,,,Jay Increase
f N'C1;RSOL7 —'Town coui
cif voted itself its first raise in `
ci,,ht years here Mauday
nhhC, doubling the, mayor's
sularyand increasing council-
. Ior s' pay by $400.
rile mayor's pay goes loin
sl000 to $2,000 and council-
. tors from, $600 tin $1,000. 1•hc'
clnurman of the board of
�korkscomolditco. who els
the regular council pay, wdh
oho voted a $125 pa' -year cal
allowance. to compensate. for
acre sed activities. -
The increase had,been antic-
: Iphtedand was figured ill the
Town bud,lot Ws year.
the raises are retroactive to
.in beginning of the scar.
Council is on the I n! veer of a
two-year terra.
u4, IV67 ,
. _pv
esaa or Iic,e gin
a . Charles
✓/ dO—(1Gp
I C hft,SOL1 — Mayor Heiv'Y
ii 11100tolUd that the owners
„i the St Oharles Hotel received
., a'd- in Tuesday of this week
lii.hl lhoy []live had .their appli-
r _iron for a liquor licence for
;h, hotel approved
111e eugfueors and architects
I: r c cuuurenced their work on
l premises and the propue.
I. h•vc .asked that the mayor
c occ to tine public the
ores -that work welt be starting
soot on rile building as soon as
,,noval of plans are made.
The building is owned by Via,
ccut A Barns and daughter of
Thorlds. Tile, In ersoll Inn
,u.,,ul by 1, larrr^
.Jnger'oll Ducolif, Club holds
arty n ,a�� e ar
1- rYcr
INGLRSOLL — 1t�'hvas a 25tir dents are Mrs. Newell and
anniversary party for members Mrs. Malpass. Secretarys�1�M��r��s�__
of the Ingersoll Book .Club and F. Al. Smith and correspo�g-
des ite the seer r ..Maud Fleischer.
P� gay�,puneh 'bowl and ----„--.
brace of anniversary cakes, ft Public relations officer is Miss
Crawford; program committee,
was not without its nostalgic Miss Law, Mrs.. Helen Morris
moments. and Miss Margaret Ccoild
,ail tribute to the many
;lub eutlmsfasts who have
. away over the years,
assembled paused in re-
.n. s. ui iopass;,
Mrs.' L. M. Morris.
"t•ollection of the friendship
I ands
�contribulions they made to the
CIL closing
IC�E44AN IN 1944
X—Tesume of minutes of the
- -
meetings since the club began
s.' 1 d9 `� i
in 1944,was prepared and pre-
O mi4d-
Y i' d ,
,. sentad by Helen Morris.
P r
Photos and recor s opt ou h
the years were on-dispiay.� s.-
than Industries Ltd. fertilizer
Newell read the ¢mutes
plant here,. which ceased pro- I
Hit Streets isbuilt to b1clid ivith s 11 r r o A re. d t L � s,
a of the inaugural meeting in,
duction June 13, is expected to , ^
-- _
have a staff of 30 people unld ;....,.-
• �- - -• _
the plant is completely closed
memmfes with an account of
in mid-1971.
suits made to the Book Club by
('olden Pillrn lt. works mac
S Zl +
� if
then -active Shakespeare,
agct, said Monday the, 10 pee
;Club. This group would cuter-,
plc who have already. lost
j try a,°'�+�";
i, d®re,g 9d,� 1Shakespearean
with enacted excerpts from''
tfobs have all cilber their t ,
Visits exchanged with the
Themesford Book Club were
transferred to another CIL
plant o' have found other jobs.
