195*� a ihelte Daily Sentinel Review Tuesday, Feb. 13 1969 PL UrbanR lP R very g� t�j�pp�ryy 1 .n "'L 1.1I( �yy iy�, ni r '/i {p ems ' _ K a f drfOil � Yn �7 " ,a�j, ter e ,� .Qy O ! C 1 y`.v'6.-x_ ...z.�s. Ewa.:u..J3.."`L.tru.„w.Wu.�.,i,..s. ,Av ,%.,,a>..e•,�3 y t �J.1J�<� By JESSIE ROLINS. tJdouths of research went into INGERSOLL Startni,' Pro- Planning the most efficient routes with lime factors taken day, if all oes as planned, title consideration such as a car - In ersoll residents will have it ogres average ground coverage sub post office to serve them being 107 paces per innate ex - in the dovvntovmi area at the elusive of their steps into •tbe Alf But hfac Onfectmnery store properties. an .tames Street South, It will be open weekdays from 8 a.m.-STUDY FACTORS to 6 p.m. Time factors were studied for With the post office elosinr on such movements as wgoing up Saturdays begimting this week steps, across porches, along as far as general mail and Willits and the opening of the maulntg services are concerned, various types of mail boxes. fit he sub post office will fill this the case of the latter, each had gap, its own time factor each .The malt federal bull iviil on the box size, type of Sid or be open Ilroin 10 i.m. to 2 p.nt. letter slot. - ' ,for the picking up of carded Mt Egley estimates that the !items such as registered mail. average postman walks a street {SERVICES distance of six miles Per day i The new sob post office will not counting the distances Troll, `provide the services Of the streets to houses. When all -mwalling Is considered, a local main office in the way of sell- marintan will have done a stint ,ing stamps, receiving mailsup- of 10 to 11 miles per day. rplytng money orders and regis- teringletters. The main office COKE AREA lobby will remain open 24 hours _ Although Saturday delivery is 'a day from now on for the con-. no lon er being given in rest veinence' of box holders.. dential districts, the core area Another change scheduled for Will. still receive its two (tell - Saturday will be the end of let- "'cries every workin- day. Most ter causer service and privet industries and other businesses post del very, Only special de have boxes in the post Office -ivory mail will go out by which now are accessible 24 courier.. hours a day. Rural mail delivery will con- Mr Ellp states that in the itnuo six days a week with de- event that necessary equipment liveries curtailed to first rlass,for the Boldface sub post offue mail and daily paper's only. is not received in little for file NEW QUARTERS post this Friday, the main On the -second floor of the post office will be open on Sat urday for four hours for money post Office, the letter carriers orders and other marl services. are settling into their new quar- nZ tors where -the sorting system is streamlined with carrier cases designed for easy sorting and filing of mail. ALF I.ONiFACF, Thames Street South in Tr ersoll, is seen getting the feel of being a. Postmaster behind a wicket PTAWA (CP)—.Saturday mill remain open to'prole( mail delivery will end for micket service, including mail Minns of urban Canadians - after mg of items .. Feb, lu'. �requu'mg we ailing - and documentation, The five-day delivery week —Main post offices will pro starts officjaUy ➢lomia-v leh,iairle. lock -box -Kr rcr .,;for {n ,r� 17, 'otter aborAVe `plans to�hom-s on Saturda Y, alloiviug launch it Feb. I ran into a those who feel they mull, hove ✓ fr,y 'ru'rri r dy postal,+union �proresI. - delivery to .arrangereceipf. f The rations are still' aluhappy through suchboxes... � k With resulting change, ill the —Special delivery maib will Ar., -, .,.,t�%r�.„ u� •g„ •� work Patterns hilt 'Postmaster, tmchansed. weekend -street lct- General ,. ,. Eric 111e"LlIs -- who ter :box collections will continue, lie r' says. the, shorter delivery week to be made and mail will comet, J' ,,. r+� ,v� s >£ and changes in -p'roced ures "1 tot be received and de.,-. �t t , to y,. , save $13,000,OfH1 a year — insists Patched. z ? y`y vI s is he is sticking'. to the Feb. 17 - v� vr,. A.cpr zcr? I startmb date. USE? AIINIIIU31 S7A2 F _. £ re < ` >sv,"vt The departntettt today re- Although weekend mail v;iul con nine to be ;eased details of now the <{a processed, the. Y- number of staff required will be sliorter delivery week will effect - Canadians: cut to a ntinimunt. ,the greatest ,,,, number of employees. will worc rLhere will 'be, no change in a Mondav to Irtidav week postal service in smaller cen-Kiera its has said Uu• ices �generaliy served by t post, of- changeover will not result In ). fices operated in conjunction any' full-time employees- bell., i'with `^ °yH Ptivate businesses or laid off. There has been hir- lfor no homes. ing 'since last Oct. I to .prepare` —Rural route -delivery service the y`4s , ram,u 4fi Dery deliver weel, i to boxes temams unchanged, al- Should employees have to be j though t�v't�'s a, r a m ` at one time it too was transferred, their,e x p e n s e s destined for extinction, - rWsFr, r, tr t c4 r + c 5' 1. ' yl.',a s �^ ,would be paid.:. in rannnunities noel served The "tail, chnpge in the duties by carriers and where service is F;;: ^•� .�« w E: of carriers is that they: no i Provided from self-contained longer will Pick it maul at Most! """'"`"`,, x�ie :a d s' r, • 'il Post office buildings, firsbclass offices twice. 