196e` �+ z ee 1 ti rt v ry s —ry.,y =r— ^— : }`" i T�• ,""" y,n • , ! � . LL, mks .7 r ,w•`h z j i "f• n'`�x y�r2"�" ""��'�.i °-; ... '"�w�.R,Y w,rFs''�"�'.vZ 'a,. ^�c`ri y 'r _.. SYr7'I:if! IV? -:.. �•w�s. ye"aiS` F iF ""� e • . �� w,e d S R .E"` : v i t , ' • :r asp a �` a 'Ihe operationrdf the sanitary , :r if' .. YOUR TOWN t sewer s.ystem,r'whieli includes COUNCIL la 4 mew ilesrof lsers also is One to 1, e n the <vn mrission Ap „ -, ... , ,'" .• '�a rsh� arx�, i.s, Proximately 8G per cent of title X1.1 0 GORDONPl TTOC�> comes have sc,vicc �y + MAYOR GORDON HENRY r-t_A`,bl bSf11L 71II17 ll it tr'*��r 's't W I I n of Stratford, - n has beta appointed assessor of { � tx a g r 0 WOODROW the town at an initial sahury oC i HAGGEvm ,RTY :. T�Q00 Per unr plus a carail1 fectWerM iuL s5096+Ir. rponth ef- z; ROY KNOTT 1'he appomtnicnt will be con ' - sir, 5 Zia Fr �t G - firmed by Jryfaw at a lator I + pv�rx: ALLAN WARD date. ASSESSMENT N'P ASSISTANT TED BUNT „ has been hired to assist in the Assessment De- partmpiri for three tnonths tom- n� °� "°�' �' ''`s ,•, ROBERT 4AAITN a mone.m 4priJ '1G at a salary'of . •fcq per wca' , i p .pg Page 2 The Daily Sanct„c1-Reriuvz, Friday, ib,a,ch ld-, 7539 e_' iaCI , h y r a 0 y^'s,� IIoV h IIW 1•'ae 4 „ a t a - rem 9^ apq 7 4 L ;try ? m �m1 oo, k, � '&it.4 � db5t9'� � •l i..:. n ` 1 1NG1 PS011 4 $2.00,860 Lriper, or Ingersoll, said Iasi. The Project if appr, ? - ` addition to Ingersoll District nriht the. I proposed 75,000 f,ivcn by a majority of r - I Collegiate Institute was all. square -foot addition, the third. polities, would accam j r Proved last illhht by Ingersoll to be builtstnce. 1956, is in ini- is projected five-year- - Iowa couucrl. ltlxy6-+9m5' lial planning stages but con- ment population of 1,701 p x Deachville and the town- slruclion is likely to startby dents. ships of West Oxford. North raid-1969. Actual cost to municipt..ev Oxford, ]last NISSonrr, West Ali,. Leaper cited overcrowd- has been estimated. at $1,110,- " Gorra and Dereham are es- ing at the school as the main 461 with the remainder under- � 4�av},�� s' v r petted to consider the addition mason for the project. IDCh taken by the provincial gov- �'�" within the next two weeks. All with a current enrolment of eminent. The department of soul stndcul.s folDCr 1150 slmlcllla', is almost at uluc time has ahcudv given t eau n..m .l.. J, f ,4 us al lu r I'slier po e:,a f1 .ip n' e n'cr oei f xai✓4""t "}o1'r.r t s e ° �t ,y-v of ins "�° ry o , S I7 i a I r,. I ,,.-• `< � pI tp�� r n, d ,dy U� ,,,, ,,j t3 i r `#am d'a I' " 'w'n Qsr'w:vk,-0 _ u"ui9',',� `,�� A. �.: A. `� e N ntercL 6 �:. . �,•G':`+1 ��' �y b:'v`;" 3st}� waa e yxv ,is? f 4 �xa i'. x� - s �" r'isat.+ a+ i rt xY ae"'S a4H a54 a� x r"�x ra + + a+t aim "via xa,+"art �i. "� w S an,� xa E xW y. ,t�.3timd x ,rr<.i5 a S p q¢.+�s �' i9 "j,Y� �sj' r A3 nos S �+Y :� .B ai rn,d.,o i,1 � ,dA�a 1NG731tS0LL — Although the void - plantings, 'started rural- to have Perennial trouble with basic project of Kiwanis Club urban association and began a an organization linown as the is that of the care of crippled boys'. committee to -old under Triangle Club. Dances, ladies" ii4 ` 5 �.; 4., �s ,t,F,tt, �4���„s � �c7rildren, the club has been Privileged c'hlldreu. nights, sports and picnics werei '^ =e.. '§ s c� , `"" "•` '` �. ' ~' •� ' ' cafwnum'tvIved n nefforts tlithrou er notable houC Through tile efforts of Kiwmds foawell Inattended earldc ininules great of � ew ousun „ ,s r r g t"vs � J g by bringing the inciter brhn•e e y r, ty ran its 48 years in Ingersoll: council and through -finracial mectmgs. - +" so ' <x+ � The club marked its 48th anna support, a public health jnrso Many leading citizens, now do - were e a' d� M'ES ,r r; v'�^ s a y "� �'l x 4 - •`i� a �II r ; ' versary at a recent meeting and was engaged in town n 1921. ceased, cadent warkcrs� icthat time tirrec Past nevi y , laid many remain who -have z P R 7,924 the'club s owed its y t}re Kiwanis eY-�: isFq^ qq �q v i s -,rxz 'tf I iients;: Warwick Marshall, Ross concern with the growth of the 'given ears 'b under V'. 