the comnnmi-
ty, under Capt Our very best Patsconegef St James Anglican Church , in the j ie� Heart any lli boll afore lily wallst facing John e and_il Bell
estaUlishmenf of a coffee (louse known as " Grinkle Parque" , The j by January as workmen inns streets will be of buff brick
coffeehouse is something the young people of the Town have Henlrix Construction of Dor- with the Ualauce of construe -
coffee some time and we, do hope for its cheater are busily engaged oil t.iou cement block. Chairman
been discussing and urging used in the way it is intended . The this Ingersoll project. The of the building Committee,
success and that it will be oes to St, James Church for opening new building costing $65.350. „Lt ek'Warden, looks over the
'thanks of the community g't s For this pro act - .l' :.4-i^c`h will consist of a lar'c-71ia1! site as rrc aver Tony Van
up a portion of their proper y ' Pic; I with separate meeting room.. .Eck trowels mortar.
-" - cloak Toon), wa.slaroolus atJl