193l<- Tie Daily Sentinel Review, Thursday, Dec. 19, 196$ I . .-....... w...:v A" v sass VLLL'L&V L'i 1s Sa 1a"' tvril%a U.i''4L)tri Islands built by silt deposits the channel of yeers'.Of ac- et of river bottom as work carried by the Thames River : cumulated sediinenl.. T It e gets underway to ' the westwill soon disappear limn the dragline. of Iaggerty-Camp ;of the Thames Street bridge channel as the Upper phones b<11 Construction is S e e n in luget'so11. The channel will e�cp)q�� 'ry*'pg�''p1 (,'�+ �•y '�+ 'p�1o'gly _..........."_,Conservation Authority etean s dyquug up r br.uruuiin,C sunk- '° 1r15"i A«dk7.Agndk® min 13S$SL.tW --_-- WA be. cleared and the river bank; tidied and repaired from Beachville to west of inger- soli. A transformer weighing ,ve to 15 tons IitS workmen the steel cables by which the 50 ton crane will swing it into substation is brill like a ref) denoe with rara,e joined b1 —`— vvg :=q --- -- - �- air varm n over it attaching position in the garago-like a breezeway and will oven structure of the new substa- have window drapes and land- _ 1 `. ' �-------^.:,, tion on the corner of Holeroft. and Wonham streets m roger- soaping to make it blend without a jarring note into i, ✓,Si^.' k F, „n y,,,m P,Q 'r - K M �'rs i m sell The new Hydro Electric ilry resrdenhal mica, lay 1, t5�i5 It ;per ; � � � c; kh✓y�S S�t"d on Bolder zp A fledU6 HBO, irbj INGI RSOLL Work has commenced on the 27 600 volt subtransmission hydro line on Whiting Street which will con- nect power ;froin .tile existing TirciJt near the Borden Conn .party W the new substation at the Corner of lio.creft and Wonliam streets Poles up to 55 feet in lengun are being installed, as part of this construction A new style of I construction will be used on this line with large insulators bong used in- stead of heavy crdssarms, These insulators are ",sky - tone" in color which adds to the appearance of this line. This is the first constriction of a all Urans in ission line by the In- gersoll Commission. All other lines of this size are Owned by Ontario Hydro. A connection will be made from this line to supply a new transformers installation at Alexandra Hospital. INGI R.SOLL — The Cana- ulities at the Ingersoll maul. _ ., Channel restoration to begin „f�✓'"" ' ' � / ' \ diau Industries Ltd fertilizer will continue to operate mild plash will phase out operations mid 19r0. x ,7- '"y "'"� , I J's ' s- (n ` beginning in five months with' Maintenance and restoration work on the Inv n "-` ""`"'" t ' the plant to be closed in raid- i ersoll channel on the south branch of tine Thames y°iP+`'i ! �'- S'aardam-Rittoek, works man- t .j River is to start at once and be completed by �: uA�ak' ,,^,,a, �_ �� i ""'t { ' goer, sand efforts will be made ' •; }. 1lfarcli- 31. ,j{aA< }y. iq (:. 1' *7 r to relocate employees at other The channel between Beachville and the west. y u - - 'v CILplant-s. The fertilizer pro- r - ductioo storage and distribu- �. r Orly limits of Ingersoll will be restored to the full tier complex currently err- '. '• !' "` capacity to handle flood water, when tine river bed # '' "� l - ploys 70 people C i was first improved by Upper Thames River Con *` i w � ' , I Air. Pnttock said production F i servatien Authority in 1950. No major work has = will cease as of July 1 as the r j been done since then. I a^? `^ y, -; '` i company stoves to decentral. r Cost of the job, undertaken by the authority ize its o p 42 l• a t i u ns SnnallF t' plants, known as CiL Agro will . !be eligible for a 75 per cent .grant from Are { ' l , marts, which are now inopen-�[ ' i Ontario Conservation Authorities Branch ' ation, will custom blend small -I 7 R_D. McCall,,-UTRCA director of operations ' ,, ,.rv, t -� t x i - a` t - e• amounts of fertilizes for, I said very accurate :cost control could be maintaiurd v s• c u s C o m c r s throughout Ihe: ' by using hourly rented construction equipment Haggerty -Campbell Construction Ltd. of Ingersoll a« a, a£s ,d.�t �7:�P x �` - �? "'""�`�. area. __;,,.�. _. .__. Storage and distribution to RESIGNATIONS has been contracted for the ob. The need fo• the j . >maa..a:. �:�.� u The resignation of W'. Floyd Olean -up is evident in the accumulation of several11'9 large 'Ryq+.gx RESIGNS POST Jenkins, town assessor, was accepted with regret Mr. Jen- - i sand and gravel bars between Pennbortmn e3' � �� street and the west end of fugorsoll. The director W.. d'Jenkin who has (tins was praised for his fine work throughout his five years ! j said about .',9 Per cent of the material to be rO- bel�the pos of Ingersoll As-., with the town and he was - moved can be levelled in low lying areas a short sensor lot the past six vicars wished success in his new t distance back from the top banks of the charm I has resigned as ol~Teb. 14. ', position as Asse�sAsL�t Qom - and the remainder can be stock piled at one or two „ He will take over on hob. 17 as. Assessment Councillor for ' , —for Victoria County. convenient points of use as sanitary: fill by Ingersoll tine' county of Victoria,- Onn- Mr. Jenkins will be retain - Od. by Lhe town in an advisory r` �v�ytonic. r,apacrty as a consu11.anL froin lob. 17to .Aug. 31 at a ro - - .m.:..:.,,�,',I:,, tainev fee of 41,000.