1 a day, They now! mail and daily pew_cpa pers will v. ill. Mork oil stray„ht-through'. be processed for delivery and l delivery — one "lot Lot pickup, i. •, OP to four hours of wicket serv-I allowing them if they wilt to - ice ;' , s �: r will be. provided. on Satur- remain oil their routes and take' days. e x >tie their 25,0 break there. —Huse naden transactions ' The 25000-member Council OC will include genet al deliver., Postal Unions has protested this; sale I In his store which will become r all auxiliary post office tilts of postage stamps and straight -through' fictively, ; money orders and acceptance Y, main -I r glance of ly. because the department re_:, I'rfday, teitrs. for mailiDg. Lock-bos�fuses to credit then, with the( service will be maintained ands [title taken to returning to of.!, mails will be received and des- fices for lunch m• washup i _ patched at post offices Tlnc washup-time dispute has, - I —In areas nerved bq carriers,�becn referred to an ad,AurLcatorlt • f + y sob post ofifices 9Ovated in drugs and the other contested lime re-!i stores and similar businesses mains a loiu t f `Starting at 7 a.m. the car ° --v ....�W.. __� _- - I 1 0 contention., morning rs set the dates marl elo c aA +;/.g s,•�'� morning s and afternoon deli r;`s �ti 'e, . a ,1 :a�sa.s es ' _—.. yl y very sections. These are plain- - r,. t Ff ly marked on Use rases in ye!1 INGERSOI,L — A landmark !J`�. �! 7ft y � t neared to the expansion of At the regular ow and blue. with the street ad- ant the Ingersoll skyline sands Merritt Street um house.. - Comrnission,r the niiavtmg of the substatmu at the corner of Won. r dresses, pipe the hedul d Street stand- P p aver depart- harm and Ilolcroft streets was A reconstructed carrier sys pipe is scheduled to disappear 1'he, long range program as anent operation and mainteil- tonnante hurt et of 4 Teceived. All major equipment Till went into effect o- Feb. 3, next year, to he reon globe, e, type e recommended by R, .V,,-,-Ander• g y112,913 sign was is installed and incoming and approved out Thies accounts for .delivery modern S76,000 gallon globe type gin Associates Ltrl ,•Consulting going underground cables times being radically changed tank in 1970. 13n,g uuers, also provides fur the The Pollution Control Depart- now are being installed. �i 1 n,ent budget Of. $38,238 was m some quarters of town- Chairman Ross Fewster has building of the new storage The 27,600 volt suPpiy line to t ' Carriers now go a one side announced 'trial-'-tflTjr,r""'iszpau- .tank. - passed and submitted to the r p 1 is station and the new station of a street and down the other lions are planned in the Publla The town for approval. This budget Utility Commission water de- Present Wonham Street at Alexandra Hospital is near - covers the operation of the sari- wiUr the former street crisr standpfpo is no longer 1 a r g o 'ing completion. crossing a thing of the past part"tent. enough to servethe needs of a tart sewer system in the: town A new design fs bcirin used on Postmaster Herb Egley pourfs The improvements will in- r and the pollution control plant. g €•owing community. The town Darin } this fine ustrt sk chute a new recreation .system, g 1968,. gallons of waste "red insulators rate id, croon.. out that the new "walks" as is being asked to approve of During .carrier routes are called a new high lift pump. and I,he tune financing to cover the first treated aDiomhed to 272,427,000, Arms. This' insulators itistead❑ c1 o' p- are more compact and stream- necessary piping and coiit.rOls. et phase of this program at the au increase of 23 per. coot over ious vvar. vides a Dilater a 1 lined. an estimated cost of $35000, all Merritt and Street. pumphouse, the pi o�;re�s i'cpoil on the new fig more compatible With street The. reconstructed walls - ' _. ntcant, that carriers had titer - routes changed ostensively. ; civil of In ersoll is b,' P i - �v A�uio�'rcE retort on the p�� g wog as.cc g L - ®V IVIO" Expanst®@• an e0he PUC to approve debenture financing .new substation was received by � ��ef ®� ������ o ::over the first phase of this the Commission. All major cgtdp• j - T� r •v�i, 1 program at the Merritt Street �jment is installed and incohing ys, ^us'.J..t4 ,illy Chairman R. Fewster amroun- `•••� z. pumphouse , pI land outgoing underground cables w ! ces a major expansion in the Mae long-range program as -` The water department oper- Pare now being installed. The i e �'�•- Public. Utilities Commissiott Iccommended by R V. Anderson r "' ation slid maintenance budget of 27, 600 volt supply line to this uvwv -ww� '. v(. ,iv' of i Water Department, At the re ular;lssociates Ltd, , Consulting $112, 913. 75 was also approved , �" station and the new station at g ugineers, provides for the build The pollution Control De- 3 Alexandra Hospital is nearing coin .r < ? meeram of this Commission a ng of a; 675, 000 gallon elevated partment budget of $38, 238. 74 pletion. A new design is being us- i »ti ` �1.program of expansion of the is'' Merritt Street pumphouse was - i`torage tank in 1970 , This con- , was passed and submitted to the ed on this line, using "stcytone" otructron will b T 'i d - e t3 w -, approved, these -improvements will include a new aeration ena le the Cecil mission to remove the existing i own of Ingersoll for approval , This budget covers the operation I,, colonic insulators Instead of ; crossarms, This construction m- J 1 I� es. v` v , sys- tee, a new high lift pump and ite stand n e avhich was installed, fl P in 18.90 , It has served the of the sanitary sewer system in Ingersoll and Pollution vices a neater appearance and is - more cotscrpafible mat ineecessary dipotn and 'Commission well but 1s now not the Con- 'jn'ol Plant, During 1968, with street i ` ars'iretics 5, 00ols large enouyrh to serve the needs 272, 427, i7000 gallons of waste was treated , - -' 'ibe , S-being an increase of 23%6-over ' d:e previous yeaz.. - r