3l �4 � cwsfer and Mike Mc Aillnu, re- dart in he fawn. town by form ng an Lulfl;b al UVL�_ xO -+9b9 r ' t,; r cu - ' s' "viewed ;some of the highlights of Commission which tabulated all With the Kiwanis motto "Wed INCliR50hL — Cmrstruclun e:s`ss,x s?SO y�7, t a" yar * �Ute past Years, industrial ufldan;cs marl avail- I3nild". before Lhcrn at all limes �.. has begun mr the first 10 ands e>° +, `' m I and In all their efforts, .tire ar ^S ^ xt , ` s ° Y'A s �, . The speakers nohsl that Kin able industrial hind. This cony- nalliof a 28 unit row housing deva I wauis service was voluntary anrssion was instruimental ' In their of Kiw%uuans have made opment on Thames Street ,� ' " -'- - - work., by the ntembecs with no hrmgint; the than James A. their marl. an the history Of� Each apartment will have 1v monetary compensation, no free Code furmturo uonpany to 5rg- the town, or three bedrooms The build :'I meals, no Payment at mileage ersolt. Whether it was an industrial sings, three in all will b6 A „ •+ - 4 but done, in fact "tor tilei lave fail',auhng tile local Pipe livid, Bred with nwlticolored bricks I-LugxA'lc� t:.cs.,ROUT lo, ➢ OS A:it'1'Y bran^ing in a symphony ouches g of the work and in a emnmunity , tra or spearheading cling what is not a (0ostruction Ltd In tbosc early Years the e,ub 1 Vier k. i s ; sniri t:" a widespread 66 Woodstock. is Ixiil ding the dwel-`� .�c.t+Tl '" (� � - sponsored Ingersoll Days and 14asie2l Festival,) l Gv; / FIRST PRTsSIDENT al Christmas a large tree was Kiwuns has given 48 years to g dins which will he co nrplclelya _ talc inlamed. The three buildin:s' c Sponsored by a Imrden club der nraled al lh,. liin,� Chames its. sty - town, all of it toms! will, when cmnplcld, form a Uf - /�, �c+, Jn. 19�/j, Pet.[�t'vv.... `.zl nn�,an was hiterscclio❑ A fooperLy was muniW' -minded, conscientious I the Tirst neso, Ie C lvhen ir, ban .tit In live a_Bing Last all- and cmutruetive shape with parking facilities. a + , , 1 - _ com•t yard and chilli en's PI n ,,+ ��: %i n r c' sell Kiwanis was chartered at a trabce tnMimorialf'ark anal a — - ground adjoining IY - - - - j - meeting bead at the arena which swanning pool was built in this a g According to ilh Carter .:one lbe 19(9 vino.i; ri v- used to be on Ckarlea Street park.- �tal budget approvicea by I;uet last. : II units will be ready for rentals 7 „ The first Itawanls. Mmie Res - by the cud of September. Con , lmvn of Ingersoll is y10 oG7, The Off to a :flying start, Kiw;mis Laval in all Canada stated in t 't structimi oil another 10 units -i shed di kiting sYsl:mn is oFcr- ,took a booth at the Toronto fair la ersoll an -will begin in the fall. i! aced by the Public Utilities Com- (snot year to Publicize In Miu,trel s o is, and c arniv ils i. { , Ihi,hls on the system and tact ' 't. out tiavverbeds and koulc +crc i opal i lbc dull seemed • "' , " The tars(, 10 caret are ue in mrssinu. Lheie are 850 street - trtdlt at a ansC Of .j1d 1,0G0. Phe' - .', r rs -_ p total cost of the development r I?nmaal Operating costs au a'Yi $650,0I0.