2O a^
recalled by 114rss. Slrhrl .v
Tell more people will lose
and Miss�vIabsLGerhard re-,
lobs in the next two
INC EUISOLI, — Couucnl's
v';;ive ugh ig is o. rrrstmas
programs of the past.
weeks, Mr. Pittocl said. 1
Storage and distribution fa- 1
bid to annex about,2,000 acres
The anniversary meeting was
c'ilil.ies will coutinue at the �.
of land in west. oxford Town-
- in charge of Miss: Shirley Law 1
plant until .the mid-1971 shut -
.ship was given rapid first, '
Wd MHel
en elen. Morris with
second and third reading Mon
tl l s. Graham Maloass the
Small plants. known as (,It,
day night. 1
',ocial convener.
Agromarts,. which are now in
'fie matter will now be lot'-li'IV
operation, will custom blend
warded to the Ontario Munhc- (a,.
j pal Board for consideration.
Miss Gerhard was installed as
smaller amounts of fertilizer
for uc r customers.
In a bid four years ago to�
.re, now president. Vice Presi-�
annex a portion of the same }'.-
1'� property, the town was turned r-
il (Iowa by the OMB. Ingersoll
' Members
refused an offer of about r
1� The 4own'now holds all op
get $25 mise VP
tion on 100 acres of land, west s
of tile golf course,regarded as -
location for an bl-
INGERSOLh — Council lash r
` D./�,�✓'�-
a favorable
dusrl basin This property
night .approved i bylawgh mg,I
!.v included in the lowers latest
members of th P
e ublie tltlliiuc Ir
ainexation request..
Commission a $250 a n n u a l--
111he land, mainly farmland,
raise. Previous salary of then
r ,1•`
" ev `,,i a
rlrnrls south front the town
three commissioners was 4.,0�
, f r
- r '
` k
111,1siIn Highway 401, includ-
per year.
•a. t i c
n i smdhwest sechmn c•onstd-
The $600 yearly salmi they
1 - ��
�._ -�
erect choice industrial proper
I r.v the remamde,r would Be,will
reserve comes from re.�.
eeipts .For -services from the.
use. rl for ravde.niral clop-'
PUC, The formality a p. p r oral
���a i
nh rl '.
must,. also be met • by Ontario
J'O-v`/' /ta<✓'. 00o 7pCs.(r. „ta�� inai » r,
� c
Ingersoll.'s or`%islid T'hii'f3 "`r.S t%°%talley.It ,;aze '
—Jo_ Mil^s�mti' the ci.renses came. ViotA' ITr�^t]t �nrrhaswd ��iri7. 22,1ii69 by
t 1e woven co cil.4.lw ac.ros rj r t yyoil °p� r enson and 7.88 acres from
the executors of the e6to oF'T ta�a Hz1l,:�Iese Being ietyr 13rorfn,Jas.Ctlnfield 1
and norni III nP_r_rr(�n. chits 12 rtioro pah.rk eon:einetl n thrift o. a rni.e race tine'9
it lOnK,Cr race track was required t);e pl,rk nrerz w.ts extended eastward. The
extension closed the south portion of Ball St.and all of. 1*nvirirt and Peter Sts. n
;ief�or'ial Park wits forf7erl.;,r i,:.a vil.lii:.ti pond and lastly Ytartlo's.pond.After the
fir.t "orld year the Park':: Boctres. drainoe tho Pond,and moved the creek channel
to the oils'. sici.e to alloy;' plant, of room for .ports. T.hi.liz prtrk ifs centrrill.y 3
loonted and is popnler as tl ffuril.;r picnic pork during the summer months. i
INGE'RSOLL — Afterbeing
closed for about nine years, the
St. Charles Hotel on the corner
of Thames and Charles Streets
will be reopened .soon.
"Demolition of the rear lower
levels began yesterday. T It a t
area will be rebuilt and will j
house beverage and cocktail
The hotel will have between,'
18-20 refinished guest rooms
and a dining room. The build-
ing will have all new equipment,
furniture's and air-conditioning.
Cost of the remodeling will be
in excess of $200,000. It is own-
ed by Vii cent�Bar�..e_ of St.
It omas, who also owns the
Ingersoll Inn.