193l<- Tie Daily Sentinel Review, Thursday, Dec. 19, 196$
I . .-....... w...:v A" v sass VLLL'L&V L'i 1s Sa 1a"' tvril%a U.i''4L)tri
Islands built by silt deposits the channel of yeers'.Of ac- et of river bottom as work
carried by the Thames River : cumulated sediinenl.. T It e gets underway to ' the westwill soon disappear limn the dragline. of Iaggerty-Camp ;of the Thames Street bridge
channel as the Upper phones b<11 Construction is S e e n in luget'so11. The channel will
e�cp)q�� 'ry*'pg�''p1 (,'�+ �•y '�+ 'p�1o'gly _..........."_,Conservation Authority etean s dyquug up r br.uruuiin,C sunk-
'° 1r15"i A«dk7.Agndk® min 13S$SL.tW --_--
be. cleared and the river bank;
tidied and repaired from
Beachville to west of inger-
A transformer weighing
,ve to 15 tons IitS workmen
the steel cables by which the
50 ton crane will swing it into
substation is brill like a ref)
denoe with rara,e joined b1
vvg :=q
--- -- - �-
varm n over it attaching
position in the garago-like
a breezeway and will oven
structure of the new substa-
have window drapes and land-
' �-------^.:,,
tion on the corner of Holeroft.
and Wonham streets m roger-
soaping to make it blend
without a jarring note into
i, ✓,Si^.'
F, „n y,,,m
P,Q 'r -
K M �'rs i m
sell The new Hydro Electric
ilry resrdenhal mica,
lay 1,
; � � � c; kh✓y�S S�t"d
on Bolder
zp A
fledU6 HBO,
commenced on the 27 600 volt
subtransmission hydro line on
Whiting Street which will con-
nect power ;froin .tile existing
TirciJt near the Borden Conn
.party W the new substation at
the Corner of lio.creft and
Wonliam streets
Poles up to 55 feet in lengun
are being installed, as part of
this construction
A new style of I
will be used on this line with
large insulators bong used in-
stead of heavy crdssarms,
These insulators are ",sky -
tone" in color which adds to
the appearance of this line. This
is the first constriction of a
all Urans in ission line by the In-
gersoll Commission. All other
lines of this size are Owned by
Ontario Hydro.
A connection will be made
from this line to supply a new
transformers installation at
Alexandra Hospital.
INGI R.SOLL — The Cana- ulities at the Ingersoll maul. _
., Channel restoration to begin
' ' �
/ '
\ diau Industries Ltd fertilizer will continue to operate mild
plash will phase out operations mid 19r0.
'"y "'"�
I J's ' s- (n `
beginning in five months with'
Maintenance and restoration work on the Inv
n "-` ""`"'" t
' the plant to be closed in raid-
ersoll channel on the south branch of tine Thames
! �'-
S'aardam-Rittoek, works man- t
.j River is to start at once and be completed by
�: uA�ak' ,,^,,a, �_
�� i ""'t { ' goer, sand efforts will be made ' •;
}. 1lfarcli- 31. ,j{aA< }y. iq (:. 1'
r to relocate employees at other
The channel between Beachville and the west.
y u
- - 'v
CILplant-s. The fertilizer pro- r
- ductioo storage and distribu- �.
r Orly limits of Ingersoll will be restored to the full
tier complex currently err- '. '• !' "`
capacity to handle flood water, when tine river bed
# '' "�
l - ploys 70 people C
i was first improved by Upper Thames River Con
i w �
' , I Air. Pnttock said production F
i servatien Authority in 1950. No major work has
will cease as of July 1 as the r
j been done since then.
I a^? `^ y, -; '`
i company stoves to decentral. r
Cost of the job, undertaken by the authority
ize its o p 42 l• a t i u ns SnnallF t'
plants, known as CiL Agro
will . !be eligible for a 75 per cent .grant from Are
{ '
l , marts, which are now inopen-�[ '
i Ontario Conservation Authorities Branch
ation, will custom blend small -I
7 R_D. McCall,,-UTRCA director of operations
,, ,.rv, t -�
t x
i -
a` t - e• amounts of fertilizes for,
I said very accurate :cost control could be maintaiurd
v s• c u s C o m c r s throughout Ihe:
by using hourly rented construction equipment
Haggerty -Campbell Construction Ltd. of Ingersoll
a« a, a£s ,d.�t
�7:�P x �` -
�? "'""�`�.
__;,,.�. _. .__. Storage and distribution to
has been contracted for the ob. The need fo• the
. >maa..a:. �:�.� u
The resignation of W'. Floyd
Olean -up is evident in the accumulation of several11'9
Jenkins, town assessor, was
accepted with regret Mr. Jen-
- i
sand and gravel bars between Pennbortmn
street and the west end of fugorsoll. The director
W.. d'Jenkin who has
(tins was praised for his fine
work throughout his five years
said about .',9 Per cent of the material to be rO-
bel�the pos of Ingersoll As-.,
with the town and he was
moved can be levelled in low lying areas a short
sensor lot the past six vicars
wished success in his new
distance back from the top banks of the charm I
has resigned as ol~Teb. 14.
', position as Asse�sAsL�t Qom -
and the remainder can be stock piled at one or two
„ He will take over on hob. 17
as. Assessment Councillor for
' , —for Victoria County.
convenient points of use as sanitary: fill by Ingersoll
tine' county of Victoria,- Onn-
Mr. Jenkins will be retain -
Od. by Lhe town in an advisory
r,apacrty as a consu11.anL froin
lob. 17to .Aug. 31 at a ro
- -
tainev fee of 41,000.